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Annu. Rev. Control.
volume 57, 2024
Iqra Shafeeq Mughal
Luca Patanè
Riccardo Caponetto
A comprehensive review of models and nonlinear control strategies for blood glucose regulation in artificial pancreas.
Annu. Rev. Control.
57 (2024)
Graziano Chesi
Analyzing stability in 2D systems via LMIs: From pioneering to recent contributions.
Annu. Rev. Control.
57 (2024)
Domenico Monopoli
Concetta Semeraro
Mohammad Ali Abdelkareem
Abdul Hai Alami
Abdul Ghani Olabi
Michele Dassisti
How to build a Digital Twin for operating PEM-Electrolyser system - A reference approach.
Annu. Rev. Control.
57 (2024)
Rijhi Dey
Naiwrita Dey
Rudra Sankar Dhar
Ujjwal Mondal
Thanikanti Sudhakar Babu
Nnamdi I. Nwulu
Advances in controller design of pacemakers for pacing control: A comprehensive review.
Annu. Rev. Control.
57 (2024)
Wei Xiao
Anni Li
Christos G. Cassandras
Calin Belta
Toward model-free safety-critical control with humans in the loop.
Annu. Rev. Control.
57 (2024)
Xiang Yin
Bingzhao Gao
Xiao Yu
Formal synthesis of controllers for safety-critical autonomous systems: Developments and challenges.
Annu. Rev. Control.
57 (2024)
Zhenbo Wang
A survey on convex optimization for guidance and control of vehicular systems.
Annu. Rev. Control.
57 (2024)
Selahattin Burak Sarsilmaz
Sarah H. Q. Li
Behçet Açikmese
Revisiting disturbance decoupling with an optimization perspective.
Annu. Rev. Control.
57 (2024)
Kunal Garg
Songyuan Zhang
Oswin So
Charles Dawson
Chuchu Fan
Learning safe control for multi-robot systems: Methods, verification, and open challenges.
Annu. Rev. Control.
57 (2024)
Min Li
Luefeng Chen
Min Wu
Kaoru Hirota
Witold Pedrycz
Broad-deep network-based fuzzy emotional inference model with personal information for intention understanding in human-robot interaction.
Annu. Rev. Control.
57 (2024)
Johannes Köhler
Matthias Albrecht Müller
Frank Allgöwer
Analysis and design of model predictive control frameworks for dynamic operation - An overview.
Annu. Rev. Control.
57 (2024)
Jana Al Haj Ali
Ben Gaffinet
Hervé Panetto
Yannick Naudet
Cognitive systems and interoperability in the enterprise: A systematic literature review.
Annu. Rev. Control.
57 (2024)
Antonio Artuñedo
Marcos Moreno-Gonzalez
Jorge Villagra
Lateral control for autonomous vehicles: A comparative evaluation.
Annu. Rev. Control.
57 (2024)
Qing Li
Arturo Molina Gutiérrez
Hervé Panetto
Control for cognitive systems.
Annu. Rev. Control.
57 (2024)
Kaiqiang Zhang
Guido Herrmann
Control practice for robotic applications in challenging environments.
Annu. Rev. Control.
57 (2024)
Muhammad Kazim
JunGee Hong
Min-Gyeom Kim
Kwang-Ki K. Kim
Recent advances in path integral control for trajectory optimization: An overview in theoretical and algorithmic perspectives.
Annu. Rev. Control.
57 (2024)
Samir Khan
Takehisa Yairi
Seiji Tsutsumi
Shinichi Nakasuka
A review of physics-based learning for system health management.
Annu. Rev. Control.
57 (2024)
Erwin Jose Lopez Pulgarin
Guido Herrmann
Christine Hollinshead
John May
Kibrom Negash Gebremicael
Diane Daw
Towards wireless communication in control systems of the civil nuclear energy sector.
Annu. Rev. Control.
57 (2024)
Miroslav Krstic
An offender-defender safety game.
Annu. Rev. Control.
57 (2024)
Rachid Malti
Milan R. Rapaic
Vukan Turkulov
A unified framework for exponential stability analysis of irrational transfer functions in the parametric space.
Annu. Rev. Control.
57 (2024)
Sergio Leggieri
Carlo Canali
Darwin G. Caldwell
Design, modeling, and experimental analysis of the Crawler Unit for inspection in constrained space.
Annu. Rev. Control.
57 (2024)
Feng Ding
Ling Xu
Xiao Zhang
Yihong Zhou
Xiaoli Luan
Recursive identification methods for general stochastic systems with colored noises by using the hierarchical identification principle and the filtering identification idea.
Annu. Rev. Control.
57 (2024)
Fei Chen
Mayank Sewlia
Dimos V. Dimarogonas
Cooperative control of heterogeneous multi-agent systems under spatiotemporal constraints.
Annu. Rev. Control.
57 (2024)
Luis Piardi
Paulo Leitão
Jonas F. P. Queiroz
Joseane Pontes
Role of digital technologies to enhance the human integration in industrial cyber-physical systems.
Annu. Rev. Control.
57 (2024)
Ahmed Khattab
Ibrahim Mizrak
Halim Alwi
Fault tolerant control of an octorotor UAV using sliding mode for applications in challenging environments.
