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Jacopo Aguzzi
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2009-2025
Publications (10 Years): 20
Top Topics
Autonomous Robotic
Histogram Equalization
Environmental Data
Top Venues
IEEE Access
Future Gener. Comput. Syst.
Michele Ferrari
Daniele D'Agostino
Jacopo Aguzzi
Simone Marini
Underwater Mediterranean image analysis based on the compute continuum paradigm.
Future Gener. Comput. Syst.
162 (2025)
Luciano Ortenzi
Jacopo Aguzzi
Corrado Costa
Simone Marini
Daniele D'Agostino
Laurenz Thomsen
Fabio C. De Leo
Paulo V. Correa
Damianos Chatzievangelou
Automated species classification and counting by deep-sea mobile crawler platforms using YOLO.
Ecol. Informatics
82 (2024)
Vanesa López-Vázquez
José Manuel López-Guede
Damianos Chatzievangelou
Jacopo Aguzzi
Deep learning based deep-sea automatic image enhancement and animal species classification.
J. Big Data
10 (1) (2023)
Vanesa López-Vázquez
José Manuel López-Guede
Simone Marini
Emanuela Fanelli
Espen Johnsen
Jacopo Aguzzi
Correction: Lopez-Vazquez et al. Video Image Enhancement and Machine Learning Pipeline for Underwater Animal Detection and Classification at Cabled Observatories. Sensors 2020, 20, 726.
23 (1) (2023)
Angela Mazzeo
Jacopo Aguzzi
Marcello Calisti
Simonepietro Canese
Michela Angiolillo
A. Louise Allcock
Fabrizio Vecchi
Sergio Stefanni
Marco Controzzi
Marine Robotics for Deep-Sea Specimen Collection: A Taxonomy of Underwater Manipulative Actions.
22 (4) (2022)
Angela Mazzeo
Jacopo Aguzzi
Marcello Calisti
Simonepietro Canese
Fabrizio Vecchi
Sergio Stefanni
Marco Controzzi
Marine Robotics for Deep-Sea Specimen Collection: A Systematic Review of Underwater Grippers.
22 (2) (2022)
Jacopo Aguzzi
Corrado Costa
Marcello Calisti
Fabrizio Vecchi
Lewis Dartnell
Valerio Funari
Peter Weiss
Kathrin Nowak
Sergio Stefanni
Damianos Chatzievangelou
Roberto Danovaro
Simone Marini
Helena Gomes
Research Trends and Future Perspectives in Marine Biomimicking Robotics.
21 (11) (2021)
Joaquín del Río
David Sarriá
Jacopo Aguzzi
Ivan Masmitja
Matias Carandell
Joaquim Olive
Spartacus Gomaríz
Pep Santamaria
Antoni Mánuel Lázaro
Marc Nogueras
Daniel Mihai Toma
Enoc Martínez
Carola Artero-Delgado
Ikram Bghiel
Mar Martínez
Javier Cadena
Albert Garcia-Benadí
Obsea: A Decadal Balance for a Cabled Observatory Deployment.
IEEE Access
8 (2020)
Jacopo Aguzzi
Jan Albiez
Sascha Flögel
Olav Rune Godø
Endre Grimsbø
Simone Marini
Olaf Pfannkuche
Erik Rodríguez
Laurenz Thomsen
Terje Torkelsen
Javier Valencia
Vanesa López-Vázquez
Henning Wehde
Guosong Zhang
A Flexible Autonomous Robotic Observatory Infrastructure for Bentho-Pelagic Monitoring.
20 (6) (2020)
Damianos Chatzievangelou
Jacopo Aguzzi
Martin Scherwath
Laurenz Thomsen
Quality Control and Pre-Analysis Treatment of the Environmental Datasets Collected by an Internet Operated Deep-Sea Crawler during Its Entire 7-Year Long Deployment (2009-2016).
20 (10) (2020)
Ivan Masmitja
Joan Navarro
Spartacus Gomaríz
Jacopo Aguzzi
Brian Kieft
Tom O'Reilly
Kakani Katija
Pierre-Jean Bouvet
C. Fannjiang
M. Vigo
Pere Puig
A. Alcocer
Guillem Vallicrosa
Narcís Palomeras
Marc Carreras
Joaquín del Río
Joan Baptista Company
Mobile robotic platforms for the acoustic tracking of deep-sea demersal fishery resources.
Sci. Robotics
5 (48) (2020)
Vanesa López-Vázquez
José Manuel López-Guede
Simone Marini
Emanuela Fanelli
Espen Johnsen
Jacopo Aguzzi
Video Image Enhancement and Machine Learning Pipeline for Underwater Animal Detection and Classification at Cabled Observatories.
20 (3) (2020)
Jacopo Aguzzi
Damianos Chatzievangelou
Marco Francescangeli
Simone Marini
Federico Bonofiglio
Joaquín del Río
Roberto Danovaro
The Hierarchic Treatment of Marine Ecological Information from Spatial Networks of Benthic Platforms.
