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Luciano Ost
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2003-2024
Publications (10 Years): 42
Top Topics
Neural Network
Reliability Assessment
Machine Learning
Top Venues
Auangkun Rangsikunpum
Sam Amiri
Luciano Ost
An FPGA-Based Intrusion Detection System Using Binarised Neural Network for CAN Bus Systems.
Eduardo Pereira
Lucas Luza
Nicolas Moura
Luciano Ost
Ney Calazans
Fernando Gehm Moraes
Rafael Garibotti
Assessment of Communication Protocols' Latency in Co-processing Robotic Systems.
Alex Hanneman
Jonas Gava
Vitor V. Bandeira
Rafael Garibotti
Ricardo Reis
Luciano Ost
DeBaTE-FI: A Debugger-Based Fault Injector Infrastructure for IoT Soft Error Reliability Assessment.
Geancarlo Abich
Anderson Ignacio da Silva
Jonas Gava
Altamiro Amadeu Susin
Ricardo Augusto da Luz Reis
Luciano Ost
Power and Performance Costs of Radiation-Hardened ML Inference Models Running on Edge Devices.
Geancarlo Abich
Anderson Ignacio da Silva
José Eduardo Thums
Rafael da Silva
Altamiro Amadeu Susin
Ricardo Reis
Luciano Ost
Power, Performance and Reliability Evaluation of Multi-thread Machine Learning Inference Models Executing in Multicore Edge Devices.
Nicolas Moura
Joaquim Lucena
Eduardo Pereira
Ney Calazans
Luciano Ost
Fernando Moraes
Rafael Garibotti
Assessment of Lightweight Cryptography Algorithms on ARM Cortex-M Processors.
Alex Hanneman
Terry Fawden
Marco Branciforte
Maria Celvisia Virzì
Esther Moss
Luciano Ost
Massimiliano Zecca
Novel Low Memory Footprint DNN Models for Edge Classification of Surgeons' Postures.
IEEE Embed. Syst. Lett.
15 (1) (2023)
Jonas Gava
Ricardo Reis
Luciano Ost
Investigation of Hybrid Soft Error Mitigation Techniques for Applications running on Resource-constrained devices.
Geancarlo Abich
Rafael Garibotti
Jonas Gava
Ricardo Reis
Luciano Ost
Impact of Thread Parallelism on the Soft Error Reliability of Convolution Neural Networks.
Anderson R. P. Domingues
Sergio Johann Filho
Alexandre de Morais Amory
Luciano Ost
Fernando Gehm Moraes
Design-Time Scheduling of Periodic, Hard Real-Time Flows for NoC-based Systems.
ICECS 2022
Jonas Gava
Vitor V. Bandeira
Felipe Rosa
Rafael Garibotti
Ricardo Reis
Luciano Ost
SOFIA: An automated framework for early soft error assessment, identification, and mitigation.
J. Syst. Archit.
131 (2022)
Geancarlo Abich
Rafael Garibotti
Ricardo Reis
Luciano Ost
The Impact of Soft Errors in Memory Units of Edge Devices Executing Convolutional Neural Networks.
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II Express Briefs
69 (3) (2022)
Vinícius Da Rocha
Nicolas Moura
Jonas Gava
Vitor V. Bandeira
Luciano Ost
Ricardo Augusto da Luz Reis
Rafael Garibotti
Soft Error Reliability Assessment of Lightweight Cryptographic Algorithms for IoT Edge Devices.
Jonas Gava
Guilherme Dorneles
Ricardo Reis
Rafael Garibotti
Luciano Ost
Soft Error Assessment of CNN Inference Models Running on a RISC-V Processor.
ICECS 2022
Vitor V. Bandeira
Isadora Oliveira
Felipe Rosa
Ricardo Reis
Luciano Ost
An Extensive Soft Error Reliability Analysis of a Real Autonomous Vehicle Software Stack.
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II Express Briefs
68 (1) (2021)
Geancarlo Abich
Rafael Garibotti
Vitor V. Bandeira
Felipe da Rosa
Jonas Gava
Felipe T. Bortolon
Guilherme Medeiros
Fernando Moraes
Ricardo Reis
Luciano Ost
Evaluation of the soft error assessment consistency of a JIT-based virtual platform simulator.
IET Comput. Digit. Tech.
15 (2) (2021)
Geancarlo Abich
Ricardo Reis
Luciano Ost
The Impact of Precision Bitwidth on the Soft Error Reliability of the MobileNet Network.
Geancarlo Abich
Jonas Gava
Rafael Garibotti
Ricardo Reis
Luciano Ost
Applying Lightweight Soft Error Mitigation Techniques to Embedded Mixed Precision Deep Neural Networks.
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I Regul. Pap.
68 (11) (2021)
Jonas Gava
Ricardo Augusto da Luz Reis
Luciano Ost
RAT: A Lightweight System-level Soft Error Mitigation Technique.
Geancarlo Abich
Jonas Gava
Ricardo Reis
Luciano Ost
Soft Error Reliability Assessment of Neural Networks on Resource-constrained IoT Devices.
Matheus Garay Trindade
Rodrigo Possamai Bastos
Rafael Garibotti
Luciano Ost
Manon Letiche
Jerôme Beaucour
Assessment of Machine Learning Algorithms for Near-Sensor Computing under Radiation Soft Errors.
