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Navid Mohajer
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2016-2024
Publications (10 Years): 38
Top Topics
Predictive Control
Autonomous Vehicles
Activity Recognition
Convolutional Neural Networks
Top Venues
Mohammad Hedayati
Mohammad Rokonuzzaman
Navid Mohajer
Robust H∞ Path Tracking Control of Autonomous Ground Vehicles with Multiple Missing Measurements.
Farhad Nazari
Arian Shajari
Darius Nahavandi
Navid Mohajer
Optimum signal duration for Human Activity Recognition based on Deep Convolutional Neural Networks.
Timothy Mark Gregory
Darius Nahavandi
Navid Mohajer
Virtual Simulation and Analysis of a Neck Support Exoskeleton for Helicopter Pilots.
Asher Winter
Navid Mohajer
Darius Nahavandi
Matthew Watson
Kinematic Control of a Human Centrifuge System for Simulation of Aircraft Manoeuvres.
Mohammad Rokonuzzaman
Navid Mohajer
Ibrahim Hossain
Douglas C. Creighton
Autonomous Vehicle Path Tracking with Unreliable Reference Path.
Farhad Nazari
Arian Shajari
Darius Nahavandi
Navid Mohajer
Optimum signal duration for Human Activity Recognition based on Deep Convolutional Neural Networks.
Farhad Nazari
Navid Mohajer
Darius Nahavandi
Abbas Khosravi
Comparison of gait phase detection using traditional machine learning and deep learning techniques.
Farhad Nazari
Darius Nahavandi
Navid Mohajer
Abbas Khosravi
Comparison of Deep Learning Techniques on Human Activity Recognition using Ankle Inertial Signals.
Alireza Hosseinnajad
Navid Mohajer
Saeid Nahavandi
Barrier Lyapunov Function-based Backstepping Controller Design for Path Tracking of Autonomous Vehicles.
J. Intell. Robotic Syst.
110 (3) (2024)
Mohammad Hedayati
Navid Mohajer
Mohammad Rokonuzzaman
Saeid Nahavandi
Robust $H_{\infty}$ Estimation of Sideslip Angle of Vehicles with Fading Measurements.
Jack Gregory
Mohammad Rokonuzzaman
Navid Mohajer
Mohammadali Ghafarian
Data-Driven Vehicle Dynamic Model for Autonomous Vehicle Applications.
Farhad Nazari
Navid Mohajer
Darius Nahavandi
Abbas Khosravi
Saeid Nahavandi
Applied Exoskeleton Technology: A Comprehensive Review of Physical and Cognitive Human-Robot Interaction.
IEEE Trans. Cogn. Dev. Syst.
15 (3) (2023)
Mohammadali Ghafarian
Matthew Watson
Navid Mohajer
Darius Nahavandi
Parham Mohsenzadeh Kebria
Shady M. K. Mohamed
A Review of Dynamic Vehicular Motion Simulators: Systems and Algorithms.
IEEE Access
11 (2023)
Farhad Nazari
Darius Nahavandi
Navid Mohajer
Abbas Khosravi
Comparison of Deep Learning Techniques on Human Activity Recognition using Ankle Inertial Signals.
Farhad Nazari
Navid Mohajer
Darius Nahavandi
Abbas Khosravi
Saeid Nahavandi
Comparison Study of Inertial Sensor Signal Combination for Human Activity Recognition based on Convolutional Neural Networks.
Mohammad Rokonuzzaman
Navid Mohajer
Saeid Nahavandi
Human-Tailored Data-Driven Control System of Autonomous Vehicles.
IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol.
71 (3) (2022)
Navid Mohajer
Asher Winter
Timothy Mark Gregory
Darius Nahavandi
Matthew Watson
Saeid Nahavandi
Experimental Validation of a High-G Centrifuge System using an Advanced Wireless Human Dummy.
Farhad Nazari
Navid Mohajer
Darius Nahavandi
Abbas Khosravi
Comparison of gait phase detection using traditional machine learning and deep learning techniques.
Saeid Nahavandi
Roohallah Alizadehsani
Darius Nahavandi
Shady M. K. Mohamed
Navid Mohajer
Mohammad Rokonuzzaman
Ibrahim Hossain
A Comprehensive Review on Autonomous Navigation.
