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Stephen Hutt
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2016-2024
Publications (10 Years): 40
Top Topics
Discourse Analysis
Learning Environment
Language Processing
E Learning
Top Venues
AIED (Posters/Late Breaking Results/...)
AIED (2)
Stephen Hutt
Grayson Hieb
Scaling Up Mastery Learning with Generative AI: Exploring How Generative AI Can Assist in the Generation and Evaluation of Mastery Quiz Questions.
Ryan S. Baker
Nigel Bosch
Stephen Hutt
Andres Felipe Zambrano
Alex J. Bowers
On Fixing the Right Problems in Predictive Analytics: AUC Is Not the Problem.
Siobahn Day Grady
Stephen Hutt
Karla Badillo-Urquiola
Gloria Opoku-Boateng Osardu
Angela E. B. Stewart
Eiad Yafi
Creating an equitable CHI - What does it mean to be an ally?
CHI Extended Abstracts
Stephen Hutt
Allison DePiro
Joann Wang
Sam Rhodes
Ryan Shaun Baker
Grayson Hieb
Sheela Sethuraman
Jaclyn Ocumpaugh
Caitlin Mills
Feedback on Feedback: Comparing Classic Natural Language Processing and Generative AI to Evaluate Peer Feedback.
Aaron Haim
Stephen Hutt
Stacy T. Shaw
Neil T. Heffernan
Promoting Open Science in Artificial Intelligence: An Interactive Tutorial on Licensing, Data, and Containers.
AIED Companion (2)
Andres Felipe Zambrano
Amanda Barany
Jaclyn Ocumpaugh
Nidhi Nasiar
Stephen Hutt
Alex Goslen
Jonathan P. Rowe
James C. Lester
Eric N. Wiebe
Bradford W. Mott
Cracking the Code of Learning Gains: Using Ordered Network Analysis to Understand the Influence of Prior Knowledge.
Stephen Hutt
Sanchari Das
Ryan Baker
The Right To Be Forgotten and Educational Data Mining: Challenges and Paths Forward.
Vishal Kuvar
Julia W. Y. Kam
Stephen Hutt
Caitlin Mills
Detecting When the Mind Wanders Off Task in Real-time: An Overview and Systematic Review.
Aaron Y. Wong
Richard L. Bryck
Ryan S. Baker
Stephen Hutt
Caitlin Mills
Using a Webcam Based Eye-tracker to Understand Students' Thought Patterns and Reading Behaviors in Neurodivergent Classrooms.
Juan Miguel L. Andres-Bray
Stephen Hutt
Ryan Shaun Baker
Exploring Cross-Country Prediction Model Generalizability in MOOCs.
Nidhi Nasiar
Andres F. Zambrano
Jaclyn Ocumpaugh
Stephen Hutt
Alexis Goslen
Jonathan P. Rowe
James C. Lester
Nathan L. Henderson
Eric N. Wiebe
Kristy Elizabeth Boyer
Bradford W. Mott
It's Good to Explore: Investigating Silver Pathways and the Role of Frustration During Game-Based Learning.
AIED (Posters/Late Breaking Results/...)
Anabil Munshi
Gautam Biswas
Ryan Baker
Jaclyn Ocumpaugh
Stephen Hutt
Luc Paquette
Analysing adaptive scaffolds that help students develop self-regulated learning behaviours.
J. Comput. Assist. Learn.
39 (2) (2023)
Alex Goslen
Nathan L. Henderson
Jonathan P. Rowe
Jiayi Zhang
Stephen Hutt
Jaclyn Ocumpaugh
Eric N. Wiebe
Kristy Elizabeth Boyer
Bradford W. Mott
James C. Lester
Enhancing Engagement Modeling in Game-Based Learning Environments with Student-Agent Discourse Analysis.
AIED (Posters/Late Breaking Results/...)
Nidhi Nasiar
Ryan Shaun Baker
Yishan Zou
Jiayi Zhang
Stephen Hutt
Modeling Problem-Solving Strategy Invention (PSSI) Behavior in an Online Math Environment.
AIED (Posters/Late Breaking Results/...)
Stephen Hutt
Ryan S. Baker
Michael Mogessie Ashenafi
Juan Miguel L. Andres-Bray
Christopher Brooks
Controlled outputs, full data: A privacy-protecting infrastructure for MOOC data.
Br. J. Educ. Technol.
53 (4) (2022)
Stephen Hutt
Sidney K. D'Mello
Evaluating Calibration-free Webcam-based Eye Tracking for Gaze-based User Modeling.
Jiayi Zhang
Juliana Ma. Alexandra L. Andres
Stephen Hutt
Ryan S. Baker
Jaclyn Ocumpaugh
Caitlin Mills
Jamiella Brooks
Sheela Sethuraman
Tyron Young
Detecting SMART Model Cognitive Operations in Mathematical Problem-Solving Process.
Nathan Levin
Ryan Baker
Nidhi Nasiar
Stephen Fancsali
Stephen Hutt
Evaluating Gaming Detector Model Robustness Over Time.
Stephen Hutt
Angela E. B. Stewart
Julie M. Gregg
Stephen M. Mattingly
Sidney K. D'Mello
Feasibility of Longitudinal Eye-Gaze Tracking in the Workplace.
Proc. ACM Hum. Comput. Interact.