20 (6) (2020)
Ander Zuazo
Jordi Grinyó
Vanesa López-Vázquez
Erik Rodríguez
Corrado Costa
Luciano Ortenzi
Sascha Flögel
Javier Valencia
Simone Marini
Guosong Zhang
Henning Wehde
Jacopo Aguzzi
An Automated Pipeline for Image Processing and Data Treatment to Track Activity Rhythms of Paragorgia arborea in Relation to Hydrographic Conditions.
20 (21) (2020)
Nixon Bahamon
Jacopo Aguzzi
Miguel-Angel Ahumada-Sempoal
Raffaele Bernardello
Charlotte Reuschel
Joan Baptista Company
Francesc Peters
Ana Gordoa
Joan Navarro
Zoila Velásquez
Antonio Cruzado
Stepped Coastal Water Warming Revealed by Multiparametric Monitoring at NW Mediterranean Fixed Stations.
20 (9) (2020)
Emanuela Fanelli
Jacopo Aguzzi
Simone Marini
Joaquín del Río
Marc Nogueras
Simonepietro Canese
Sergio Stefanni
Roberto Danovaro
Fabio Conversano
Towards Naples Ecological REsearch for Augmented Observatories (NEREA): The NEREA-Fix Module, a Stand-Alone Platform for Long-Term Deep-Sea Ecosystem Monitoring.
20 (10) (2020)
Ivan Masmitja
Spartacus Gomaríz
Joaquín del Río
Brian Kieft
Tom O'Reilly
Pierre-Jean Bouvet
Jacopo Aguzzi
Range-Only Single-Beacon Tracking of Underwater Targets From an Autonomous Vehicle: From Theory to Practice.
IEEE Access
7 (2019)
Ivan Masmitja
Spartacus Gomaríz
Joaquín del Río
Brian Kieft
Tom O'Reilly
Pierre-Jean Bouvet
Jacopo Aguzzi
Optimal path shape for range-only underwater target localization using a Wave Glider.
Int. J. Robotics Res.
37 (12) (2018)
Ivan Masmitja
Julian Gonzalez
Cesar Galarza
Spartacus Gomaríz
Jacopo Aguzzi
Joaquín del Río
New Vectorial Propulsion System and Trajectory Control Designs for Improved AUV Mission Autonomy.
18 (4) (2018)
José Antonio García
David Masip
Valerio Sbragaglia
Jacopo Aguzzi
Automated Identification and Tracking of Nephrops norvegicus (L.) Using Infrared and Monochromatic Blue Light.
Luca Mazzei
Simone Marini
Jessica Craig
Jacopo Aguzzi
Emanuela Fanelli
Imants G. Priede
Automated Video Imaging System for Counting Deep-Sea Bioluminescence Organisms Events.
Joaquín del Río
Jacopo Aguzzi
Corrado Costa
Paolo Menesatti
Valerio Sbragaglia
Marc Nogueras
Francesc Sardà
Antoni Mánuel Lázaro
A New Colorimetrically-Calibrated Automated Video-Imaging Protocol for Day-Night Fish Counting at the OBSEA Coastal Cabled Observatory.
13 (11) (2013)
Paolo Menesatti
Claudio Angelini
Federico Pallottino
Francesca Antonucci
Jacopo Aguzzi
Corrado Costa
RGB Color Calibration for Quantitative Image Analysis: The "3D Thin-Plate Spline" Warping Approach.
12 (6) (2012)
Jacopo Aguzzi
Valerio Sbragaglia
David Sarriá
José Antonio García
Corrado Costa
Joaquín del Río
Antoni Mánuel Lázaro
Paolo Menesatti
Francesc Sardà
A New Laboratory Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) System for Behavioural Tracking of Marine Organisms.
11 (10) (2011)
Nixon Bahamon
Jacopo Aguzzi
Raffaele Bernardello
Miguel-Angel Ahumada-Sempoal
Joan Puigdefabregas
Jordi Cateura
Eduardo Muñoz
Zoila Velásquez
Antonio Cruzado
The New Pelagic Operational Observatory of the Catalan Sea (OOCS) for the Multisensor Coordinated Measurement of Atmospheric and Oceanographic Conditions.
11 (12) (2011)
Jacopo Aguzzi
Antoni Mánuel Lázaro
Fernando Condal
Jorge Guillen
Marc Nogueras
Joaquín del Río
Corrado Costa
Paolo Menesatti
Pere Puig
Francesc Sardà
Daniel Mihai Toma
Albert Palanques
The New Seafloor Observatory (OBSEA) for Remote and Long-Term Coastal Ecosystem Monitoring.
11 (6) (2011)
Jacopo Aguzzi
Corrado Costa
Katleen Robert
Marjolaine Matabos
Francesca Antonucci
S. Kim Juniper
Paolo Menesatti
Automated Image Analysis for the Detection of Benthic Crustaceans and Bacterial Mat Coverage Using the VENUS Undersea Cabled Network.
11 (11) (2011)
Jacopo Aguzzi
Corrado Costa
Yoshihiro Fujiwara
Ryoichi Iwase
Eva Ramirez-Llorda
Paolo Menesatti
A Novel Morphometry-Based Protocol of Automated Video-Image Analysis for Species Recognition and Activity Rhythms Monitoring in Deep-Sea Fauna.
9 (11) (2009)