Farhad Nazari
Darius Nahavandi
Navid Mohajer
Abbas Khosravi
Human Activity Recognition from Knee Angle Using Machine Learning Techniques.
Farhad Nazari
Navid Mohajer
Darius Nahavandi
Abbas Khosravi
Saeid Nahavandi
Comparison Study of Inertial Sensor Signal Combination for Human Activity Recognition based on Convolutional Neural Networks.
Anushri Rajendran
Parham M. Kebria
Navid Mohajer
Abbas Khosravi
Saeid Nahavandi
A Home for Principal Component Analysis (PCA) as part of a Multi-Agent Safety System (MASS) for Human-Robot Collaboration (HRC) within the Industry 5.0 Enterprise Architecture (EA).
Navid Mohajer
Saeid Nahavandi
Hamid Abdi
Zoran Najdovski
Enhancing Passenger Comfort in Autonomous Vehicles Through Vehicle Handling Analysis and Optimization.
IEEE Intell. Transp. Syst. Mag.
13 (3) (2021)
Asher Winter
Navid Mohajer
Darius Nahavandi
Semi-Active Assistive Exoskeleton System for Elbow Joint.
Mohammad Rokonuzzaman
Navid Mohajer
Shady M. K. Mohamed
Saeid Nahavandi
A Customisable Longitudinal Controller of Autonomous Vehicle using Data-driven MPC.
Anushri Rajendran
Parham M. Kebria
Navid Mohajer
Abbas Khosravi
Saeid Nahavandi
Machine Learning based Prediction of Situational Awareness in Pilots using ECG Signals.
Farhad Nazari
Navid Mohajer
Darius Nahavandi
Abbas Khosravi
Saeid Nahavandi
Critical Review of Exoskeleton Technology: State of the art and development of physical and cognitive human-robot interface.
Luke Briese
Timothy Mark Gregory
Navid Mohajer
Matthew Watson
Shady M. K. Mohamed
Saeid Nahavandi
Evaluation of Design Optimisation Techniques in Structural Framing.
Mohammad Rokonuzzaman
Navid Mohajer
Saeid Nahavandi
Shady M. K. Mohamed
Model Predictive Control With Learned Vehicle Dynamics for Autonomous Vehicle Path Tracking.
IEEE Access
9 (2021)
Farhad Nazari
Darius Nahavandi
Navid Mohajer
Abbas Khosravi
Human Activity Recognition from Knee Angle Using Machine Learning Techniques.
Parham M. Kebria
Abbas Khosravi
Ibrahim Hossain
Navid Mohajer
Hussain Mohammed Dipu Kabir
Seyed Mohammad Jafar Jalali
Darius Nahavandi
Syed Moshfeq Salaken
Saeid Nahavandi
Aurelien Lagrandcourt
Navneet Bhasin
Autonomous Navigation via Deep Imitation and Transfer Learning: A Comparative Study.
Navid Mohajer
Mohammad Rokonuzzaman
Darius Nahavandi
Syed Moshfeq Salaken
Zoran Najdovski
Saeid Nahavandi
Effects of Road Path Profiles on Autonomous Vehicles' Handling Behaviour.
Mohammad Rokonuzzaman
Navid Mohajer
Saeid Nahavandi
Shady M. K. Mohamed
Learning-based Model Predictive Control for Path Tracking Control of Autonomous Vehicle.
Navid Mohajer
Zoran Najdovski
Saeid Nahavandi
Design and Development of a Low-Cost High-G Centrifuge System (Cyclone).
Mohammad Rokonuzzaman
Navid Mohajer
Saeid Nahavandi
NMPC-based Controller for Autonomous Vehicles Considering Handling Performance.
Navid Mohajer
Houshyar Asadi
Saeid Nahavandi
Chee Peng Lim
Evaluation of the Path Tracking Performance of Autonomous Vehicles Using the Universal Motion Simulator.
Navid Mohajer
Hamid Abdi
Kyle Nelson
Saeid Nahavandi
On the simulation-based objective estimation of road vehicle ride comfort.
Gokul Sidarth Thirunavukkarasu
Hamid Abdi
Navid Mohajer
A smart HMI for driving safety using emotion prediction of EEG signals.