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Takao Sato
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 1991-2023
Publications (10 Years): 24
Top Topics
Quantitative Evaluation
Control System
Pid Control
Optimal Control
Top Venues
J. Robotics Netw. Artif. Life
J. Frankl. Inst.
Takao Sato
Yuta Sakai
Natsuki Kawaguchi
Masayoshi Hara
Toshitaka Matsuki
Masanori Takahashi
Orlando Arrieta
Ramón Vilanova
Data-driven Response Estimation-based Tuning and its Validation Using a Ball-and-Beam System.
Kenta Nagao
Takao Sato
Natsuki Kawaguchi
Optimal Model-Following Design of Input-output Quantization Control Systems.
Tomonori Yao
Natsuki Kawaguchi
Takao Sato
Model-free MIMO Design for Quad-rotor Drone Attitude Control.
Kenta Nagao
Natsuki Kawaguchi
Takao Sato
Encrypted Data-driven Control on Networked Multi-agent Systems.
Takao Sato
Takamasa Kominami
Hannibal Paul
Ryo Miyazaki
Robert Ladig
Kazuhiro Shimonomura
Passive Perching and Landing Mechanism for Multirotor Flying Robot.
E. A. Cortés-Gutiérrez
Orlando Arrieta
Ramón Vilanova
Takao Sato
José David Rojas
Quantitative Analysis for the Performance Improvement in PID Control Systems with Cascade Control Structures.
Takao Sato
Takuma Kusakabe
Kazuma Himi
Nozomu Araki
Yasuo Konishi
Ripple-Free Data-Driven Dual-Rate Controller Using Lifting Technique: Application to a Physical Rotation System.
IEEE Trans. Control. Syst. Technol.
29 (3) (2021)
Yugo Tokura
Takao Sato
Ryota Yasui
Natsuki Kawaguchi
Nozomu Araki
Yasuo Konishi
Comparison of the Questionnaires Before and After the Experiment.
J. Robotics Netw. Artif. Life
7 (4) (2021)
Takao Sato
Yuta Sakai
Natsuki Kawaguchi
Orlando Arrieta
Dual-Rate Data-Driven Virtual Reference Feedback Tuning: Improvement in Fast-Tracking Performance and Ripple-Free Design.
IEEE Access
9 (2021)
Ryota Yasui
Natsuki Kawaguchi
Takao Sato
Akira Inoue
Intersample optimization in a sampled-data control system using the redundancy of a dual-rate system.
J. Frankl. Inst.
358 (8) (2021)
Takumi Furusaka
Takao Sato
Natsuki Kawaguchi
Nozomu Araki
Yasuo Konishi
Consensus Control of Dual-Rate Multi-Agent Systems With Quantized Communication.
IEEE Access
8 (2020)
Ryo Kurokawa
Takao Sato
Ramón Vilanova
Yasuo Konishi
Design of Optimal PID Control with a Sensitivity Function for Resonance Phenomenon-involved Second-order Plus Dead-time System.
J. Frankl. Inst.
357 (7) (2020)
Takao Sato
Natsuki Kawaguchi
Nozomu Araki
Yasuo Konishi
Quantitative Evaluation in Discrete-time Domain and Improvement in Intersample Response on Multirate Optimal Control.
J. Robotics Netw. Artif. Life
5 (4) (2019)
Takumi Furusaka
Natsuki Kawaguchi
Takao Sato
Nozomu Araki
Yasuo Konishi
A Multi-agent System with Dual-rate Control and a Quantized-value Communication Constraint.
Hideaki Takatani
Nozomu Araki
Takao Sato
Yasuo Konishi
Neural network-based construction of inverse kinematics model for serial redundant manipulators.
Artif. Life Robotics
24 (4) (2019)
Akira Inoue
Mingcong Deng
Takao Sato
Akira Yanou
Tomohiro Henmi
Design of Model Predictive Control of Multivariable Time-delay Plants Using Interactor Matrix.
Takao Sato
Akira Yanou
Shiro Masuda
Ripple-Free Dual-Rate Control with Two-Degree-of-Freedom Integrator.
IEICE Trans. Fundam. Electron. Commun. Comput. Sci.
(2) (2018)
Ryo Kurokawa
Takao Sato
Ramón Vilanova
Yasuo Konishi
Tracking/Robust Trade-off Design of a Sampled-data PID Controller for Second-order Plus Dead-time Systems.
J. Robotics Netw. Artif. Life
5 (2) (2018)
Takao Sato
Takuma Kusakabe
Nozomu Araki
Yasuo Konishi
Dual-Rate Data-Driven Control Using SIMO Representation.
Akira Inoue
Takao Sato
Mingcong Deng
Akira Yanou
A Multi-rate Optimal Controller to Suppress Ripples at Transient State.
Takao Sato
Natsuki Kawaguchi
Nozomu Araki
Yasuo Konishi
Ripple-free design for an SISO dual-rate control system.
Takao Sato
Takahiro Honda
Nozomu Araki
Yasuo Konishi
Data-driven dual-rate control system using the TITO method.
Takao Sato
Hironobu Sakaguchi
Nozomu Araki
Yasuo Konishi
Reduction of Quantization Error in Multirate Output Feedback Control.
