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Rita Orji
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2012-2024
Publications (10 Years): 200
Top Topics
Systematic Review
Social Media
Mobile Apps
Language Processing
Top Venues
UMAP (Adjunct Publication)
Ifeoma Adaji
Kiemute Oyibo
Rita Orji
Jaap Ham
Alaa Alslaity
Preface to the 7th International Workshop on Personalizing Persuasive Technologies.
Sussan Anukem
Chinenye Ndulue
Rita Orji
DROP DASH: A Persuasive Mobile Game to Promote Healthy Hydration Choices Using Machine Learning.
Chinenye Ndulue
Rita Orji
Investigating Gender-Specific Preferences for Persuasive Strategies in a Persuasive Game for Healthy Eating.
Felwah Alqahtani
Chinenye Ndulue
Rita Orji
Exploring the Effect of Using a Single Versus Multiple Behaviour Change Strategies on Motivation to Use Gratitude App and Possible Gender Differences.
Ala'a Alslaity
Rita Orji
Machine learning techniques for emotion detection and sentiment analysis: current state, challenges, and future directions.
Behav. Inf. Technol.
43 (1) (2024)
Jaisheen Kour Reen
Aniefiok Friday
Gerry Chan
Rita Orji
iCare: Findings from the Design and Initial Evaluation of a Mental Health App Prototype for Working-Class Women in India.
HCI (3)
Hamed Jelodar
Rita Orji
Stan Matwin
Swarna Weerasinghe
Oladapo Oyebode
Yongli Wang
Correction to: Emotion detection and semantic trends during COVID-19 social isolation using artificial intelligence techniques.
J. Ambient Intell. Humaniz. Comput.
15 (4) (2024)
Rita Orji
Alaa Alslaity
Gerry Chan
Towards understanding the mechanism through which reward and punishment motivate or demotivate behaviours.
Behav. Inf. Technol.
43 (6) (2024)
Chinenye Ndulue
Rita Orji
Exploring the Influence of Game Framing and Gamer Types on the Effectiveness of Persuasive Games.
Joseph Orji
Gerry Chan
Chinenye Ndulue
Rita Orji
SmileApp: The Design and Evaluation of an mHealth App for Stress Reduction Through Artificial Intelligence and Persuasive Technology.
Najla Almutari
Alaa Alslaity
Rita Orji
Persuasive Determinants of Physical Activity in Adults: Cultural Differences and the Moderating Effect of Gender and Age.
HCI (16)
Grace Ataguba
Rita Orji
Toward the design of persuasive systems for a healthy workplace: a real-time posture detection.
Frontiers Big Data
7 (2024)
Oladapo Oyebode
Darren Steeves
Rita Orji
Persuasive Strategies and Emotional States: Towards Emotion-Adaptive Persuasive Technologies Design.
Hamed Jelodar
Rita Orji
Stan Matween
Swarna Weerasinghe
Oladapo Oyebode
Yongli Wang
Emotion detection and semantic trends during COVID-19 social isolation using artificial intelligence techniques.
J. Ambient Intell. Humaniz. Comput.
14 (12) (2023)
Oladapo Oyebode
Rita Orji
Persuasive strategy implementation choices and their effectiveness: towards personalised persuasive systems.
Behav. Inf. Technol.
42 (13) (2023)
Chinenye Ndulue
Rita Orji
A Usability Evaluation of a Software Framework for Designing Persuasive Games.
UMAP (Adjunct Publication)
Felwah Alqahtani
Rita Orji
Heleen Riper
Nicola McCleary
Holly O. Witteman
Patrick McGrath
Motivation-based approach for tailoring persuasive mental health applications.
Behav. Inf. Technol.
42 (5) (2023)
Sanaz Adel Alipour
Rita Orji
Nur Zincir-Heywood
Behaviour and Bot Analysis on Online Social Networks: Twitter, Parler, and Reddit.
Int. J. Technol. Hum. Interact.
19 (1) (2023)
Chukwuemeka Nwagu
Ala'a Alslaity
Rita Orji
EEG-Based Brain-Computer Interactions in Immersive Virtual and Augmented Reality: A Systematic Review.
Proc. ACM Hum. Comput. Interact.
