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Michelle Taub
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2012-2024
Publications (10 Years): 30
Top Topics
Facial Expressions
Intelligent Tutoring
Pedagogical Agents
Learning Environment
Top Venues
Comput. Hum. Behav.
Allison Macey Banzon
Jonathan Beever
Michelle Taub
Facial Expression Recognition in Classrooms: Ethical Considerations and Proposed Guidelines for Affect Detection in Educational Settings.
IEEE Trans. Affect. Comput.
15 (1) (2024)
Tom Zhang
Michelle Taub
Zhongzhou Chen
A Multi-Level Trace Clustering Analysis Scheme for Measuring Students' Self-Regulated Learning Behavior in a Mastery-Based Online Learning Environment.
Tom Zhang
Michelle Taub
Zhongzhou Chen
Measuring the Impact of COVID-19 Induced Campus Closure on Student Self-Regulated Learning in Physics Online Learning Modules.
Xi Yang
Yeo-Jin Kim
Michelle Taub
Roger Azevedo
Min Chi
PRIME: Block-Wise Missingness Handling for Multi-modalities in Intelligent Tutoring Systems.
MMM (2)
Xi Yang
Guojing Zhou
Michelle Taub
Roger Azevedo
Min Chi
Student Subtyping via EM-Inverse Reinforcement Learning.
Michelle Taub
Robert Sawyer
Andy Smith
Jonathan P. Rowe
Roger Azevedo
James C. Lester
The agency effect: The impact of student agency on learning, emotions, and problem-solving behaviors in a game-based learning environment.
Comput. Educ.
147 (2020)
Michelle Taub
Robert Sawyer
James C. Lester
Roger Azevedo
The Impact of Contextualized Emotions on Self-Regulated Learning and Scientific Reasoning during Learning with a Game-Based Learning Environment.
Int. J. Artif. Intell. Educ.
30 (1) (2020)
Elizabeth B. Cloude
Michelle Taub
James C. Lester
Roger Azevedo
The Role of Achievement Goal Orientation on Metacognitive Process Use in Game-Based Learning.
AIED (2)
Nicholas V. Mudrick
Roger Azevedo
Michelle Taub
Integrating metacognitive judgments and eye movements using sequential pattern mining to understand processes underlying multimedia learning.
Comput. Hum. Behav.
96 (2019)
Michelle Taub
Roger Azevedo
How Does Prior Knowledge Influence Eye Fixations and Sequences of Cognitive and Metacognitive SRL Processes during Learning with an Intelligent Tutoring System?
Int. J. Artif. Intell. Educ.
29 (1) (2019)
Elizabeth B. Cloude
Michelle Taub
Roger Azevedo
Investigating the Role of Goal Orientation: Metacognitive and Cognitive Strategy Use and Learning with Intelligent Tutoring Systems.
Megan J. Price
Nicholas V. Mudrick
Michelle Taub
Roger Azevedo
The Role of Negative Emotions and Emotion Regulation on Self-Regulated Learning with MetaTutor.
Michelle Taub
Roger Azevedo
Nicholas V. Mudrick
How Do Different Levels of AU4 Impact Metacognitive Monitoring During Learning with Intelligent Tutoring Systems?
Jason M. Harley
Michelle Taub
Roger Azevedo
François Bouchet
"Let's Set Up Some Subgoals": Understanding Human-Pedagogical Agent Collaborations and Their Implications for Learning and Prompt and Feedback Compliance.
IEEE Trans. Learn. Technol.
11 (1) (2018)
Michelle Taub
Nicholas V. Mudrick
Ramkumar Rajendran
Yi Dong
Gautam Biswas
Roger Azevedo
How Are Students' Emotions Associated with the Accuracy of Their Note Taking and Summarizing During Learning with ITSs?
Jeanne Sinclair
Eunice Eunhee Jang
Roger Azevedo
Clarissa Lau
Michelle Taub
Nicholas V. Mudrick
Changes in Emotion and Their Relationship with Learning Gains in the Context of MetaTutor.
Roger Azevedo
Garrett C. Millar
Michelle Taub
Nicholas V. Mudrick
Amanda E. Bradbury
Megan J. Price
Using data visualizations to foster emotion regulation during self-regulated learning with advanced learning technologies: a conceptual framework.
Boxuan Zhong
Zikun Qin
Shuo Yang
Junyu Chen
Nicholas Mudrick
Michelle Taub
Roger Azevedo
Edgar J. Lobaton
Emotion recognition with facial expressions and physiological signals.
Amanda E. Bradbury
Michelle Taub
Roger Azevedo
The Effects of Autonomy on Emotions and Learning in Game-Based Learning Environments.
Nicholas V. Mudrick
Michelle Taub
Roger Azevedo
Do Accurate Metacognitive Judgments Predict Successful Multimedia Learning?
