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Koli Calling
Felix Winkelnkemper
Carsten Schulte
Reconstructing the Digital - An Architectural Perspective for Non-Engineers (Discussion Paper).
Koli Calling
Michael Guerzhoy
"Medium-n studies" in computing education conferences.
Koli Calling
Proceedings of the 23rd Koli Calling International Conference on Computing Education Research, Koli Calling 2023, Koli, Finland, November 13-18, 2023
Koli Calling
Ebrahim Rahimi
Harrie Passier
Sylvia Stuurman
Exploring Factors Influencing the Satisfaction of Adult Software Engineering Students with Teamwork in Distance Education.
Koli Calling
Tomi 'bgt' Suovuo
Erkki Sutinen
Lannie Uwu-Khaeb
Sustainability Engineering in Computing.
Koli Calling
Daphne Miedema
Michael Liut
George H. L. Fletcher
Efthimia Aivaloglou
"There is no ambiguity on what to return": Investigating the Prevalence of SQL Misconceptions.
Koli Calling
Nea Pirttinen
Juho Leinonen
Could ChatGPT Be Used for Reviewing Learnersourced Exercises?
Koli Calling
Juho Kahila
Eetu Arkko
Anssi Lin
How we taught AI concepts, workflows, and ethics to 200 schoolchildren.
Koli Calling
Lauri Malmi
Arto Hellas
Kate Sanders
Understanding Pathways to Computing Education Research (CER).
Koli Calling
Maria N. Ntinda
Erkki Sutinen
Tuula Valkonen
Juli-Anna Aerila
Deep Talk: Ascertain Soft Skills in Graduates to Improve Computing Education.
Koli Calling
Carol Zander
Lynda Thomas
Jan Erik Moström
Robert McCartney
Anna Eckerdal
Pseudocode: scaffolding student object-oriented software design.
Koli Calling
Michael J. Johnson
Rachel Baker-Ramos
Christopher Lynnly Hovey
Betsy DiSalvo
Keeping Mindful of Modality: A Comparison of Computer Science Education Resources for Learning.
Koli Calling
Fitsum Gizachew Deriba
Ismaila Temitayo Sanusi
Amos Oyelere Sunday
Enhancing Computer Programming Education using ChatGPT- A Mini Review.
Koli Calling
Sören Sparmann
Sven Hüsing
Carsten Schulte
JuGaze: A Cell-based Eye Tracking and Logging Tool for Jupyter Notebooks.
Koli Calling
Sebastian Mateos Nicolajsen
A Pragmatic Perspective on Programming in Danish Tertiary Education (Doctoral Consortium).
Koli Calling
Johan Jeuring
Roel Groot
Hieke Keuning
What Skills Do You Need When Developing Software Using ChatGPT? (Discussion Paper).
Koli Calling
Miranda C. Parker
Matt J. Davidson
Yvonne S. Kao
Lauren E. Margulieux
Zachary R. Tidler
Jan Vahrenhold
Toward CS1 Content Subscales: A Mixed-Methods Analysis of an Introductory Computing Assessment.
Koli Calling
Liat Nakar
Mor Friebroon Yesharim
Michal Armoni
From Modelling to Assessing Algorithmic Abstraction - the Missing Dimension.
Koli Calling
Jesse Hoobergs
Removing the Notional Machine Discrepancy (Doctoral Consortium).
Koli Calling
Viktoriya Olari
Till Zoppke
Martin Reger
Evgenia Samoilova
Martin Kandlhofer
Valentina Dagiene
Ralf Romeike
Anna Sarah Lieckfeld
Ulrike Lucke
Introduction of Artificial Intelligence Literacy and Data Literacy in Computer Science Teacher Education.
Koli Calling
Jane Waite
Eirini Kolaiti
Meurig Thomas
Karl Maton
Constructing feedback for computer science MCQ wrong answers using semantic profiling (Discussion Paper).
Koli Calling
Syed Sajid Hussain
Morteza Moalagh
Babak A. Farshchian
Which Threshold Concepts do Computing Students Encounter while Learning Empirical Research Methods?
Koli Calling
Johan Mattias Snider
Olle Bälter
Daniel Bosk
Edit, Run, Error, Repeat: A Longitudinal Analysis of Time-on-Task and Error Quotient.
Koli Calling
Katrin Kunz
Developing, Validating, and Implementing a Mental Model Test for Primary School Students (Doctoral Consortium).
Koli Calling
Renato Magela Zimmermann
Sonya Allin
Lisa Zhang
Common Errors in Machine Learning Projects: A Second Look.
