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Yi-Wen Liao
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2004-2023
Publications (10 Years): 20
Top Topics
Elementary School Students
E Learning
Emotion Recognition
Predictive Control
Top Venues
ACIIDS (Companion)
Guan-Yu Lin
Yi-Wen Liao
Zhi-Yuan Su
Yu-Min Wang
Yi-Shun Wang
What drives undergraduates' effort and persistence in learning programming.
Educ. Inf. Technol.
28 (10) (2023)
Ja-Hwung Su
Wei-Jiang Chen
Ming-Cheng Zhang
Yi-Wen Liao
Artificial Intelligences on Automated Context-Brain Recognition with Mobile Detection Devices.
Ja-Hwung Su
Yi-Wen Liao
Liang-Yu Chen
Music Emotion Recognition Based on Term Frequency and Pattern Entropy.
ACIIDS (Companion)
Ja-Hwung Su
Terry Ting-Yu Chiou
Yi-Wen Liao
Yu-Siou Liao
Chien-Hsin Wu
Wen-Yang Lin
Risk Assessment of Acute Kidney Disease and Chronic Kidney Disease for In-Hospital Patients with Acute Kidney Injury.
ACIIDS (Companion)
Ja-Hwung Su
Yi-Wen Liao
Ming-Hung Kao
Yung-Wen Tsai
Chih-Jui Chang
Hsiu-Wei Wu
Cheng-Wei Chen
Alignment of Visual Senses and Acoustical Senses based on Emotion Recognitions.
Yi-Hsuan Chuang
Ja-Hwung Su
Ding-Hong Han
Yi-Wen Liao
Yeong-Chyi Lee
Yu-Fan Cheng
Tzung-Pei Hong
Katherine Shu-Min Li
Hsin-You Ou
Yi Lu
Chih-Chi Wang
Effective Natural Language Processing and Interpretable Machine Learning for Structuring CT Liver-Tumor Reports.
IEEE Access
10 (2022)
Yi-Wen Liao
Min-Chai Hsieh
Chun-Wang Wei
Effectiveness of Integrating AR and IoT technologies into Environmental Education for Elementary School Students.
Ja-Hwung Su
Yi-Wen Liao
Hong-Yi Wu
You-Wei Zhao
Ubiquitous Music Retrieval by Context-Brain Awareness Techniques.
Ja-Hwung Su
Chu-Yu Chin
Yi-Wen Liao
Hsiao-Chuan Yang
Vincent S. Tseng
Sun-Yuan Hsieh
A Personalized Music Recommender System Using User Contents, Music Contents and Preference Ratings.
Vietnam. J. Comput. Sci.
7 (1) (2020)
Rong-Ju Cherng
Yi-Wen Liao
Jenn-Yeu Chen
Providing Stroke Sequence of Chinese Characters Facilitates Handwriting Learning in Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder.
Ja-Hwung Su
Wen-Yang Lin
Yi-Wen Liao
Guan-Hua Lai
An Efficient Data Mining Algorithm by Multi-Utility Minimum Support and Prefix-Search Strategy.
Yi-Wen Liao
Francesco Borrelli
An Adaptive Approach to Real-Time Estimation of Vehicle Sideslip, Road Bank Angles, and Sensor Bias.
IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol.
68 (8) (2019)
Yi-Wen Liao
Mei-Juan Chen
Chia-Hung Yeh
Jie-Ru Lin
Chih-Wei Chen
Efficient inter-prediction depth coding algorithm based on depth map segmentation for 3D-HEVC.
Multim. Tools Appl.
78 (8) (2019)
Yi-Wen Liao
Francesco Borrelli
An adaptive approach to real-time estimation of vehicle sideslip, road bank angles and sensor bias.
Rong-Ju Cherng
Yi-Wen Liao
Jenn-Yeu Chen
Instruction on the stroke sequence of Chinese characters facilitates children's learning of handwriting.
Yi-Wen Liao
Selina Pan
Francesco Borrelli
J. Karl Hedrick
Adaptive sliding mode control without knowledge of uncertainty bounds.
