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Gan Chen
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2001-2024
Publications (10 Years): 20
Top Topics
Unscented Kalman Filter
Movie Recommendation
Structural Constraints
Fuzzy Neural Network
Top Venues
Remote. Sens.
Yuki Yoshida
Gan Chen
Trajectory Tracking for Tracked Mobile Robot via Zero-Bias Fuzzy Neural Network.
Gan Chen
Junjie Peng
Wenqiang Zhang
Kanrun Huang
Feng Cheng
Haochen Yuan
Yansong Huang
A Region Group Adaptive Attention Model For Subtle Expression Recognition.
IEEE Trans. Affect. Comput.
14 (2) (2023)
Gan Chen
Junjie Peng
Lu Wang
Haochen Yuan
Yansong Huang
Feature constraint reinforcement based age estimation.
Multim. Tools Appl.
82 (11) (2023)
Xue Yang
Zhigang Li
Weitao Wang
Peizhen Zhang
Chuanyong Wu
Gan Chen
Lei Duan
Xiancan Wu
Kang Liu
Quaternary Crustal Shortening of the Houyanshan Structure in the Eastern Chinese Tian Shan: Constrained from Geological and Geomorphological Analyses.
Remote. Sens.
15 (6) (2023)
Yu Zhou
Gan Chen
Xin Qiao
Lejun Lu
Mining High-Resolution KH-9 Panoramic Imagery to Determine Earthquake Deformation: Methods and Applications.
IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens.
60 (2022)
Yu-Ping Tian
Shaoheng Chun
Gan Chen
Siheng Zong
Yan Huang
Bo Wang
Delay Compensation-Based Time Synchronization Under Random Delays: Algorithm and Experiment.
IEEE Trans. Control. Syst. Technol.
29 (1) (2021)
Jianlong Chen
Yu Zhou
Gan Chen
Ming Hao
Decades of Ground Deformation in the Weihe Graben, Shaanxi Province, China, in Response to Various Land Processes, Observed by Radar Interferometry and Levelling.
Remote. Sens.
13 (12) (2021)
Yoshihiko Suzuki
Gan Chen
A Modification of the LuGre Friction Model for Potential Energy.
Madoka Asai
Gan Chen
Isao Takami
Neural network trajectory tracking of tracked mobile robot.
Shaoheng Chun
Yu-Ping Tian
Gan Chen
Target Localization and Elliptical Circumnavigation with Bearing Measurements in 2D Space.
Jie Chen
Junjie Peng
Lizhe Qi
Gan Chen
Wenqiang Zhang
Implicit Rating Methods Based on Interest Preferences of Categories for Micro-Video Recommendation.
KSEM (1)
Jie Chen
Junjie Peng
Yingtao Wang
Gan Chen
An Implicit Information Based Movie Recommendation Strategy.
Junjie Peng
Yingtao Wang
Gan Chen
Lujin You
Feng Cheng
Weiqiang Lv
A Virtual Machine Dynamic Adjustment Strategy Based on Load Forecasting.
ICA3PP (2)
Yoshihiko Suzuki
Jun'ya Fukui
Gan Chen
Isao Takami
Particle Filter for Real-Time Estimation and Compensation of Nonlinear Friction.
Jun'ya Fukui
Takayuki Yamamoto
Gan Chen
Isao Takami
Real-time identification and compensation of asymmetric friction using unscented Kalman filter.
Gan Chen
Partly gain scheduled controller based on parameter dependent Lyapunov matrix.
Masaki Goto
Tatsuya Mizuno
Isao Takami
Gan Chen
Robust H∞ control for Active Magnetic Bearing system with imbalance of the rotor.
Fumiaki Yamada
Kohei Suzuki
Tatsuo Toda
Gan Chen
Isao Takami
Robust control of active suspension to improve ride comfort with structural constraints.
Takayuki Yamamoto
Gan Chen
Isao Takami
Robust control design for ball screw system focusing on the friction model.
Int. J. Model. Identif. Control.
26 (3) (2016)
Tatsuro Kumada
Gan Chen
Isao Takami
Adaptive control for jib crane with nonlinear uncertainties.
Shota Washizu
Chinatsu Murai
Isao Takami
Gan Chen
Nonlinear control for first-order nonholonomic system with hardware restriction and disturbance.
Kohei Suzuki
Tatsuo Toda
Gan Chen
Isao Takami
Robust H2 control of active suspension - Improvement of ride comfort and driving stability.
Hsuan-Ting Chen
Sun Ping
Gan Chen
Far from reach but near at hand: The role of social media for cross-national mobilization.
Comput. Hum. Behav.
53 (2015)
Tatsuro Kumada
Gan Chen
Isao Takami
Gain scheduling control for magnetic levitation device using redundant descriptor representation.
Yuki Ushida
Masanori Narita
Takushi Ushiro
Gan Chen
Isao Takami
Robust control for crane considering all varying parameters in the dynamics.
Tatsuya Mizuno
Hiroshi Kataoka
Hisatsugu Yamazaki
Gan Chen
Isao Takami
Robust LQ control of ABS based on polytopic representation using descriptor representation and linear fractional transformation.
Masanori Narita
Takushi Ushiro
Yuki Ushida
Gan Chen
Isao Takami
Partial gain scheduling control of crane via parameter dependent Lyapunov function.
Yuki Sugiyama
Masakazu Naito
Gan Chen
Isao Takami
H∞ loop shaping for positioning control system with nonlinear friction.
Yusuke Watanabe
Naruya Katsurayama
Isao Takami
Gan Chen
Robust LQ control with adaptive law for MIMO descriptor system.
Shuma Nagaya
Takamitsu Morikawa
Isao Takami
Gan Chen
Robust LQ control for parallel wheeled inverted pendulum.
Yanjun Li
Gan Chen
Yueyun Shen
Yihua Zhu
Zhen Cheng
Accelerometer-based fall detection sensor system for the elderly.
Yihua Zhu
Gan Chen
Kaikai Chi
Yanjun Li
The Chained Mesh-Under Routing (C-MUR) for Improving IPv6 Packet Arrival Rate over Wireless Sensor Networks.
Tomoya Kanada
Yusuke Watanabe
Gan Chen
Robust H2 control for two-wheeled inverted pendulum using LEGO Mindstorms.
Gan Chen
Hideki Hayashi
Tetsuya Okuda
Isao Takami
An online generation of time-optimal trajectories via simple feedforward filter and its implementation with two-degree-of-freedom system.
Guihua Wen
Gan Chen
Lijun Jiang
Performing Text Categorization on Manifold.
Gan Chen
Hiroshi Shibata
Toru Fujinaka
Stability analysis and synthesis for slowly time varying systems based on non-common Lyapunov matrices.
Masha Sosonkina
Gan Chen
Design of a Tool for Providing Dynamic Network Information to an Application.