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Tom Prickett
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2019-2024
Publications (10 Years): 28
Top Topics
Computer Science
Case Study
Peer Assessment
Software Development Projects
Top Venues
ITiCSE (2)
ITiCSE (1)
Tom Prickett
Julie Walters
Longzhi Yang
A Preliminary Study of Viewpoints of the Learner-Earner Journey.
ITiCSE (2)
Tom Prickett
Tom Crick
James H. Davenport
David S. Bowers
Alan Hayes
Alastair Irons
Embedding Technical, Personal and Professional Competencies in Computing Degree Programmes.
ITiCSE (1)
Rita Garcia
Andrew Csizmadia
Janice L. Pearce
Bedour Alshaigy
Olga Glebova
Brian Harrington
Konstantinos Liaskos
Stephanie J. Lunn
Bonnie K. MacKellar
Usman Nasir
Raymond Pettit
Tom Prickett
Sandra Schulz
Craig Stewart
Angela M. Zavaleta Bernuy
All for One and One for All - Collaboration in Computing Education: Policy, Practice, and Professional Dispositions.
ITiCSE (2)
David S. Bowers
Alan Hayes
Tom Prickett
Tom Crick
Kevin Streater
Chris Sharp
The Institute of Coding Accreditation Standard: Exploring the Use of a Professional Skills Framework to Address the UK Skills Gap.
Tom Crick
Tom Prickett
Emma Anderson
Ian Watson
Neeranjan Chitare
Christina Vasiliou
Disruptors in Educational Technology: A Futurespective Case Study of UK Computing Academics.
Tom Crick
Tom Prickett
Andrew Turnbull
"Embedding Dispositions in Peer Assessment for Software Teams: More than just a \"Product\" Focus".
Tom Crick
James H. Davenport
Alan Hayes
Tom Prickett
Teaching Programming Competencies: A Role for Craft Computing?
Tom Crick
Tom Prickett
Christina Vasiliou
Neeranjan Chitare
Ian Watson
Exploring Computing Students' Post-Pandemic Learning Preferences with Workshops: A UK Institutional Case Study.
ITiCSE (1)
Rajendra K. Raj
John Impagliazzo
Sherif G. Aly
David S. Bowers
Harold Connamacher
Stan Kurkovsky
Bonnie K. MacKellar
Tom Prickett
Maíra Marques Samary
Krassen Stefanov
Professional Accreditation and Competency-Based Computing Education.
ITiCSE (2)
Tom Crick
James H. Davenport
Alan Hayes
Alastair Irons
Tom Prickett
Simon Payne
A National Mentoring and Buddying Pilot Scheme for UK Early Career CS Academics.
ITiCSE (2)
Tom Crick
Tom Prickett
Jill Bradnum
A Preliminary Study of Peer Assessment Feedback within Team Software Development Projects.
Tom Crick
James H. Davenport
Paul Hanna
Alan Hayes
Alastair Irons
Keith Miller
Tom Prickett
Rupert Ward
Becky Allen
Bhagyashree Patil
Simon Payne
Co-Constructing a Community of Practice for Early-Career Computer Science Academics in the UK.
Tom Crick
Tom Prickett
Jill Bradnum
Alan Godfrey
Gender parity in peer assessment of team software development projects.
Rajendra K. Raj
John Impagliazzo
Sherif G. Aly
David S. Bowers
Harold Connamacher
Stan Kurkovsky
Bonnie K. MacKellar
Tom Prickett
Maíra Marques Samary
Toward Competency-Based Professional Accreditation in Computing.
Tom Crick
Tom Prickett
Jill Bradnum
Exploring Learner Resilience and Performance of First-Year Computer Science Undergraduate Students during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
ITiCSE (1)
Alastair Irons
Tom Crick
James H. Davenport
Tom Prickett
Increasing the Value of Professional Body Computer Science Degree Accreditation.
Helen Phillips
Wendy Ivins
Tom Prickett
Julie Walters
Rebecca Strachan
Using contributing student pedagogy to enhance support for teamworking in computer science projects.
Tom Crick
Tom Prickett
Julie Walters
A Preliminary Study Exploring the Impact of Learner Resilience under Enforced Online Delivery during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
ITiCSE (Working Group Reports)
Tom Crick
James H. Davenport
Alan Hayes
Alastair Irons
Tom Prickett
Developing a Computer Science Education Community of Practice for Early-Career Academics in the UK.
ITiCSE (Working Group Reports)
Tom Crick
James H. Davenport
Alan Hayes
Alastair Irons
Tom Prickett
Supporting Early-Career Academics in the UK Computer Science Community.
Rupert Ward
Oliver Phillips
David Bowers
Tom Crick
James H. Davenport
Paul Hanna
Alan Hayes
Alastair Irons
Tom Prickett
Towards a 21st Century Personalised Learning Skills Taxonomy.
Tom Crick
James H. Davenport
Paul Hanna
Alastair Irons
Tom Prickett
Overcoming the Challenges of Teaching Cybersecurity in UK Computer Science Degree Programmes.
Tom Prickett
Julie Walters
Longzhi Yang
Morgan Harvey
Tom Crick
Resilience and Effective Learning in First-Year Undergraduate Computer Science.
Opeyemi Dele-Ajayi
Jill Bradnum
Tom Prickett
Rebecca Strachan
Femi Alufa
Victor Ayodele
Tackling Gender Stereotypes in STEM Educational Resources.
Tom Crick
Tom Prickett
James H. Davenport
Alastair Irons
Assessing the Value of Professional Body Accreditation of Computer Science Degree Programmes: A UK Case Study.
Tom Crick
James H. Davenport
Paul Hanna
Alastair Irons
Tom Prickett
Computer Science Degree Accreditation in the UK: A Post-Shadbolt Review Update.
Tom Crick
James H. Davenport
Alastair Irons
Tom Prickett
A UK Case Study on Cybersecurity Education and Accreditation.
Tom Crick
James H. Davenport
Alastair Irons
Tom Prickett
A UK Case Study on Cybersecurity Education and Accreditation.