7 (EICS) (2023)
Kiemute Oyibo
Ifeoma Adaji
Rita Orji
Jaap Ham
Julita Vassileva
Adaptive and Personalized Persuasive Technologies (ADAPPT 2023) Workshop.
UMAP (Adjunct Publication)
Oladapo Oyebode
Jonathon Fowles
Darren Steeves
Rita Orji
Machine Learning Techniques in Adaptive and Personalized Systems for Health and Wellness.
Int. J. Hum. Comput. Interact.
39 (9) (2023)
Smriti Jha
Ngoc Song Ha Pho
Rita Orji
ProTaskinator: A Persuasive Mobile Application for Reducing Procrastination in University Students.
Joseph Ufiem Orji
Gerry Chan
Rita Orji
Augmented Reality and Machine Learning in Health: A Systematic Review.
Richard K. Lomotey
Sandra Kumi
Maxwell Hilton
Rita Orji
Ralph Deters
Using Machine Learning to Establish the Concerns of Persons With HIV/AIDS During the COVID-19 Pandemic From Their Tweets.
IEEE Access
11 (2023)
Dinesh Mulchandani
Ala'a Alslaity
Rita Orji
Exploring the effectiveness of persuasive games for disease prevention and awareness and the impact of tailoring to the stages of change.
Hum. Comput. Interact.
38 (5-6) (2023)
Oladapo Oyebode
Rita Orji
Identifying adverse drug reactions from patient reviews on social media using natural language processing.
Health Informatics J.
29 (1) (2023)
Olatunji Mumini Omisore
Toluwanimi Oluwadara Akinyemi
Wenjing Du
Wenke Duan
Rita Orji
Thanh Nho Do
Lei Wang
Weighting-Based Deep Ensemble Learning for Recognition of Interventionalists' Hand Motions During Robot-Assisted Intravascular Catheterization.
IEEE Trans. Hum. Mach. Syst.
53 (1) (2023)
Pratyasha Bhattacharya
Alaa Al-Slaity
Rita Orji
Persuasive Application for Sex Education.
Mona Alhasani
Oladapo Oyebode
Rita Orji
SereneMind: Design and Evaluation of a Persuasive Mobile App for Managing Stress Among Adults.
Noora Aldenaini
Ala'a Alslaity
Srinivas Sampalli
Rita Orji
Persuasive Strategies and Their Implementations in Mobile Interventions for Physical Activity: A Systematic Review.
Int. J. Hum. Comput. Interact.
39 (12) (2023)
Alaa Alslaity
Gerry Chan
Rita Orji
A panoramic view of personalization based on individual differences in persuasive and behavior change interventions.
Frontiers Artif. Intell.
6 (2023)
Amon Rapp
Federica Cena
Christoph Trattner
Rita Orji
Julita Vassileva
Alain Starke
BehavRec: Workshop on Recommendations for Behavior Change.
Chinenye Ndulue
Rita Orji
Games for Change - A Comparative Systematic Review of Persuasive Strategies in Games for Behavior Change.
IEEE Trans. Games
15 (2) (2023)
Chukwuemeka Nwagu
Rita Orji
Chai Wallpaper: A Mindfulness-Based Persuasive Intervention for Absent-Minded Smartphone Usage.
UMAP (Adjunct Publication)
Ashfaq Adib
Rita Orji
Persuasive System Design for Climate Change Awareness.
Victor Yisa
Reza Ghaiumy Anaraky
Bart P. Knijnenburg
Rita Orji
Investigating Privacy Decision-Making Processes Among Nigerian Men and Women.
Proc. Priv. Enhancing Technol.
2023 (1) (2023)
Anirudh Ganesh
Chinenye Ndulue
Rita Orji
Tailoring a Persuasive Game to Promote Secure Smartphone Behaviour.
Gerry Chan
Ala'a Alslaity
Jaisheen Kour Reen
Sussan Anukem
Rita Orji
GardenQuest: Using Hexad Player Types to Design a Step-Based Multiplayer Persuasive Game for Motivating Physical Activity.
Chinenye Ndulue
Marsha Melis
Rita Orji
Nutri-Smober: A Preliminary Study to Investigate the Domain Dependency of Behaviour Change Strategies in Persuasive Games.
