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PCC (2)
Lukas Chruszczyk
Kamil Szczepanowski
Damian Grzechca
Design of a Radiance Function in Terms of Distance and Voltage Supply for a Halogen Bulb Applied as Light Source for PV Modules Tester.
PCC (2)
Piotr Bania
Information-Theoretic Lower Bounds of the Quadratic Cost in Stochastic Control with Partial Observation.
PCC (2)
Ruslana R. Guminilovych
Vitalii Y. Stadnik
Pavlo Y. Shapoval
Martyn A. Sozanskyi
Liliya R. Deva
Mathematical Calculation of the Boundary Conditions for the Formation of Heavy Metals Chalcogenides Poorly Soluble Compounds (Zn, Cd, Hg).
PCC (2)
Ryszard Leniowski
Krzysztof Tomecki
Michal Wronski
Tomasz Szymanski
Nesting Control Algorithm for the 3D/5D Printers, Based on the Virtual Forces and Collision Detection.
PCC (2)
Marcin Gajzler
The Idea of Technical Predictive Maintenance of Utility Buildings Using Text Sources of Information About the Technical Condition of Buildings.
PCC (2)
Robert Bieda
Krzysztof Jaskot
Marcin Jaworski
Three-Dimensional Analysis of the Retinal Vessels.
PCC (2)
Artur Morys-Magiera
Aleksandra Lis
Jakub Pudlo
Andrzej Papierok
Marek Dlugosz
Pawel Skruch
Reactive Control Algorithm for F1TENTH Autonomous Vehicles in Unknown Dynamic Environments.
PCC (2)
Wojciech Bozejko
Jaroslaw Pempera
Mariusz Uchronski
Mieczyslaw Wodecki
An Exact Quantum Annealing-Driven Branch and Bound Algorithm for Maximizing the Total Weighted Number of on-Time Jobs on a Single Machine.
PCC (2)
Jacek Jagodzinski
Marta Lampasiak
B-Spline Identification of Cascade Control System on the Example of Building Heating System.
PCC (2)
Ryszard Jakuszewski
Chosen Topics of Teaching WinCC 7.X System Programming.
PCC (2)
Pawel Skruch
Marek Dlugosz
Wojciech Mitkowski
Marcin Szelest
Software System Testing as an Optimization Problem.
PCC (2)
Matej Janeba
Marek Galinski
Peter Lehoczký
Tomás Milesich
Ján Danko
Lubos Magdolen
Evaluating Slovak Roads for Vehicle-to-Everything Communication 3GPP Requirements.
PCC (2)
Czeslaw Smutnicki
Jaroslaw Rudy
Radoslaw Idzikowski
Wojciech Bozejko
Metaheuristic-Based Lagrangian Relaxation for Total Weighted Tardiness Minimization.
PCC (2)
Zofia Szweda
Artur Skórkowski
Zbigniew Bulinski
Przemyslaw Tobola
Natalia Strzoda
Mateusz Podgórny
Wojciech Widuch
Marek Taraur
Maciej Bara
Piotr Eliasz
Reinforcement Corrosion Testing and Modeling of Chloride Ion Diffusion to Concrete in High Temperature and Humidity Environment.
PCC (2)
Katarzyna Dziewulska
Konrad Ciecierski
Mobile Application for Skin Lesions Classification.
PCC (2)
Sebastian Bielicki
Eigensystem Realization Algorithm (ERA) in Simulation of Dynamic Response of Marine Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS).
PCC (2)
Khrystyna A. Barvinska
Analysis of the Impact of EU Policy on the Development of Sustainable Mobility in Ukrainian Cities.
PCC (2)
Wojciech Turlej
Wojciech Mitkowski
Multiple Hypothesis Planning for Vehicle Control.
PCC (2)
Michal Banach
Michal Kolankowski
Robert Piotrowski
Tomasz Ujazdowski
Employment of a Nonlinear Adaptive Control System for Improved Control of Dissolved Oxygen in Sequencing Batch Reactor.
PCC (2)
Waldemar Bauer
Adrian Dudek
Jerzy Baranowski
Comparison of Data Depth Calculation Method for Fault Detection in Electric Signal.
PCC (2)
Kacper Jarzyna
Michal Rad
Pawel Piatek
Jerzy Baranowski
Bayesian Fault Diagnosis for Induction Motors During Startup in Frequency Domain.
