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Hyunjun Lim
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2019-2024
Publications (10 Years): 15
Top Topics
Visual Slam
Top Venues
IEEE Robotics Autom. Lett.
DongKi Noh
Hyungtae Lim
Gyuho Eoh
Duckyu Choi
Jeongsik Choi
Hyunjun Lim
SeungMin Baek
Hyun Myung
CLOi-Mapper: Consistent, Lightweight, Robust, and Incremental Mapper With Embedded Systems for Commercial Robot Services.
IEEE Robotics Autom. Lett.
9 (9) (2024)
Dong-Ki Noh
Hyungtae Lim
Gyuho Eoh
Duckyu Choi
Jeongsik Choi
Hyunjun Lim
SeungMin Baek
Hyun Myung
CLOi-Mapper: Consistent, Lightweight, Robust, and Incremental Mapper With Embedded Systems for Commercial Robot Services.
Dong-Uk Seo
Hyungtae Lim
Eungchang Mason Lee
Hyunjun Lim
Hyun Myung
Enhancing Robustness of Line Tracking Through Semi-Dense Epipolar Search in Line-Based SLAM.
Jinwoo Jeon
Hyunjun Lim
Dong-Uk Seo
Hyun Myung
Struct-MDC: Mesh-Refined Unsupervised Depth Completion Leveraging Structural Regularities From Visual SLAM.
IEEE Robotics Autom. Lett.
7 (3) (2022)
Hyunjun Lim
Jinwoo Jeon
Hyun Myung
UV-SLAM: Unconstrained Line-Based SLAM Using Vanishing Points for Structural Mapping.
IEEE Robotics Autom. Lett.
7 (2) (2022)
Jinwoo Jeon
Hyunjun Lim
Dong-Uk Seo
Hyun Myung
Struct-MDC: Mesh-Refined Unsupervised Depth Completion Leveraging Structural Regularities from Visual SLAM.
Hyunjun Lim
Yeeun Kim
Kwangyik Jung
Sumin Hu
Hyun Myung
Avoiding Degeneracy for Monocular Visual SLAM with Point and Line Features.
Hyunjun Lim
Jinwoo Jeon
Hyun Myung
UV-SLAM: Unconstrained Line-based SLAM Using Vanishing Points for Structural Mapping.
Hyunjun Lim
Yeeun Kim
Kwangyik Jung
Sumin Hu
Hyun Myung
Avoiding Degeneracy for Monocular Visual SLAM with Point and Line Features.
Hyunjun Lim
Byeongho Yu
Yeeun Kim
Joowoong Byun
Soonpyo Kwon
Haewon Park
Hyun Myung
WALK-VIO: Walking-motion-Adaptive Leg Kinematic Constraint Visual-Inertial Odometry for Quadruped Robots.
Yeeun Kim
Hyunjun Lim
Hyun Myung
Point and Line Feature-Based VIO for Mobile Devices.
Kwangyik Jung
Yeeun Kim
Hyunjun Lim
Hyun Myung
ALVIO: Adaptive Line and Point Feature-based Visual Inertial Odometry for Robust Localization in Indoor Environments.
Hyunjun Lim
Byeongnam Kim
Gyu-Jeong Noh
Sun K. Yoo
A Deep Neural Network-Based Pain Classifier Using a Photoplethysmography Signal.
19 (2) (2019)
Junseok Lee
Hyunjun Lim
Seungwon Song
Hyun Myung
Concept Design for Mole-Like Excavate Robot and Its Localization Method.
Seunghee Lee
Hyunjun Lim
Yeeun Kim
Hyun Myung
Effective Strategies for Improving Mobility Efficiency and Keeping Numerical Superiority in AI Worldcup.