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Martin Görner
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2008-2024
Publications (10 Years): 4
Top Topics
Simulated Robot
Computational Vision
Changing Environment
Hand Eye Calibration
Top Venues
IEEE Trans. Robotics
Anton Leonhard Shu
Clara Raschel
Manuel Keppler
Armin Wedler
Martin Görner
Impact Robustness Versus Torque Bandwidth: A Design Guide for Differential Elastic Actuators.
IEEE Trans. Robotics
40 (2024)
Matthew Watson
Divyashree Shivakumar Sreepathihalli
François Chollet
Martin Görner
Kiranbir Sodhia
Ramesh Sampath
Tirth Patel
Hai Jin
Neel Kovelamudi
Gabriel Rasskin
Samaneh Saadat
Luke Wood
Chen Qian
Jonathan Bischof
Ian Stenbit
Abheesht Sharma
Anshuman Mishra
KerasCV and KerasNLP: Vision and Language Power-Ups.
Matteo Caruso
Marco Giberna
Martin Görner
Paolo Gallina
Stefano Seriani
The Archimede Rover: A Comparison Between Simulations and Experiments.
12 (5) (2023)
Martin Görner
Fabian Benedikt
Ferdinand Grimmel
Thomas Hulin
SwarmRail: A Novel Overhead Robot System for Indoor Transport and Mobile Manipulation.
Martin Görner
Alin Albu-Schäffer
A robust sagittal plane hexapedal running model with serial elastic actuation and simple periodic feedforward control.
Dominic Lakatos
Martin Görner
Florian Petit
Alexander Dietrich
Alin Albu-Schäffer
A modally adaptive control for multi-contact cyclic motions in compliantly actuated robotic systems.
Martin Görner
Annett Stelzer
A leg proprioception based 6 DOF odometry for statically stable walking robots.
Auton. Robots
34 (4) (2013)
Annett Stelzer
Heiko Hirschmüller
Martin Görner
Stereo-vision-based navigation of a six-legged walking robot in unknown rough terrain.
Int. J. Robotics Res.
31 (4) (2012)
Annett Chilian
Heiko Hirschmüller
Martin Görner
Multisensor data fusion for robust pose estimation of a six-legged walking robot.
Martin Görner
Gerd Hirzinger
Analysis and evaluation of the stability of a biologically inspired, Leg loss tolerant gait for six- and eight-legged walking robots.
Martin Görner
Thomas Wimböck
Gerd Hirzinger
The DLR Crawler: evaluation of gaits and control of an actively compliant six-legged walking robot.
Ind. Robot
36 (4) (2009)
Martin Görner
Thomas Wimböck
Andreas Baumann
Matthias Fuchs
Thomas Bahls
Markus Grebenstein
Christoph Borst
Jörg Butterfaß
Gerd Hirzinger
The DLR-Crawler: A testbed for actively compliant hexapod walking based on the fingers of DLR-Hand II.