J. Robotics Mechatronics
28 (5) (2016)
Tomonori Kamiya
Takao Sato
Nozomu Araki
Yasuo Konishi
Design Method for Improvement of Transient-State Intersample Output of Multirate Systems Including Integrators.
J. Robotics Mechatronics
28 (5) (2016)
Takao Sato
Yoshihiro Ohnishi
Toru Yamamoto
Yasuo Konishi
Performance-assessment of a weigh feeder using steady-state predictive output.
Hiroshi Tajika
Takao Sato
Ramón Vilanova
Yasuo Konishi
Optimal PID control in discrete time using a sensitivity function.
Takao Sato
Daiki Kurahashi
Toru Yamamoto
Nozomu Araki
Yasuo Konishi
Performance-adaptive control system for a hammerstein system using GPGPU.
Kan Takeuchi
Masaki Shimada
Takao Sato
Yusaku Katsuki
Hiroumi Yoshikawa
Hiroaki Matsushita
Spatial Distribution Measurement of Dynamic Voltage Drop Caused by Pulse and Periodic Injection of Spot Noise.
IEEE Trans. Very Large Scale Integr. Syst.
21 (1) (2013)
Wen Wen
Toru Ishikawa
Takao Sato
Individual Differences in the Encoding Processes of Egocentric and Allocentric Survey Knowledge.
Cogn. Sci.
37 (1) (2013)
Yosuke Sakuragi
Takao Sato
Nozomu Araki
Yasuo Konishi
Self-tuning PI control for a boiler control system.
Takao Sato
Toru Yamamoto
Nozomu Araki
Yasuo Konishi
Design of performance-adaptive PID control system using model predictive approach.
Takao Sato
Tomofumi Kotani
Toru Yamamoto
Nozomu Araki
Yasuo Konishi
Design of a performance-adaptive GPC-PI control system for controlling a weigh feeder.
Takashi Sato
Toshiki Kanamoto
Saiko Kobayashi
Nobuhiko Goto
Takao Sato
Hitoshi Sugihara
Hiroo Masuda
A New LDMOS Transistor Macro-Modeling for Accurately Predicting Bias Dependence of Gate-Overlap Capacitance.
IEICE Trans. Fundam. Electron. Commun. Comput. Sci.
(9) (2010)
Takao Sato
Nozomu Araki
Yasuo Konishi
Hiroyuki Ishigaki
Discrete-time Weigh Feeder Control using Extremum-seeking Method.
Ai Koizumi
Akihiro Tanaka
Hisato Imai
Saori Hiramatsu
Eriko Hiramoto
Takao Sato
Béatrice de Gelder
The effects of anxiety on the perception of emotion in the face and voice.
Takao Sato
Yoshiki Hattori
Nozumu Araki
Yasuo Konishi
State-space design method for both intersample and sampled responses in a multirate control system.
Kan Takeuchi
Atsushi Yoshikawa
Michio Komoda
Ken Kotani
Hiroaki Matsushita
Yusaku Katsuki
Takao Sato
Clock-Skew Test Module for Exploring Reliable Clock-Distribution Under Process and Global Voltage-Temperature Variations.
IEEE Trans. Very Large Scale Integr. Syst.
16 (11) (2008)
Kan Takeuchi
Genichi Tanaka
Hiroaki Matsushita
Kenichi Yoshizumi
Yusaku Katsuki
Takao Sato
Observations of Supply-Voltage-Noise Dispersion in Sub-nsec.
Takao Sato
Akira Inoue
Generalized Predictive Control in Fast-Rate Single-Rate and Dual-Rate Systems.
IEICE Trans. Fundam. Electron. Commun. Comput. Sci.
(11) (2007)
Takao Sato
Yuichi Ishimaru
Kohei Yamashita
Koichi Kameoka
Application of Sliding Mode Control into a Machine for Studying Bifurcations and Chaos.
Takao Sato
Akira Inoue
GPC-Based PID Controller Using a Stable Time-Varying Proportional Gain.
Tomoko Hashida
Takeshi Naemura
Takao Sato
A System for Improvisational Musical Expression Based on Player ' s Sense of Tempo.
Hiroaki Shigemasu
Toshiya Morita
Naoyuki Matsuzaki
Takao Sato
Masamitsu Harasawa
Kiyoharu Aizawa
Effects of physical display size and amplitude of oscillation on visually induced motion sickness.
Takao Sato
Akira Inoue
Yoichi Hirashima
Self-tuning two-degree-of-freedom PID controller reducing the effect of disturbances.
Akira Inoue
Akira Yanou
Takao Sato
Yoichi Hirashima
A state-space based design of generalized minimum variance controller equivalent to transfer-function based design.
Takuro Kayahara
Takao Sato
Auditory Motion Induced by Visual Motion and Its Dependence on Stimulus Size.
Akira Inoue
Akira Yanou
Takao Sato
Yoichi Hirashima
An extension of generalized minimum variance control for multi-input multi-output systems using coprime factorization approach.
Masami Ogata
Takao Sato
Motion perception model with interaction between spatial frequency channels.
Systems and Computers in Japan
22 (10) (1991)