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Mohamad R. Saad
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2011-2022
Publications (10 Years): 6
Top Topics
Adaptive Control
Control Strategy
Transient Response
Nonlinear Systems
Top Venues
Int. J. Model. Identif. Control.
Adv. Robotics
Mahmoud El-Sayyah
Mohamad R. Saad
Maarouf Saad
Enhanced MPC for Omnidirectional Robot Motion Tracking Using Laguerre Functions and Non-Iterative Linearization.
IEEE Access
10 (2022)
Raouf Fareh
Mohamad R. Saad
Maarouf Saad
Abdelkrim Brahmi
Maamar Bettayeb
Trajectory Tracking and Stability Analysis for Mobile Manipulators Based on Decentralized Control.
37 (10) (2019)
Benoit BeloboMevo
Mohamad R. Saad
Raouf Fareh
Adaptive Sliding Mode Control of Wheeled Mobile Robot with Nonlinear Model and Uncertainties.
Raouf Fareh
Mohamad R. Saad
Maarouf Saad
Maamar Bettayeb
Distributed adaptive control strategy for flexible link manipulators.
35 (7) (2017)
Raouf Fareh
Abdelkrim Brahmi
Mohamad R. Saad
Maarouf Saad
Maamar Bettayeb
Tracking control for non-holonomic mobile manipulator using decentralised control strategy.
Int. J. Model. Identif. Control.
28 (1) (2017)
Raouf Fareh
Mohamad R. Saad
Maarouf Saad
Maamar Bettayeb
Tracking trajectory in the workspace of rigid manipulators using distributed adaptive control strategy.
Adv. Robotics
30 (6) (2016)
Raouf Fareh
Mohamad R. Saad
Maarouf Saad
Distributed control strategy for flexible link manipulators.
33 (4) (2015)
Raouf Fareh
Mohamad R. Saad
Maarouf Saad
Workspace trajectory tracking control for two-flexible-link manipulator through output redefinition.
Int. J. Model. Identif. Control.
18 (2) (2013)
Raouf Fareh
Mohamad R. Saad
Maarouf Saad
Real time hierarchical robust control for 5 DOF ANAT redundant robot using sliding mode technique.
Raouf Fareh
Mohamad R. Saad
Maarouf Saad
Design and experimental validation of a hierarchical control strategy for 7 DOF manipulators.
Raouf Fareh
Maarouf Saad
Abdelkrim Brahmi
Mohamad R. Saad
Real time tracking trajectory in workspace for ANAT robot manipulator using hierarchical control.