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AAAI Fall Symposia
Maithilee Kunda
Understanding the Role of Visual Mental Imagery in Intelligence: The Retinotopic Reasoning (R2) Cognitive Architecture.
AAAI Fall Symposia
Naouel Ayari
Abdelghani Chibani
Yacine Amirat
Georges Fried
Contextual Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Models for Autonomous Robots.
AAAI Fall Symposia
Sailik Sengupta
Tathagata Chakraborti
Sarath Sreedharan
Satya Gautam Vadlamudi
Subbarao Kambhampati
RADAR - A Proactive Decision Support System for Human-in-the-Loop Planning.
AAAI Fall Symposia
Dongkyu Choi
ICARUS' Implications for the Standard Model of Mind.
AAAI Fall Symposia
Andrea Stocco
An Integrated Computational Framework for Attention, Reinforcement Learning, and Working Memory.
AAAI Fall Symposia
Alun D. Preece
Dave Braines
Conversational Services for Multi-Agency Situational Understanding.
AAAI Fall Symposia
David E. Kieras
EPIC Lessons for the Proposed Standard Model of the Mind.
AAAI Fall Symposia
Jens Koed Madsen
Richard M. Bailey
Ernesto Carrella
Toby D. Pilditch
Towards a Standard Cognitive Framework for Socially Oriented, Adaptive, and Generative Human-Environment Agents.
AAAI Fall Symposia
Prithviraj Dasgupta
Joseph B. Collins
Position Paper: Towards a Repeated Bayesian Stackelberg Game Model for Robustness Against Adversarial Learning.
AAAI Fall Symposia
Naouel Ayari
Hazem Abdelkawy
Abdelghani Chibani
Yacine Amirat
Towards Semantic Multimodal Emotion Recognition for Enhancing Assistive Services in Ubiquitous Robotics.
AAAI Fall Symposia
Utkarsh Patel
Emre Hatay
Mike D'Arcy
Ghazal Zand
Pooyan Fazli
Beam: A Collaborative Autonomous Mobile Service Robot.
AAAI Fall Symposia
Niels A. Taatgen
Cognitive Architectures: Innate or Learned?
AAAI Fall Symposia
Paul E. Silvey
Leveling Up: Strategies to Achieve Integrated Cognitive Architectures.
AAAI Fall Symposia
Richard Gabriel
Consciousness and Mood-Influenced Processing.
AAAI Fall Symposia
Antonio Chella
Marcello Frixione
Antonio Lieto
Representational Issues in the Debate on the Standard Model of the Mind.
AAAI Fall Symposia
Matthew A. Kelly
David Reitter
Holographic Declarative Memory: Using Distributional Semantics within ACT-R.
AAAI Fall Symposia
Tathagata Chakraborti
Kartik Talamadupula
Mishal Dholakia
Biplav Srivastava
Jeffrey O. Kephart
Rachel K. E. Bellamy
Mr. Jones - Towards a Proactive Smart Room Orchestrator.
AAAI Fall Symposia
Thomas R. Hinrichs
Kenneth D. Forbus
Towards a Comprehensive Standard Model of Human-Like Minds.
AAAI Fall Symposia
William P. Birmingham
Britton Wolfe
Effects of Network Latency on Games with Human and Distributed Agent Players.
AAAI Fall Symposia
Yuichiro Yoshikawa
Takamasa Iio
Tsunehiro Arimoto
Hiroaki Sugiyama
Hiroshi Ishiguro
Proactive Conversation between Multiple Robots to Improve the Sense of Human-Robot Conversation.
AAAI Fall Symposia
Emmanuel Senft
Séverin Lemaignan
Paul Baxter
Tony Belpaeme
Toward Supervised Reinforcement Learning with Partial States for Social HRI.
AAAI Fall Symposia
Robert M. Rolfe
Brian A. Haugh
Integrated Cognition: A Survey of Systems.
AAAI Fall Symposia
Ben Goertzel
Eddie Monroe
Toward a General Model of Human-Like General Intelligence.
AAAI Fall Symposia
Paul F. M. J. Verschure
The Distributed Adaptive Control Theory of the Mind and Brain as a candidate Standard Model of the Human Mind.