Koli Calling
Kamilla Tenório
Ralf Romeike
AI Competencies for non-computer science students in undergraduate education: Towards a competency framework.
Koli Calling
Yoshi Malaise
Beat Signer
Explorotron: An IDE Extension for Guided and Independent Code Exploration and Learning (Discussion Paper).
Koli Calling
Karolína Miková
Zuzana Kubincová
Barbora Stenová
Appropriateness of a New Programmable Robotics Kit - Preliminary Results (Discussion Paper).
Koli Calling
Mohammed Aristide Foughali
Some thoughts on teaching introductory programming and the first language dilemma (Discussion Paper).
Koli Calling
Kamilla Tenório
Teaching Artificial Intelligence for Non-computer Science Students in Undergraduate Education: A Competency Framework and an AI Course (Doctoral Consortium).
Koli Calling
Anton Limbo
Maria Ntinda
Lannie Uwu-Khaeb
Annastasia Shipepe
Vuyelwa David Ruwodo
Erkki Sutinen
Integration Dimensions of Programming Education in Namibia.
Koli Calling
Mark H. Liffiton
Brad E. Sheese
Jaromír Savelka
Paul Denny
CodeHelp: Using Large Language Models with Guardrails for Scalable Support in Programming Classes.
Koli Calling
Mark Guzdial
August E. Evrard
Identifying the Computing Education Needs of Liberal Arts and Sciences Students (Discussion Paper).
Koli Calling
Fiona Fairlie
Encouraging the Development of Computational Thinking Skills through Structured Dance Activities (Discussion Paper).
Koli Calling
Sadia Sharmin
Sicong Huang
Robert Soden
Impact of Undergraduate Research Workshops on Sense of Belonging and Self-Efficacy based on Gender and Race.
Koli Calling
Florian Wörister
Maria Knobelsdorf
A Block-Based Programming Environment for Teaching Low-Level Computing (Discussion Paper).
Koli Calling
Matthias Linhuber
Jan Philip Bernius
Stephan Krusche
Constructive Alignment in Modern Computing Education: An Open-Source Computer-Based Examination System.
Koli Calling
Majeed Kazemitabaar
Xinying Hou
Austin Z. Henley
Barbara Jane Ericson
David Weintrop
Tovi Grossman
How Novices Use LLM-based Code Generators to Solve CS1 Coding Tasks in a Self-Paced Learning Environment.
Koli Calling
Lassi Haaranen
Lukas Ahrenberg
Arto Hellas
Decades of Striving for Pedagogical and Technological Alignment.
Koli Calling
Xinying Hou
Barbara Jane Ericson
Xu Wang
Understanding the Effects of Using Parsons Problems to Scaffold Code Writing for Students with Varying CS Self-Efficacy Levels.
Koli Calling
Erkki Kaila
Matti Luukkainen
Antti Laaksonen
Kjell Lemström
On Changing the Curriculum Programming Language from Java to Python (Discussion Paper).
Koli Calling
Angela M. Zavaleta-Bernuy
Runlong Ye
Elexandra Tran
Naaz Sibia
Abhijoy Mandal
Hammad Shaikh
Bogdan Simion
Michael Liut
Andrew Petersen
Joseph Jay Williams
Do Students Read Instructor Emails? A Case Study of Intervention Email Open Rates.
Koli Calling
Dimitri Eckert
Misconceptions about Control and Data Structures in Introductory Programming Courses and their Remedy (Doctoral Consortium).
Koli Calling
Lauri Malmi
Judy Sheard
Jane E. Sinclair
Päivi Kinnunen
Domain-Specific Theories of Teaching Computing: Do they Inform Practice?
Koli Calling
Laurie Gale
Towards an Aid for Teaching Effective Debugging to Lower Secondary Students (Doctoral Consortium).
Koli Calling
Vivian van der Werf
Fostering a natural language approach in programming education (Doctoral Consortium).
Koli Calling
Nynne Grauslund Kristiansen
Sebastian Mateos Nicolajsen
Claus Brabrand
Feedback on Student Programming Assignments: Teaching Assistants vs Automated Assessment Tool.
Koli Calling
Roger McDermott
Mats Daniels
Stephen T. Frezza
Steps Towards a Philosophy of Computing Education (Discussion Paper).
Koli Calling
Kathryn Cunningham
Miranda C. Parker
Jonathan Zhang
The Landscape of Computer Science Education Courses: A Syllabi Analysis.
Koli Calling
Hamzah Arishi
A Framework for Enhancing the Student Experience Through Automated Analysis (Doctoral Consortium).
Koli Calling