Jaisheen Reen
Aniefiok Friday
Rita Orji
Saving Life and Keeping Privacy: A Study on Mobile Apps for Suicide Prevention and Privacy Policies.
Ala'a Alslaity
Gerry Chan
Rita Orji
Richard Wilson
Insights From Longitudinal Evaluation of Moodie Mental Health App.
CHI Extended Abstracts
Felwah Alqahtani
Sandra Meier
Rita Orji
Personality-based approach for tailoring persuasive mental health applications.
User Model. User Adapt. Interact.
32 (3) (2022)
Felwah Alqahtani
Ala'a Alslaity
Rita Orji
Usability Testing of a Gratitude Application for Promoting Mental Well-Being.
HCI (3)
Ala'a Alslaity
Banuchitra Suruliraj
Oladapo Oyebode
Jonathon Fowles
Darren Steeves
Rita Orji
Mobile Applications for Health and Wellness: A Systematic Review.
Proc. ACM Hum. Comput. Interact.
6 (EICS) (2022)
Sandra Kumi
Dylan Kelly
Jonathan Woodstuff
Richard K. Lomotey
Rita Orji
Ralph Deters
Cocoa Companion: Deep Learning-Based Smartphone Application for Cocoa Disease Detection.
Ifeanyi Paul Odenigbo
Ala'a Alslaity
Rita Orji
Augmented and Virtual Reality-Driven Interventions for Healthy Behavior Change: A Systematic Review.
Joseph Orji
Amelia Hernandez
Biebelemabo Selema
Rita Orji
TidyHome: A Persuasive App for Supporting Victims and Survivors of Domestic Violence.
HCI (3)
Ifeoma Adaji
Kiemute Oyibo
Rita Orji
Jaap Ham
Oladapo Oyebode
Preface to the 6th International Workshop on Personalizing Persuasive Technologies.
Chinenye Ndulue
Oladapo Oyebode
Ravishankar Subramani Iyer
Anirudh Ganesh
Syed Ishtiaque Ahmed
Rita Orji
Personality-targeted persuasive gamified systems: exploring the impact of application domain on the effectiveness of behaviour change strategies.
User Model. User Adapt. Interact.
32 (1-2) (2022)
Ala'a Alslaity
Najla Almutari
Rita Orji
Personalizing mHealth Persuasive Interventions for Physical Activity: The Impact of Personality on the Determinants of Physical Activity.
Ala'a Alslaity
Gerry Chan
Richard Wilson
Rita Orji
Toward Understanding Users' Interactions with a Mental Health App: An Association Rule Mining Approach.
Sanaz Adel Alipour
Rita Orji
Nur Zincir-Heywood
Security of Social Networks: Lessons Learned on Twitter Bot Analysis in the Literature.
Adenrele Oduntan
Oladapo Oyebode
Amelia Hernandez Beltran
Jonathon Fowles
Darren Steeves
Rita Orji
"I Let Depression and Anxiety Drown Me...": Identifying Factors Associated With Resilience Based on Journaling Using Machine Learning and Thematic Analysis.
IEEE J. Biomed. Health Informatics
26 (7) (2022)
Gerry Chan
Ala'a Alslaity
Richard Wilson
Rita Orji
Exploring Variance in Users' Moods across Times, Seasons, and Activities: A Longitudinal Analysis.
MobileHCI (Adjunct)
Oladapo Oyebode
Chinenye Ndulue
Dinesh Mulchandani
Banuchitra Suruliraj
Ashfaq Adib
Fidelia Anulika Orji
Evangelos E. Milios
Stan Matwin
Rita Orji
COVID-19 Pandemic: Identifying Key Issues Using Social Media and Natural Language Processing.
J. Heal. Informatics Res.
6 (2) (2022)
Chinenye Ndulue
Rita Orji
Persuasive Games for Physical Activity in App Stores: A Systematic Review.
Banuchitra Suruliraj
Rita Orji
Federated Learning Framework for Mobile Sensing Apps in Mental Health.
Ignatius Ogbaga
Makuochi Nkwo
Ifeyinwa A. Ajah
Rita Orji
Co-Designing with Users: Towards a Persuasive App to Promote the Adoption of Appropriate Malaria Prevention and Control Behaviors in Developing Nations.
