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N. Kemal Ure
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2010-2023
Publications (10 Years): 8
Top Topics
Reinforcement Learning
Fault Tolerant
Planning Under Uncertainty
Markov Decision Processes
Top Venues
Gokhan Budan
Francesca Damiani
Can Kurtulus
N. Kemal Ure
Beyond Traditional DoE: Deep Reinforcement Learning for Optimizing Experiments in Model Identification of Battery Dynamics.
A. Sadik Satir
Umut Demir
Gulay Goktas Sever
N. Kemal Ure
Nonlinear Model Based Guidance with Deep Learning Based Target Trajectory Prediction Against Aerial Agile Attack Patterns.
A. Sadik Satir
Umut Demir
Gulay Goktas Sever
N. Kemal Ure
Nonlinear Model Based Guidance with Deep Learning Based Target Trajectory Prediction Against Aerial Agile Attack Patterns.
Onur Akgun
Kamil Canberk Atik
Mustafa Erdem
Mehmetcan Kaymaz
Bugrahan Yamak
N. Kemal Ure
Learning How to Trade-Off Safety with Agility Using Deep Covariance Estimation for Perception Driven UAV Motion Planning.
M. Ugur Yavas
N. Kemal Ure
Tufan Kumbasar
A New Approach for Tactical Decision Making in Lane Changing: Sample Efficient Deep Q Learning with a Safety Feedback Reward.
N. Kemal Ure
M. Ugur Yavas
Ali Alizadeh
Can Kurtulus
Enhancing Situational Awareness and Performance of Adaptive Cruise Control through Model Predictive Control and Deep Reinforcement Learning.
Anil Yildiz
N. Kemal Ure
Gökhan Inalhan
An Online Algorithm for Optimizing Invariant Conditions for Procedural Nonlinear Constrained Hybrid Systems.
Batuhan Eroglu
Cagatay Sahin
Burak Yuksek
N. Kemal Ure
Gökhan Inalhan
Deep Recurrent and Convolutional Networks for Accelerated Fault Tolerant Adaptive Flight Control Under Severe Failures.
N. Kemal Ure
Jonathan P. How
John Vian
Randomized Coordination Search for Scalable Multiagent Planning.
N. Kemal Ure
Girish Chowdhary
Jonathan P. How
John Vian
Health Aware Planning Under Uncertainty for Collaborating Heterogeneous Teams of Mobile Agents.
Unmanned Syst.
3 (2) (2015)
N. Kemal Ure
Shayegan Omidshafiei
Brett Thomas Lopez
Ali-akbar Agha-mohammadi
Jonathan P. How
John Vian
Online heterogeneous multiagent learning under limited communication with applications to forest fire management.
Ali-akbar Agha-mohammadi
N. Kemal Ure
Jonathan P. How
John Vian
Health aware stochastic planning for persistent package delivery missions using quadrotors.
Yu Fan Chen
N. Kemal Ure
Girish Chowdhary
Jonathan P. How
John Vian
Planning for large-scale multiagent problems via hierarchical decomposition with applications to UAV health management.
N. Kemal Ure
Girish Chowdhary
Yu Fan Chen
Jonathan P. How
John Vian
Distributed Learning for Planning Under Uncertainty Problems with Heterogeneous Teams - Scaling Up the Multiagent Planning with Distributed Learning and Approximate Representations.
J. Intell. Robotic Syst.
74 (1-2) (2014)
N. Kemal Ure
Girish Chowdhary
Jonathan P. How
Matthew A. Vavrina
John Vian
Health Aware Planning under uncertainty for UAV missions with heterogeneous teams.
Christopher Amato
Girish Chowdhary
Alborz Geramifard
N. Kemal Ure
Mykel J. Kochenderfer
Decentralized control of partially observable Markov decision processes.
Joshua D. Redding
N. Kemal Ure
Jonathan P. How
Matthew A. Vavrina
John Vian
Scalable, MDP-based planning for multiple, cooperating agents.
N. Kemal Ure
Alborz Geramifard
Girish Chowdhary
Jonathan P. How
Adaptive Planning for Markov Decision Processes with Uncertain Transition Models via Incremental Feature Dependency Discovery.
Buddy Michini
Josh Redding
N. Kemal Ure
Mark Cutler
Jonathan P. How
Design and flight testing of an autonomous variable-pitch quadrotor.
Emre Koyuncu
N. Kemal Ure
Gökhan Inalhan
Integration of Path/Maneuver Planning in Complex Environments for Agile Maneuvering UCAVs.
J. Intell. Robotic Syst.
57 (1-4) (2010)