Sébastien Lallé
Cristina Conati
Roger Azevedo
Michelle Taub
Nicholas Mudrick
On the Influence on Learning of Student Compliance with Prompts Fostering Self-Regulated Learning.
Sébastien Lallé
Michelle Taub
Nicholas V. Mudrick
Cristina Conati
Roger Azevedo
The Impact of Student Individual Differences and Visual Attention to Pedagogical Agents During Learning with MetaTutor.
Michelle Taub
Nicholas V. Mudrick
Roger Azevedo
Garrett C. Millar
Jonathan P. Rowe
James C. Lester
Using multi-channel data with multi-level modeling to assess in-game performance during gameplay with Crystal Island.
Comput. Hum. Behav.
76 (2017)
Nicholas V. Mudrick
Michelle Taub
Roger Azevedo
Jonathan P. Rowe
James C. Lester
Toward affect-sensitive virtual human tutors: The influence of facial expressions on learning and emotion.
Clarissa Lau
Jeanne Sinclair
Michelle Taub
Roger Azevedo
Eunice Eunhee Jang
Transitioning self-regulated learning profiles in hypermedia-learning environments.
Roger Azevedo
Seth A. Martin
Michelle Taub
Nicholas V. Mudrick
Garrett C. Millar
Joseph F. Grafsgaard
Are Pedagogical Agents' External Regulation Effective in Fostering Learning with Intelligent Tutoring Systems?
Sébastien Lallé
Nicholas V. Mudrick
Michelle Taub
Joseph F. Grafsgaard
Cristina Conati
Roger Azevedo
Impact of Individual Differences on Affective Reactions to Pedagogical Agents Scaffolding.
Michelle Taub
Nicholas V. Mudrick
Roger Azevedo
Garrett C. Millar
Jonathan P. Rowe
James C. Lester
Using Multi-level Modeling with Eye-Tracking Data to Predict Metacognitive Monitoring and Self-regulated Learning with Crystal Island.
Michelle Taub
Roger Azevedo
Using Eye-Tracking to Determine the Impact of Prior Knowledge on Self-Regulated Learning with an Adaptive Hypermedia-Learning Environment.
Seth A. Martin
Roger Azevedo
Michelle Taub
Nicholas V. Mudrick
Garrett C. Millar
Joseph F. Grafsgaard
Are There Benefits of Using Multiple Pedagogical Agents to Support and Foster Self-Regulated Learning in an Intelligent Tutoring System?
Alyssa Friend Wise
Roger Azevedo
Karsten Stegmann
Jonna Malmberg
Carolyn Penstein Rosé
Nicholas Mudrick
Michelle Taub
Seth A. Martin
Jesse J. Farnsworth
Jin Mu
Hanna Järvenoja
Sanna Järvelä
Miaomiao Wen
Diyi Yang
Frank Fischer
CSCL and Learning Analytics: Opportunities to Support Social Interaction, Self-Regulation and Socially Shared Regulation.
Nicholas Mudrick
Roger Azevedo
Michelle Taub
François Bouchet
Does the Frequency of Pedagogical Agent Intervention Relate to Learners' Self-Reported Boredom while using Multiagent Intelligent Tutoring Systems?
Michelle Taub
Jesse J. Farnsworth
Roger Azevedo
Does prior knowledge reveal cognitive and metacognitive processes during learning with a hypermedia-learning system based on eye-tracking data?
Nicholas Mudrick
Roger Azevedo
Michelle Taub
Reza Feyzi-Behnagh
François Bouchet
A Study of Subjective Emotions, Self-Regulatory Processes, and Learning Gains: Are Pedagogical Agents Effective in Fostering Learning?
Michelle Taub
Roger Azevedo
François Bouchet
Babak Khosravifar
Can the use of cognitive and metacognitive self-regulated learning strategies be predicted by learners' levels of prior knowledge in hypermedia-learning environments?
Comput. Hum. Behav.
39 (2014)
Michelle Taub
Roger Azevedo
Nicholas Mudrick
Erika Clodfelter
François Bouchet
Can Scaffolds from Pedagogical Agents Influence Effective Completion of Sub-Goals during Learning with a Multi-Agent Hypermedia-Learning Environment?
Babak Khosravifar
Roger Azevedo
Reza Feyzi-Behnagh
Michelle Taub
Gautam Biswas
John S. Kinnebrew
Adaptive Multi-Agent Architecture to Track Students' Self-Regulated Learning.
AIED Workshops
Roger Azevedo
Ronald S. Landis
Reza Feyzi-Behnagh
Melissa Duffy
Gregory Trevors
Jason M. Harley
François Bouchet
Jonathan D. Burlison
Michelle Taub
Nicole Pacampara
Mohammed Yeasin
A. K. M. Mahbubur Rahman
Md. Iftekhar Tanveer
Gahangir Hossain
The Effectiveness of Pedagogical Agents' Prompting and Feedback in Facilitating Co-adapted Learning with MetaTutor.