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Ludovic Hamon
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2007-2024
Publications (10 Years): 11
Top Topics
Virtual World
American Football
Human Learning
Virtual Environment
Top Venues
Mohamed Nail Hefied
Ludovic Hamon
Sébastien George
Valériane Loison
Fabrice Pirolli
Serena Lopez
Raphaëlle Crétin-Pirolli
A Pipeline for the Automatic Evaluation of Dental Surgery Gestures in Preclinical Training from Captured Motions.
Vincent Agueda
Ludovic Hamon
Sébastien George
Pierre-Jean Petitprez
Building Suitable Observation Points to Enhance the Learner's Perception of Information in Virtual Environment for Gesture Learning.
Noura Joudieh
Djadja Jean Delest Djadja
Ludovic Hamon
Sébastien George
Automatic Prediction of 3D Checkpoints for Technical Gesture Learning in Virtual Environments.
Djadja Jean Delest Djadja
Ludovic Hamon
Sébastien George
A 3D Descriptive Model for Designing Multimodal Feedbacks in any Virtual Environment for Gesture Learning.
Iza Marfisi-Schottman
Ludovic Hamon
Roland Klemke
Pierre Laforcade
Francesco Bellotti
Introduction to the Special Issue on GaLA Conf 2020.
Int. J. Serious Games
8 (3) (2021)
Djadja Jean Delest Djadja
Ludovic Hamon
Sébastien George
Design of a Motion-based Evaluation Process in Any Unity 3D Simulation for Human Learning.
Thibaut Le Naour
Ludovic Hamon
Jean-Pierre Bresciani
Superimposing 3D Virtual Self + Expert Modeling for Motor Learning: Application to the Throw in American Football.
Frontiers ICT
6 (2019)
Pierre-Yves Gicquel
Ludovic Hamon
Florian Plaut
Sébastien George
Albiziapp: A Gamified Tool Dedicated to Tree Mapping.
Djadja Jean Delest Djadja
Ludovic Hamon
Sébastien George
Modeling and Evaluating of Human 3d+t Activities in Virtual Environment.
Quentin Couland
Ludovic Hamon
Sébastien George
Enhancing Human Learning of Motions: An Approach Through Clustering.
Sylvie Gibet
François Lefebvre-Albaret
Ludovic Hamon
Rémi Brun
Ahmed Turki
Interactive editing in French Sign Language dedicated to virtual signers: requirements and challenges.
Univers. Access Inf. Soc.
15 (4) (2016)
Ludovic Hamon
Sylvie Gibet
Sabah Boustila
Interactive editing of utterances in French sign language dedicated to signing avatars (Édition interactive d'énoncés en langue des signes française dédiée aux avatars signeurs) [in French].
TALN (2)
Ludovic Hamon
Emmanuelle Richard
Paul Richard
Rachid Boumaza
Jean-Louis Ferrier
RTIL-system: a Real-Time Interactive L-system for 3D interactions with virtual plants.
Virtual Real.
16 (2) (2012)
Ludovic Hamon
Emmanuelle Richard
Paul Richard
Jean-Louis Ferrier
A Simple Framework to Develop Pedagogical Augmented Reality Programs: an Application Based on Plants Teaching.
Int. J. Virtual Real.
10 (2) (2011)
Ludovic Hamon
Philippe Lucidarme
Emmanuelle Richard
Paul Richard
Virtual Reality and Programming by Demonstration: Teaching a Robot to Grasp a Dynamic Object by the Generalization of Human Demonstrations.
Presence Teleoperators Virtual Environ.
20 (3) (2011)
Ludovic Hamon
Emmanuelle Richard
Paul Richard
Jean-Louis Ferrier
Real-time Interactive L-system - A Virtual Plant and Fractal Generator.
Ludovic Hamon
François-Xavier Inglese
Paul Richard
Human-scale virtual reality catching robot simulation.
Ludovic Hamon
François-Xavier Inglese
Paul Richard
Human-scale virtual reality catching robot simulation.