Yi-Wen Liao
Selina Pan
Francesco Borrelli
J. Karl Hedrick
Adaptive sliding mode control without knowledge of uncertainty bounds.
Donghan Lee
Chang Liu
Yi-Wen Liao
J. Karl Hedrick
Parallel Interacting Multiple Model-Based Human Motion Prediction for Motion Planning of Companion Robots.
IEEE Trans Autom. Sci. Eng.
14 (1) (2017)
Yi-Wen Liao
Chia-Sui Wang
Yong-Ming Huang
Zhi-Yuan Su
Building a Facebook Embedded Picture Book Design Learning Platform and Understanding its Use Intentions.
Yi-Wen Liao
J. Karl Hedrick
Discrete-time integral sliding model predictive control for unmatched disturbance attenuation.
Yi-Wen Liao
Yu-Min Wang
Yi-Shun Wang
Yi-Min Tu
Understanding the dynamics between organizational IT investment strategy and market performance: A system dynamics approach.
Comput. Ind.
71 (2015)
Yi-Wen Liao
J. Karl Hedrick
Robust model predictive control with discrete-time integral sliding surface.
Yi-Wen Liao
Yueh-Min Huang
Hsin-Chin Chen
Shu-Hsien Huang
Exploring the antecedents of collaborative learning performance over social networking sites in a ubiquitous learning context.
Comput. Hum. Behav.
43 (2015)
Yueh-Min Huang
Yi-Wen Liao
Shu-Hsien Huang
Hsin-Chin Chen
A Jigsaw-based Cooperative Learning Approach to Improve Learning Outcomes for Mobile Situated Learning.
J. Educ. Technol. Soc.
17 (1) (2014)
Yi-Wen Liao
Yi-Shun Wang
Ching-Hsuan Yeh
Exploring the relationship between intentional and behavioral loyalty in the context of e-tailing.
Internet Res.
24 (5) (2014)
Yi-Shun Wang
Ching-Hsuan Yeh
Yi-Wen Liao
What drives purchase intention in the context of online content services? The moderating role of ethical self-efficacy for online piracy.
Int. J. Inf. Manag.
33 (1) (2013)
Li-Chun Hsu
Wei-Wen Wang
Guan-De Lee
Yi-Wen Liao
Li-Chen Fu
Jin-Shin Lai
A gravity compensation-based upper limb rehabilitation robot.
Yi-Shun Wang
Hsin-Hui Lin
Yi-Wen Liao
Investigating the individual difference antecedents of perceived enjoyment in students' use of blogging.
Br. J. Educ. Technol.
43 (1) (2012)
Yi-Wen Liao
Yi-Shun Wang
Tzung-I Tang
Yi-Wen Tian
Investigating the Influence of the Landscape Preference of Blogs, User Satisfactory and Behavioral Intention.
Yi-Shun Wang
Yi-Wen Liao
Understanding Individual Adoption of Mobile Booking Service: An Empirical Investigation.
Cyberpsychology Behav. Soc. Netw.
11 (5) (2008)
Yi-Shun Wang
Yi-Wen Liao
Assessing eGovernment systems success: A validation of the DeLone and McLean model of information systems success.
Gov. Inf. Q.
25 (4) (2008)
Jen-Her Wu
Tzyh-Lih Hsia
Yi-Wen Liao
Robert D. Tennyson
What Determinates Student Learning Satisfaction in a Blended E-Learning System Environment?
Jen-Her Wu
Robert D. Tennyson
Tzyh-Lih Hsia
Yi-Wen Liao
Analysis of E-learning innovation and core capability using a hypercube model.
Comput. Hum. Behav.
24 (5) (2008)
Yi-Shun Wang
Yi-Wen Liao
The conceptualization and measurement of m-commerce user satisfaction.
Comput. Hum. Behav.
23 (1) (2007)
Heien-Kun Chiang
Yi-Wen Liao
An Agent-Based Framework for Impulse-Induced Mobile Shopping.