PCC (2)
Marek Placzek
Piotr Krauze
Arkadiusz Ryfa
Tomasz Jablonka
Karol Balys
Magdalena Helmich
Dawid Badora
Bartosz Florkiewicz
Kamil Polak
Piotr Slonka
Mateusz Trybulowski
Development of an Executive Design of a Station for Measuring the Curvature of Metallurgical Charge for Rolling.
PCC (2)
Kacper Kozaczko
Radoslaw Szpot
Andrzej Brodzicki
Anna Wójcicka
Automatic Artifact Removal from Dermoscopic Images.
PCC (2)
Katarzyna Grobler-Debska
Edyta Kucharska
Rafal Mularczyk
Mieczyslaw Jagodzinski
Application of Statistical Methods to Support Automation of Pricing in Business.
PCC (2)
Teresa Zielinska
Maksymilian Szumowski
Control System for Humanoid Robot.
PCC (2)
Romana Petrina
Olena Fedorova
Viktoriia Havryliak
Modeling of Biotechnological Processes During the Cultivation of Medicinal Plants In Vitro.
PCC (2)
Krzysztof Jaros
Roman Smierzchalski
Anna Witkowska
Ship Dynamic Positioning Based on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control.
PCC (2)
Wojciech Rafajlowicz
Multi-objective Optimization in COVID19 Mitigation.
PCC (2)
Filip Ciepiela
Mariusz Karol Nowak
Daniel Dworak
Mateusz Komorkiewicz
Automotive Radar Detection Level Modeling with Neural Networks.
PCC (2)
Szymon Skupien
Pawel Kowol
Pawel Nowak
Tactile Feedback Glove Working in Virtual Reality.
PCC (2)
Patryk Chaber
Pawel D. Domanski
Control Assessment with Moment Ratio Diagrams.
PCC (2)
Agnieszka Pieklo
Pawel Hoffmann
Anna Witkowska
Tomasz Zubowicz
Identification of Ship's Hull Mathematical Model with Numerical Methods.
PCC (2)
Pawel Skruch
Marek Dlugosz
Wojciech Mitkowski
Marcin Szelest
A Model-Based Approach to Testing Software Control Systems Described by Linear Differential Equations.
PCC (2)
Joanna Grzyb
Michal Wozniak
MOOforest - Multi-objective Optimization to Form Decision Tree Ensemble.
PCC (2)
Artur Babiarz
On FOPID Controller Tuning of a Legless Capsubot Robot.
PCC (2)
Grzegorz Mzyk
Tracking Optimization in Nonparametric Identification of Time-Varying Nonlinear Systems.
PCC (2)
Gawel Bartosik
Ján Danko
Marek Dlugosz
Marek Galinski
Matej Janeba
Peter Lehoczký
Dariusz Marchewka
Tomás Milesich
Patryk Siwek
Pawel Skruch
The Influence of the Relative Vehicles Speed on the Environmental Perception-Tests on Slovakia Ring.
PCC (2)
Cezary Zielinski
Maksym Figat
Robotic System Specification Language Use Case.
PCC (2)
Dariusz Cieslar
Maciej Rózewicz
Experimental Assessment for Radar-Based Estimation of Host Vehicle Speed During Traction Events.
PCC (2)
Agnieszka Lazarowska
Impact of the Grid Size on the Performance of Ant Colony Optimization-Based Algorithm for Ship Safe Path Planning.
PCC (2)
Roman Czyba
Marcin Lemanowicz
Jaroslaw Domin
Jacek Grzybowski
Izabela Stepien
Lukasz Ungier
Radoslaw Rosiek
Piotr Bialas
Michal Niemiec
Prototype of Turbine Propulsion System with Controllable Thrust Vector for Long-Range Unmanned VTOL Aircraft.
PCC (2)
Jakub Zeglen-Wlodarczyk
Combination of Parallel and Cascade Control on the Example of Two Rotor Aerodynamical System with the Use of FOPID and PID Controllers.
PCC (2)
volume 709, 2023
Advanced, Contemporary Control - Proceedings of the XXI Polish Control Conference, Gliwice, Poland, 26-29 June 2023, Volume 2.
PCC (2)
709 (2023)