6 (ETRA) (2022)
Ryan Baker
Stephen Hutt
Michael Mogessie Ashenafi
Haripriya Valayaputtar
Research Using the MOOC Replication Framework and E-TRIALS.
Jiayi Zhang
Stephen Hutt
Jaclyn Ocumpaugh
Nathan L. Henderson
Alex Goslen
Jonathan P. Rowe
Kristy Elizabeth Boyer
Eric N. Wiebe
Bradford W. Mott
James C. Lester
Investigating Student Interest and Engagement in Game-Based Learning Environments.
AIED (1)
Yiqiu Zhou
Juan Miguel L. Andres-Bray
Stephen Hutt
Korinn Ostrow
Ryan S. Baker
A Comparison of Hints vs. Scaffolding in a MOOC with Adult Learners.
AIED (2)
Ryan S. Baker
Nidhi Nasiar
Jaclyn L. Ocumpaugh
Stephen Hutt
Juliana Ma. Alexandra L. Andres
Stefan Slater
Matthew Schofield
Allison L. Moore
Luc Paquette
Anabil Munshi
Gautam Biswas
Affect-Targeted Interviews for Understanding Student Frustration.
AIED (1)
Ryan S. Baker
Bruce M. McLaren
Stephen Hutt
J. Elizabeth Richey
Elizabeth Rowe
Ma. Victoria Almeda
Michael Mogessie Ashenafi
Juliana Ma. Alexandra L. Andres
Towards Sharing Student Models Across Learning Systems.
AIED (2)
Stephen Hutt
Jaclyn Ocumpaugh
Juliana Ma. Alexandra L. Andres
Anabil Munshi
Nigel Bosch
Ryan S. Baker
Yingbin Zhang
Luc Paquette
Stefan Slater
Gautam Biswas
Who's Stopping You? - Using Microanalysis to Explore the Impact of Science Anxiety on Self-Regulated Learning Operations.
Stephen Hutt
Kristina Krasich
James R. Brockmole
Sidney K. D'Mello
Breaking out of the Lab: Mitigating Mind Wandering with Gaze-Based Attention-Aware Technology in Classrooms.
Stephen Hutt
Jaclyn Ocumpaugh
Juliana Ma. Alexandra L. Andres
Nigel Bosch
Luc Paquette
Gautam Biswas
Ryan Baker
Sharpest Tool in the Shed: Investigating SMART Models of Self-Regulation and their Impact on Learning.
Emily Jensen
Tetsumichi Umada
Nicholas C. Hunkins
Stephen Hutt
Anne Corinne Huggins-Manley
Sidney K. D'Mello
What You Do Predicts How You Do: Prospectively Modeling Student Quiz Performance Using Activity Features in an Online Learning Environment.
Juliana Ma. Alexandra L. Andres
Stephen Hutt
Jaclyn Ocumpaugh
Ryan S. Baker
Nidhi Nasiar
Chelsea Porter
How Anxiety Affects Affect: A Quantitative Ethnographic Investigation Using Affect Detectors and Data-Targeted Interviews.
Cathlyn Stone
Abigail Quirk
Margo Gardener
Stephen Hutt
Angela L. Duckworth
Sidney K. D'Mello
Language as Thought: Using Natural Language Processing to Model Noncognitive Traits that Predict College Success.
Stephen Hutt
Joseph F. Grafsgaard
Sidney K. D'Mello
Time to Scale: Generalizable Affect Detection for Tens of Thousands of Students across An Entire School Year.
Stephen Hutt
Margo Gardner
Angela L. Duckworth
Sidney K. D'Mello
Evaluating Fairness and Generalizability in Models Predicting On-Time Graduation from College Applications.
Emily Jensen
Stephen Hutt
Sidney K. D'Mello
Generalizability of Sensor-Free Affect Detection Models in a Longitudinal Dataset of Tens of Thousands of Students.
Stephen Hutt
Kristina Krasich
Caitlin Mills
Nigel Bosch
Shelby White
James R. Brockmole
Sidney K. D'Mello
Automated gaze-based mind wandering detection during computerized learning in classrooms.
User Model. User Adapt. Interact.
29 (4) (2019)
Kristina Krasich
Stephen Hutt
Caitlin Mills
Catherine A. Spann
James R. Brockmole
Sidney K. D'Mello
"Mind" TS: Testing a Brief Mindfulness Intervention with an Intelligent Tutoring System.
AIED (2)
Stephen Hutt
Margo Gardener
Donald Kamentz
Angela L. Duckworth
Sidney K. D'Mello
Prospectively predicting 4-year college graduation from student applications.
Stephen Hutt
Caitlin Mills
Nigel Bosch
Kristina Krasich
James R. Brockmole
Sidney K. D'Mello
"Out of the Fr-Eye-ing Pan": Towards Gaze-Based Models of Attention during Learning with Technology in the Classroom.
Stephen Hutt
Jessica Hardey
Robert Bixler
Angela Stewart
Evan F. Risko
Sidney D'Mello
Gaze-based Detection of Mind Wandering during Lecture Viewing.
Justin DeBenedetto
Stephen Hutt
Louis Faust
Anqing Liu
Nathaniel Kremer-Herman
Placating plato with plates of pasta: An interactive tool for teaching the dining philosophers problem.
Stephen Hutt
Caitlin Mills
Shelby White
Patrick J. Donnelly
Sidney K. D'Mello
The Eyes Have It: Gaze-based Detection of Mind Wandering during Learning with an Intelligent Tutoring System.