AAAI Fall Symposia
Sarath Sreedharan
Tathagata Chakraborti
Subbarao Kambhampati
Balancing Explicability and Explanation in Human-Aware Planning.
AAAI Fall Symposia
Chris S. Crawford
Marvin Andujar
Juan E. Gilbert
Neurophysiological Heat Maps for Human-Robot Interaction Evaluation.
AAAI Fall Symposia
Kevin Burns
Craig Bonaceto
Steven Estes
John Helleberg
Evaluating the Operational Safety of a Digital Copilot.
AAAI Fall Symposia
Philip C. Jackson Jr.
Toward Human-Level Models of Minds.
AAAI Fall Symposia
Sean Trott
Federico Rossano
Theoretical Concerns for the Integration of Repair.
AAAI Fall Symposia
Lars Kunze
Tom Williams
Nick Hawes
Matthias Scheutz
Spatial Referring Expression Generation for HRI: Algorithms and Evaluation Framework.
AAAI Fall Symposia
Brenda Castro
Montana Roberts
Karla Mena
Jim Boerkoel
Who Takes the Lead? Automated Scheduling for Human-Robot Teams.
AAAI Fall Symposia
Bonnie Johnson
A Systems Approach to Battle Management Aids.
AAAI Fall Symposia
Fernand Gobet
Peter C. R. Lane
Constructing a Standard Model: Lessons from CHREST.
AAAI Fall Symposia
Sean Trott
Benjamin Bergen
A Theoretical Model of Indirect Request Comprehension.
AAAI Fall Symposia
Richard G. Freedman
Shlomo Zilberstein
Does the Human's Representation Matter for Unsupervised Activity Recognition?
AAAI Fall Symposia
Christopher L. Dancy
Frank E. Ritter
A Standard Model of the Mind Needs a Body.
AAAI Fall Symposia
Richard Wu
Ying Zhao
Alan Clarke
Anthony Kendall
A Framework Using Machine Vision and Deep Reinforcement Learning for Self-Learning Moving Objects in a Virtual Environment.
AAAI Fall Symposia
Robert L. West
Jeremy T. Young
Proposal to Add Emotion to the Standard Model.
AAAI Fall Symposia
Steven Meckl
Gheorghe Tecuci
Dorin Marcu
Mihai Boicu
Ahmed Bin Zaman
Collaborative Cognitive Assistants for Advanced Persistent Threat Detection.
AAAI Fall Symposia
Krishnendu Ghosh
Jeffery Mills
Joseph Dorr
Phylogenetic-Inspired Probabilistic Model Abstraction in Detection of Malware Families.
AAAI Fall Symposia
Raymond Ka-Man Sheh
Different XAI for Different HRI.
AAAI Fall Symposia
Paul Bello
Selmer Bringsjord
Two Problems Afflicting the Search for a Standard Model of the Mind.
AAAI Fall Symposia
Srishty Saha
Karuna P. Joshi
Renee Frank
Cognitive Assistance for Automating the Analysis of the Federal Acquisition Regulations System.
AAAI Fall Symposia
Anoop Aroor
Susan L. Epstein
Raj Korpan
MengeROS: A Crowd Simulation Tool for Autonomous Robot Navigation.
AAAI Fall Symposia
2017 AAAI Fall Symposia, Arlington, Virginia, USA, November 9-11, 2017
AAAI Fall Symposia
Luther Karl Branting
Alexander S. Yeh
Brandy Weiss
Elizabeth M. Merkhofer
Bradford Brown
Cognitive Assistance for Administrative Adjudication.
AAAI Fall Symposia
Scott A. Humr
Autonomous Outcomes: Shaping the Future Data Environment to Build Trust in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Applications.
AAAI Fall Symposia
Richard Granger
Elijah F. W. Bowen
Antonio Rodriguez
Laura E. Ray
Chris Kymn
Khari Jarrett
Elemental Cognitive Acts, and Their Architecture.
AAAI Fall Symposia
Hau Chan
Eric Rice
Phebe Vayanos
Milind Tambe
Matthew Morton
Evidence From the Past: AI Decision Aids to Improve Housing Systems for Homeless Youth.
AAAI Fall Symposia
Aomar Osmani
Massinissa Hamidi
Abdelghani Chibani
Platform for Assessment and Monitoring of Infant Comfort.
AAAI Fall Symposia