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Albert Wu
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2009-2024
Publications (10 Years): 22
Top Topics
Causal Effects
Soil Moisture
Operating Room
Hybrid Systems
Top Venues
J. Medical Syst.
Albert Wu
Ruocheng Wang
Sirui Chen
Clemens Eppner
C. Karen Liu
One-Shot Transfer of Long-Horizon Extrinsic Manipulation Through Contact Retargeting.
Sirui Chen
Keenon Werling
Albert Wu
C. Karen Liu
Real-Time Model Predictive Control and System Identification Using Differentiable Simulation.
IEEE Robotics Autom. Lett.
8 (1) (2023)
Sirui Chen
Albert Wu
C. Karen Liu
Synthesize Dexterous Nonprehensile Pregrasp for Ungraspable Objects.
Sirui Chen
Albert Wu
C. Karen Liu
Synthesizing Dexterous Nonprehensile Pregrasp for Ungraspable Objects.
SIGGRAPH (Conference Paper Track)
Laura Forastiere
Fabrizia Mealli
Albert Wu
Edoardo M. Airoldi
Estimating Causal Effects under Network Interference with Bayesian Generalized Propensity Scores.
J. Mach. Learn. Res.
23 (2022)
Albert Wu
Michelle Guo
C. Karen Liu
Learning Diverse and Physically Feasible Dexterous Grasps with Generative Model and Bilevel Optimization.
Albert Wu
Thomas Lew
Kiril Solovey
Edward Schmerling
Marco Pavone
Robust-RRT: Probabilistically-Complete Motion Planning for Uncertain Nonlinear Systems.
Albert Wu
Thomas Lew
Kiril Solovey
Edward Schmerling
Marco Pavone
Robust-RRT: Probabilistically-Complete Motion Planning for Uncertain Nonlinear Systems.
Katharine Henry
Rachel Kornfield
Anirudh Sridharan
Robert C. Linton
Catherine Groh
Tony Wang
Albert Wu
Bilge Mutlu
Suchi Saria
Human-machine teaming is key to AI adoption: clinicians' experiences with a deployed machine learning system.
npj Digit. Medicine
5 (2022)
Albert Wu
Michelle Guo
Karen Liu
Learning Diverse and Physically Feasible Dexterous Grasps with Generative Model and Bilevel Optimization.
Edward Kim
Albert Wu
Hessam Izadkhah
Saji Abraham
100-Meter Resolution Soil Moisture - A European Airborne Campaign Using Nasa Goddard's Scanning L-Band Active Passive (Slap).
Albert Wu
Sadra Sadraddini
Russ Tedrake
The Nearest Polytope Problem: Algorithms and Application to Controlling Hybrid Systems.
Albert Wu
Sadra Sadraddini
Russ Tedrake
R3T: Rapidly-exploring Random Reachable Set Tree for Optimal Kinodynamic Planning of Nonlinear Hybrid Systems.
Albert Wu
Xingbang Yang
Jiun-Yih Kuan
Hugh M. Herr
An Autonomous Exoskeleton for Ankle Plantarflexion Assistance.
Laura Forastiere
Fabrizia Mealli
Albert Wu
Edoardo M. Airoldi
Estimating Causal Effects on Social Networks.
Christian Hubicki
Andy Abate
Patrick Clary
Siavash Rezazadeh
Mikhail S. Jones
Andrew Peekema
Johnathan Van Why
Ryan Domres
Albert Wu
William C. Martin
Hartmut Geyer
Jonathan W. Hurst
Walking and Running with Passive Compliance: Lessons from Engineering: A Live Demonstration of the ATRIAS Biped.
IEEE Robotics Autom. Mag.
25 (3) (2018)
Edward J. Kim
Tracy L. Rowlandson
Aaron A. Berg
Alexandre Roy
Renato Pardo Lara
Jarrett Powers
Paul R. Houser
Kyle McDonald
Peter Toose
Albert Wu
Eugenia DeMarco
Chris Derksen
Yiwen Zhou
Roger H. Lang
Jared Entin
Kristin Lewis
Analysis of Soil Freeze/Thaw Signatures During Slapex F/T Campaign.
William C. Martin
Albert Wu
Hartmut Geyer
Experimental Evaluation of Deadbeat Running on the ATRIAS Biped.
IEEE Robotics Autom. Lett.
2 (2) (2017)
Albert Wu
Joseph A. Sanford
Mitchell H. Tsai
Stephen E. O'Donnell
Billy K. Tran
Richard D. Urman
Analysis to Establish Differences in Efficiency Metrics Between Operating Room and Non-Operating Room Anesthesia Cases.
J. Medical Syst.
41 (8) (2017)
Joseph McDowell
Albert Wu
Jesse M. Ehrenfeld
Richard D. Urman
Effect of the Implementation of a New Electronic Health Record System on Surgical Case Turnover Time.
J. Medical Syst.
41 (3) (2017)
Albert Wu
Ethan Y. Brovman
Edward E. Whang
Jesse M. Ehrenfeld
Richard D. Urman
The Impact of Overestimations of Surgical Control Times Across Multiple Specialties on Medical Systems.
J. Medical Syst.
40 (4) (2016)
Lynn R. Miles
Mark Englin Wong
Albert Wu
Eugenia DeMarco
Edward J. Kim
Tammy Haynes
Calibration and characterization of a scanning L-band Active Passive (SLAP) microwave radiometer.
Soumya Basu
Albert Wu
Brian Hou
John DeNero
Problems Before Solutions: Automated Problem Clarification at Scale.
William C. Martin
Albert Wu
Hartmut Geyer
Robust spring mass model running for a physical bipedal robot.
Hamid Reza Vejdani
Albert Wu
Hartmut Geyer
Jonathan W. Hurst
Touch-down angle control for spring-mass walking.
Andrew C. Miller
Albert Wu
Jeffrey Regier
Jon McAuliffe
Dustin Lang
David Schlegel
Ryan P. Adams
A Gaussian Process Model of Quasar Spectral Energy Distributions.
Albert Wu
Hartmut Geyer
Highly robust running of articulated bipeds in unobserved terrain.
Albert Wu
Hartmut Geyer
The 3-D Spring-Mass Model Reveals a Time-Based Deadbeat Control for Highly Robust Running and Steering in Uncertain Environments.
IEEE Trans. Robotics
29 (5) (2013)
Albert Wu
Jonathan P. How
Guaranteed infinite horizon avoidance of unpredictable, dynamically constrained obstacles.
Auton. Robots
32 (3) (2012)
Ulas Bagci
Kirsten Miller-Jaster
Jianhua Yao
Albert Wu
Jesus Caban
Kenneth N. Olivier
Omer Aras
Daniel J. Mollura
Automatic quantification of Tree-in-Bud patterns from CT scans.
Hedi Krichene
Erica Brawley
Keir Lauritzen
Albert Wu
Salvador H. Talisa
Time Sidelobe Correction of Hardware Errors in Stretch Processing.
IEEE Trans. Aerosp. Electron. Syst.
48 (1) (2012)
Ulas Bagci
Jianhua Yao
Albert Wu
Jesus Caban
Tara N. Palmore
Anthony F. Suffredini
Omer Aras
Daniel J. Mollura
Automatic Detection and Quantification of Tree-in-Bud (TIB) Opacities From CT Scans.
IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng.
59 (6) (2012)
Pablo Abad-Manterola
Jeffrey A. Edlund
Joel W. Burdick
Albert Wu
Thomas Oliver
Issa A. D. Nesnas
Johanna Cecava
IEEE Robotics Autom. Mag.
16 (4) (2009)