Ifeanyi Paul Odenigbo
Jaisheen Kour Reen
Chimamaka Eneze
Aniefiok Friday
Rita Orji
The Journey: An AR Gamified Mobile Application for Promoting Physical Activity in Young Adults.
UMAP (Adjunct Publication)
Oladapo Oyebode
Felwah Alqahtani
Rita Orji
Exploring for Possible Effect of Persuasive Strategy Implementation Choices: Towards Tailoring Persuasive Technologies.
Ronit Desai
Rita Orji
Eugenie Roudaia
Allison B. Sekuler
Sans Tracas: A Cross-platform Tool for Online EEG Experiments.
EICS (Companion)
Omisore Mumini Olatunji
Ifeanyi Odenigbo
Joseph Orji
Amelia Beltran
Rita Orji
Nilufar Baghaei
Sandra Meier
Extended Reality for Anxiety and Depression Therapy amidst Mental Disorders - A Systematic Review.
Jaisheen Kour Reen
Rita Orji
Improving Mental Health Among Working-Class Indian Women: Insight From An Interview Study.
CHI Extended Abstracts
Joseph Orji
Amelia Hernandez
Biebelemabo Selema
Rita Orji
Virtual and Augmented Reality Applications for Promoting Safety and Security: A Systematic Review.
Chinenye Ndulue
Rita Orji
Player Personality Traits and the Effectiveness of a Persuasive Game for Disease Awareness Among the African Population.
Oladapo Oyebode
Rita Orji
Player Matching in a Persuasive Mobile Exergame: Towards Performance-Driven Collaboration and Adaptivity.
Anirudh Ganesh
Chinenye Ndulue
Rita Orji
Smartphone Security and Privacy - A Gamified Persuasive Approach with Protection Motivation Theory.
Mona Alhasani
Rita Orji
SortOut: Persuasive Stress Management Mobile Application for Higher Education Students.
Ifeanyi Paul Odenigbo
Jaisheen Kour Reen
Chimamaka Eneze
Aniefiok Friday
Rita Orji
Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality Interventions for Physical Activity: A Systematic Review.
Chinenye Ndulue
Rita Orji
Heuristic Evaluation of an African-centric Mobile Persuasive Game for Promoting Safety Measures Against COVID-19.
Dinesh Mulchandani
Rita Orji
Persuasiveness of a Game to Promote the Adoption of COVID-19 Precautionary Measures and the Moderating Effect of Gender.
UMAP (Adjunct Publication)
Hamed Jelodar
Rita Orji
Stan Matwin
Swarna Weerasinghe
Oladapo Oyebode
Yongli Wang
Artificial Intelligence for Emotion-Semantic Trending and People Emotion Detection During COVID-19 Social Isolation.
Aderonke Busayo Sakpere
Makuochi Samuel Nkwo
Aisha Muhammad Abdullahi
Muhammed Sadi Adamu
Rita Orji
Age Differences in Problematic Mobile Phone Usage among Africans.
Ashfaq Adib
Rita Orji
A Systematic Review of Persuasive Strategies in Mobile E-Commerce Applications and Their Implementations.
Oladapo Oyebode
Richard K. Lomotey
Rita Orji
"I Tried to Breastfeed but...": Exploring Factors Influencing Breastfeeding Behaviours Based on Tweets Using Machine Learning and Thematic Analysis.
IEEE Access
9 (2021)
Dinesh Mulchandani
Rita Orji
A Persuasive Game to Promote Awareness and Adoption of COVID-19 Precautionary Measures.
UMAP (Adjunct Publication)
Dinesh Mulchandani
Rita Orji
Age and the persuasiveness of a game to promote the adoption of COVID-19 precautionary measures.
Chinenye Ndulue
Rita Orji
Gender and the Effectiveness of a Persuasive Game for Disease Awareness Targeted at the African Audience.
UMAP (Adjunct Publication)
Anirudh Ganesh
Chinenye Ndulue
Rita Orji
The Design and Development of Mobile Game to Promote Secure Smartphone Behaviour.
