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Se-gon Roh
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2000-2017
Publications (10 Years): 4
Top Topics
Mobile Robot
Human Gait Recognition
Total Knee Replacement
Lower Extremity
Top Venues
Younbaek Lee
Se-gon Roh
Minhyung Lee
Byungjune Choi
Jongwon Lee
Jeonghun Kim
Hyundo Choi
Youngbo Shim
Yong-Jae Kim
A flexible exoskeleton for hip assistance.
Byungjune Choi
Younbaek Lee
Yong-Jae Kim
Jongwon Lee
Minhyung Lee
Se-gon Roh
Young Jin Park
Kyungrock Kim
Youngbo Shim
Development of adjustable knee joint for walking assistance devices.
Younbaek Lee
Byungjung Choi
Jongwon Lee
Minhyung Lee
Se-gon Roh
Jeonghun Kim
Hyundo Choi
Yong-Jae Kim
Flexible sliding frame for gait enhancing mechatronic system (GEMS).
Byungjune Choi
Younbaek Lee
Jeonghun Kim
Minhyung Lee
Jongwon Lee
Se-gon Roh
Hyundo Choi
Yong-Jae Kim
Jung-Yun Choi
A self-aligning knee joint for walking assistance devices.
Se-gon Roh
Younbaek Lee
Jongwon Lee
Taesin Ha
Taejun Sang
Kyung-Won Moon
Minhyong Lee
Jung-Yun Choi
Development of the SAIT single-port surgical access robot slave arm based on RCM Mechanism.
Se-gon Roh
Yasuhiro Taguchi
Nishida Yusuke
Ryusuke Yamaguchi
Yasushi Fukuda
Shingo Kuroda
Minoru Yoshida
Edwardo F. Fukushima
Shigeo Hirose
Development of the portable ground motion simulator of an earthquake.
Se-gon Roh
Bokman Lim
Hyungpil Moon
Jung-Sub Lee
Jae Hoon Park
Jachoon Koo
Hyouk Ryeol Choi
Flexible suspension mechanism for stable driving of a differential drive mobile robot.
Jongwon Lee
Yong-Jae Kim
Se-gon Roh
Jiyoung Kim
Younbaek Lee
Jeonghun Kim
Byungjune Choi
Kyoungsik Roh
Tension propagation analysis of novel robotized surgical platform for transumbilical single-port access surgery.
Noriaki Imaoka
Se-gon Roh
Nishida Yusuke
Shigeo Hirose
SkyScraper-I: Tethered whole windows cleaning robot.
Vo Gia Loc
Se-gon Roh
Ig Moo Koo
Duc Trong Tran
Ho Moon Kim
Hyungpil Moon
Hyouk Ryeol Choi
Sensing and gait planning of quadruped walking and climbing robot for traversing in complex environment.
Robotics Auton. Syst.
58 (5) (2010)
Se-gon Roh
KwangWoong Yang
Jae Hoon Park
Hyungpil Moon
Hong-Seok Kim
Hogil Lee
Hyouk Ryeol Choi
A Modularized Personal Robot DRP I: Design and Implementation.
IEEE Trans. Robotics
25 (2) (2009)
Duc Trong Tran
Ig Moo Koo
Vo Gia Loc
Se-gon Roh
Sangdeok Park
Hyungpil Moon
Hyoukryeol Choi
A new method in modeling Central Pattern Generators to control quadruped walking robots.
Vo Gia Loc
Se-gon Roh
Igmo Koo
Duc Trong Tran
Ho Moon Kim
Hyungpil Moon
Hyouk Ryeol Choi
Sangdeok Park
Control of a quadruped robot with enhanced adaptability over unstructured terrain.
Jung-Sub Lee
Se-gon Roh
Do Wan Kim
Hyungpil Moon
Hyouk Ryeol Choi
In-pipe robot navigation based on the landmark recognition system using shadow images.
Se-gon Roh
Hyoukryeol Choi
3-D Tag-Based RFID System for Recognition of Object.
IEEE Trans Autom. Sci. Eng.
6 (1) (2009)
Se-gon Roh
Do Wan Kim
Jung-Sub Lee
Hyungpil Moon
Hyouk Ryeol Choi
Modularized in-pipe robot capable of selective navigation Inside of pipelines.
Se-gon Roh
Jae Hoon Park
Young Kuk Song
KwangWoong Yang
Moosung Choi
Hong-Seok Kim
Hogil Lee
Hyouk Ryeol Choi
Flexible docking mechanism using combination of magnetic force with error-compensation capability.
Se-gon Roh
Young Hoon Lee
Hyouk Ryeol Choi
Object Recognition Using 3D tag-based RFID System.
Se-gon Roh
Hyouk Ryeol Choi
Differential-drive in-pipe robot for moving inside urban gas pipelines.
IEEE Trans. Robotics
21 (1) (2005)
Se-gon Roh
K. H. Park
KwangWoong Yang
Jin Ho Park
Hong-Seok Kim
Hogil Lee
Hyoukryeol Choi
Development of Dynamically Reconfigurable Personal Robot.
Se-gon Roh
Hyoukryeol Choi
Strategy for Navigation Inside Pipelines with Differential-Drive Inpipe Robot.
Se-gon Roh
SungMoo Ryew
Jonghwa Yang
Hyoukryeol Choi
Actively Steerable Inpipe Inspection Robots for Underground Urban Gas pipelines.
SungMoo Ryew
S. H. Baik
S. W. Ryu
Kwang Mok Jung
Se-gon Roh
Hyouk Ryeol Choi
In-pipe inspection robot system with active steering mechanism.