Annu. Rev. Control.
57 (2024)
Alessandro Pistone
Daniele Ludovico
Lorenzo De Mari Casareto Dal Verme
Sergio Leggieri
Carlo Canali
Darwin G. Caldwell
Modelling and control of manipulators for inspection and maintenance in challenging environments: A literature review.
Annu. Rev. Control.
57 (2024)
Max H. Cohen
Tamás G. Molnár
Aaron D. Ames
Safety-critical control for autonomous systems: Control barrier functions via reduced-order models.
Annu. Rev. Control.
57 (2024)
Adrian Hauswirth
Zhiyu He
Saverio Bolognani
Gabriela Hug
Florian Dörfler
Optimization algorithms as robust feedback controllers.
Annu. Rev. Control.
57 (2024)
Kunal Garg
James Usevitch
Joseph Breeden
Mitchell Black
Devansh Agrawal
Hardik Parwana
Dimitra Panagou
Advances in the Theory of Control Barrier Functions: Addressing practical challenges in safe control synthesis for autonomous and robotic systems.
Annu. Rev. Control.
57 (2024)
Chen-Lian Hu
Lei Wang
Mei-Ling Chen
Cheng Pei
A real-time interactive decision-making and control framework for complex cyber-physical-human systems.
Annu. Rev. Control.
57 (2024)
Wei Xiao
Christos G. Cassandras
Safety-critical control for autonomous multi-agent systems.
Annu. Rev. Control.
57 (2024)
volume 56, 2023
Daniel Landgraf
Andreas Völz
Felix Berkel
Kevin Schmidt
Thomas Specker
Knut Graichen
Probabilistic prediction methods for nonlinear systems with application to stochastic model predictive control.
Annu. Rev. Control.
56 (2023)
Alan Yang
Stephen Boyd
Value-gradient iteration with quadratic approximate value functions.
Annu. Rev. Control.
56 (2023)
Alexandre Sanfelici Bazanella
Lucíola Campestrini
Diego Eckhard
The data-driven approach to classical control theory.
Annu. Rev. Control.
56 (2023)
Lucrezia Manieri
Alessandro Falsone
Maria Prandini
Probabilistic feasibility in data-driven multi-agent non-convex optimization.
Annu. Rev. Control.
56 (2023)
Juan Sereno
Agustina D'Jorge
Antonio Ferramosca
Esteban A. Hernández-Vargas
Alejandro H. González
Switched NMPC for epidemiological and social-economic control objectives in SIR-type systems.
Annu. Rev. Control.
56 (2023)
Mohammad Rasool Mojallizadeh
Bernard Brogliato
Christophe Prieur
Modeling and control of overhead cranes: A tutorial overview and perspectives.
Annu. Rev. Control.
56 (2023)
Nils Schlüter
Philipp Binfet
Moritz Schulze Darup
A brief survey on encrypted control: From the first to the second generation and beyond.
Annu. Rev. Control.
56 (2023)
Sigurd Skogestad
Advanced control using decomposition and simple elements.
Annu. Rev. Control.
56 (2023)
Tiago Roux Oliveira
Miroslav Krstic
Extremum seeking for infinite-dimensional systems.
Annu. Rev. Control.
56 (2023)
Iury Bessa
Vicenç Puig
Reinaldo M. Palhares
Reconfiguration blocks and fault hiding: Design, applications, and challenges.
Annu. Rev. Control.
56 (2023)
Yuting Bai
Bin Yan
Chenguang Zhou
Tingli Su
Xuebo Jin
State of art on state estimation: Kalman filter driven by machine learning.
Annu. Rev. Control.
56 (2023)
Deheng Cai
Wenjing Wu
Marzia Cescon
Wei Liu
Linong Ji
Dawei Shi
Data-enabled learning and control algorithms for intelligent glucose management: The state of the art.
Annu. Rev. Control.
56 (2023)
Federico Celi
Giacomo Baggio
Fabio Pasqualetti
Closed-form and robust expressions for data-driven LQ control.
Annu. Rev. Control.
56 (2023)
Erick Mejia Uzeda
Mohamed A. Hafez
Mireille E. Broucke
Learning and forgetting in systems neuroscience: A control perspective.
Annu. Rev. Control.
56 (2023)
Anjana Ranjan
Utkal Mehta
Sahaj Saxena
A comprehensive review of modified Internal Model Control (IMC) structures and their filters for unstable processes.
Annu. Rev. Control.
56 (2023)
Tim Martin
Thomas B. Schön
Frank Allgöwer
Guarantees for data-driven control of nonlinear systems using semidefinite programming: A survey.
Annu. Rev. Control.
56 (2023)
Mahmoud Abdelgalil
Daniel E. Ochoa
Jorge I. Poveda
Multi-time scale control and optimization via averaging and singular perturbation theory: From ODEs to hybrid dynamical systems.
Annu. Rev. Control.
56 (2023)
Xiuxian Li
Lihua Xie
Na Li
A survey on distributed online optimization and online games.
Annu. Rev. Control.
56 (2023)
Ivan Lopez-Sanchez
Javier Moreno-Valenzuela
PID control of quadrotor UAVs: A survey.
Annu. Rev. Control.
56 (2023)