Olatunji Mumini Omisore
Wenjing Du
Wenke Duan
Thanh Do
Rita Orji
Lei Wang
A Deep Multimodal Network for Classification and Identification of Interventionists' Hand Motions during Cyborg Intravascular Catheterization.
Makuochi Nkwo
Rita Orji
Ifeyinwa A. Ajah
A Health Belief Model Approach to Evaluating Maternal Health Behaviors among Africans - Design Implications for Personalized Persuasive Technologies.
UMAP (Adjunct Publication)
Boma Graham-Kalio
Oladapo Oyebode
Nur Zincir-Heywood
Rita Orji
Analyzing COVID-19 Tweets using Health Behaviour Theories and Machine Learning.
Kiemute Oyibo
Ifeoma Adaji
Rita Orji
Jaap Ham
Julita Vassileva
Adaptive and Personalized Persuasive Technologies.
UMAP (Adjunct Publication)
Makuochi Samuel Nkwo
Rita Orji
John Ugah
Insider Perspectives of Human-Computer Interaction for Development Research: Opportunities and Challenges.
Ashfaq Adib
Amanda Norman
Rita Orji
Persuasive Application for Discouraging Unhealthy Gaming Behaviour.
Anirudh Ganesh
Chinenye Ndulue
Rita Orji
PERMARUN- A Persuasive Game to Improve User Awareness and Self-Efficacy Towards Secure Smartphone Behaviour.
CHI Extended Abstracts
Makuochi Samuel Nkwo
Rita Orji
A Mixed Method Approach to Evaluating eCommerce Website: Towards Socially-sensitive Guidelines for Future Design.
Oladapo Oyebode
Mona Alhasani
Dinesh Mulchandani
Tolulope Olagunju
Rita Orji
SleepFit: A Persuasive Mobile App for Improving Sleep Habits in Young Adults.
Oladapo Oyebode
Chinenye Ndulue
Dinesh Mulchandani
Ashfaq A. Zamil Adib
Mona Alhasani
Rita Orji
Tailoring Persuasive and Behaviour Change Systems Based on Stages of Change and Motivation.
Makuochi Nkwo
Banuchitra Suruliraj
Rita Orji
Persuasive Apps for Sustainable Waste Management: A Comparative Systematic Evaluation of Behavior Change Strategies and State-of-the-Art.
Frontiers Artif. Intell.
4 (2021)
Gerry Chan
Ali Arya
Rita Orji
Zhao Zhao
Anthony D. Whitehead
Personalizing Gameful Elements in Social Exergames: An Exploratory Study.
Chinenye Ndulue
Rita Orji
STD PONG 2.0: Field Evaluation of a Mobile Persuasive game for Discouraging Risky Sexual Behaviours among Africans Youths.
Oladapo Oyebode
Anirudh Ganesh
Rita Orji
TreeCare: Development and Evaluation of a Persuasive Mobile Game for Promoting Physical Activity.
Oladapo Oyebode
Rita Orji
MediNER: Understanding Diabetes Management Strategies Based on Social Media Discourse.
Makuochi Samuel Nkwo
Rita Orji
Ifeyinwa A. Ajah
Joseph Igwe
Ignatius Ogbaga
Chioma Chigozie-Okwum
Design Opportunities for Persuasive Mobile Apps to Support Maternal and Child Healthcare and Help-seeking Behaviors.
Najla Almutari
Rita Orji
Culture and Health Belief Model: Exploring the Determinants of Physical Activity Among Saudi Adults and the Moderating Effects of Age and Gender.
Chinenye Ndulue
Rita Orji
COVID Dodge: An African-Centric game for promoting COVID-19 Safety Measures.
Rita Orji
Jaap Ham
Kiemute Oyibo
Joshua C. Nwokeji
Oladapo Oyebode
Personalizing Persuasive Technologies Workshop 2020.
Gerry Chan
Ali Arya
Rita Orji
Zhao Zhao
Milica Stojmenovic
Anthony D. Whitehead
Player Matching for Social Exergame Retention: A Group Personality Composition Approach.
CHI PLAY (Companion)
Zhao Zhao
Ali Arya
Rita Orji
Gerry Chan
Physical Activity Recommendation for Exergame Player Modeling using Machine Learning Approach.