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Spartacus Gomaríz
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2000-2023
Publications (10 Years): 11
Top Topics
Obstacle Detection
Optimal Path
Structured Environments
Top Venues
IEEE Access
Ivan Masmitja
Mario Martin
Kakani Katija
Spartacus Gomaríz
Joan Navarro
A reinforcement learning path planning approach for range-only underwater target localization with autonomous vehicles.
Ivan Masmitja
Mario Martin
Kakani Katija
Spartacus Gomaríz
Joan Navarro
A reinforcement learning path planning approach for range-only underwater target localization with autonomous vehicles.
Enoc Martínez
Albert Garcia-Benadí
Daniel Mihai Toma
Eric Delory
Spartacus Gomaríz
Joaquín del Río
Metadata-Driven Universal Real-Time Ocean Sound Measurement Architecture.
IEEE Access
9 (2021)
Ivan Masmitja
Daniel Corregidor
Juan Manuel López
Enoc Martínez
Joan Navarro
Spartacus Gomaríz
Miniaturised bidirectional acoustic tag to enhance marine animal tracking studies.
Daniel Corregidor
Ivan Masmitja
Juan Manuel López
Spartacus Gomaríz
Joan Navarro
Guillermo de Arcas
Analysis and initial design of bidirectional acoustic tag modulation schemes and communication protocol.
Joaquín del Río
David Sarriá
Jacopo Aguzzi
Ivan Masmitja
Matias Carandell
Joaquim Olive
Spartacus Gomaríz
Pep Santamaria
Antoni Mánuel Lázaro
Marc Nogueras
Daniel Mihai Toma
Enoc Martínez
Carola Artero-Delgado
Ikram Bghiel
Mar Martínez
Javier Cadena
Albert Garcia-Benadí
Obsea: A Decadal Balance for a Cabled Observatory Deployment.
IEEE Access
8 (2020)
Ivan Masmitja
Joan Navarro
Spartacus Gomaríz
Jacopo Aguzzi
Brian Kieft
Tom O'Reilly
Kakani Katija
Pierre-Jean Bouvet
C. Fannjiang
M. Vigo
Pere Puig
A. Alcocer
Guillem Vallicrosa
Narcís Palomeras
Marc Carreras
Joaquín del Río
Joan Baptista Company
Mobile robotic platforms for the acoustic tracking of deep-sea demersal fishery resources.
Sci. Robotics
5 (48) (2020)
Ivan Masmitja
Spartacus Gomaríz
Joaquín del Río
Brian Kieft
Tom O'Reilly
Pierre-Jean Bouvet
Jacopo Aguzzi
Range-Only Single-Beacon Tracking of Underwater Targets From an Autonomous Vehicle: From Theory to Practice.
IEEE Access
7 (2019)
Ivan Masmitja
Spartacus Gomaríz
Joaquín del Río
Brian Kieft
Tom O'Reilly
Pierre-Jean Bouvet
Jacopo Aguzzi
Optimal path shape for range-only underwater target localization using a Wave Glider.
Int. J. Robotics Res.
37 (12) (2018)
Ivan Masmitja
Julian Gonzalez
Cesar Galarza
Spartacus Gomaríz
Jacopo Aguzzi
Joaquín del Río
New Vectorial Propulsion System and Trajectory Control Designs for Improved AUV Mission Autonomy.
18 (4) (2018)
Cesar Galarza
Ivan Masmitja
Jordi Prat Tasias
Spartacus Gomaríz
Design of obstacle detection and avoidance system for Guanay II AUV.
Normandino Carreras
Spartacus Gomaríz
Antoni Mánuel Lázaro
Montserrat Carbonell
Angel David Moure
Pedro Antonio Torres
Ramón Ortiz
Digital system for monitoring volcanic seismicity.
Spartacus Gomaríz
Eduard Alarcón
Francisco Guinjoan
Enric Vidal-Idiarte
Luis Martínez-Salamero
Domingo Biel
TSK-fuzzy controller design for a PWM boost DC-DC switching regulator operating at different steady state output voltages.
Spartacus Gomaríz
Eduard Alarcón
Francesc Guinjoan
Enric Vidal-Idiarte
Luis Martínez-Salamero
Two-rules-based boundary layer fuzzy controller for DC to DC switching regulators.
Spartacus Gomaríz
Eduard Alarcón
Francesc Guinjoan
Enric Vidal-Idiarte
Luis Martínez-Salamero
Piecewise PWM-sliding global control of a boost switching regulator by means of first-order Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy control.
Spartacus Gomaríz
Francesc Guinjoan
Enric Vidal-Idiarte
Luis Martínez-Salamero
Alberto Poveda
On the use of the describing function in fuzzy controller design for switching dc-dc regulators.