Jonas Gava
Ricardo Reis
Luciano Ost
RAT: A Lightweight Architecture Independent System-Level Soft Error Mitigation Technique.
VLSI-SoC (Selected Papers)
Vitor V. Bandeira
Felipe Rosa
Ricardo Reis
Luciano Ost
Efficient Soft Error Vulnerability Analysis Using Non-intrusive Fault Injection Techniques.
VLSI-SoC (Selected Papers)
Jonas Gava
Vitor V. Bandeira
Ricardo Reis
Luciano Ost
Evaluation of Compilers Effects on OpenMP Soft Error Resiliency.
Vitor V. Bandeira
Isadora Oliveira
Felipe da Rosa
Ricardo A. L. Reis
Luciano Ost
Soft Error Reliability Analysis of Autonomous Vehicles Software Stack.
Vitor V. Bandeira
Felipe Rosa
Ricardo Augusto da Luz Reis
Luciano Ost
Non-intrusive Fault Injection Techniques for Efficient Soft Error Vulnerability Analysis.
Felipe Rocha da Rosa
Rafael Garibotti
Luciano Ost
Ricardo Reis
Using Machine Learning Techniques to Evaluate Multicore Soft Error Reliability.
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I Regul. Pap.
(6) (2019)
Isadora Oliveira
Vitor V. Bandeira
Ricardo A. L. Reis
Luciano Ost
Exploration of Techniques to Assess Soft Errors in Multicore Architectures.
Rafael Garibotti
Luciano Ost
Anastasiia Butko
Ricardo Reis
Abdoulaye Gamatié
Gilles Sassatelli
Exploiting memory allocations in clusterised many-core architectures.
IET Comput. Digit. Tech.
13 (4) (2019)
Felipe da Rosa
Vitor V. Bandeira
Ricardo Reis
Luciano Ost
Extensive evaluation of programming models and ISAs impact on multicore soft error reliability.
Felipe Rocha da Rosa
Ricardo Reis
Luciano Ost
gem5-FIM: a flexible and scalable multicore soft error assessment framework to early reliability design space explorations.
Felipe T. Bortolon
Geancarlo Abich
Sergio Bampi
Ricardo Reis
Fernando Moraes
Luciano Ost
Exploring the Impact of Soft Errors on NoC-based Multiprocessor Systems.
Jean Carlo Hamerski
Geancarlo Abich
Ricardo Reis
Luciano Ost
Alexandre M. Amory
A Design Patterns-Based Middleware for Multiprocessor Systems-on-Chip.
Guilherme E. Medeiros
Felipe T. Bortolon
Ricardo Reis
Luciano Ost
Evaluation of Compiler Optimization Flags Effects on Soft Error Resiliency.
Jean Carlo Hamerski
Geancarlo Abich
Ricardo Reis
Luciano Ost
Alexandre M. Amory
Publish-subscribe programming for a NoC-based multiprocessor system-on-chip.
Gennaro Severino Rodrigues
Felipe Rosa
Fernanda Lima Kastensmidt
Ricardo Reis
Luciano Ost
Investigating parallel TMR approaches and thread disposability in Linux.
Felipe Rosa
Luciano Ost
Ricardo Reis
Simon Davidmann
Larry Lapides
Evaluation of multicore systems soft error reliability using virtual platforms.
Guilherme M. Castilhos
Fernando Gehm Moraes
Luciano Ost
A lightweight software-based runtime temperature monitoring model for multiprocessor embedded systems.
Khalid Latif
Manuel Selva
Charles Effiong
Roman Ursu
Abdoulaye Gamatié
Gilles Sassatelli
Leonardo Bonet Zordan
Luciano Ost
Piotr Dziurzanski
Leandro Soares Indrusiak
Design space exploration for complex automotive applications: an engine control system case study.
Rafael Garibotti
Anastasiia Butko
Luciano Ost
Abdoulaye Gamatié
Gilles Sassatelli
Chris Adeniyi-Jones
Efficient Embedded Software Migration towards Clusterized Distributed-Memory Architectures.
IEEE Trans. Computers
65 (8) (2016)
Guilherme M. Castilhos
Marcelo Mandelli
Luciano Ost
Fernando Gehm Moraes
Hierarchical energy monitoring for task mapping in many-core systems.
J. Syst. Archit.
63 (2016)
Geancarlo Abich
Marcelo G. Mandelli
Felipe R. Rosa
Fernando Gehm Moraes
Luciano Ost
Ricardo Reis
Extending FreeRTOS to support dynamic and distributed mapping in multiprocessor systems.
Marcelo Mandelli
Luciano Ost
Gilles Sassatelli
Fernando Gehm Moraes
Trading-off system load and communication in mapping heuristics for improving NoC-based MPSoCs reliability.
Guilherme A. Madalozzo
Marcelo Mandelli
Luciano Ost
Fernando Gehm Moraes
A platform-based design framework to boost many-core software development.
Felipe Rosa
Raphael Martins Brum
Gilson I. Wirth
Luciano Ost
Ricardo Reis
Impact of dynamic voltage scaling and thermal factors on FinFET-based SRAM reliability.
Felipe Rosa
Fernanda Lima Kastensmidt
Ricardo Reis
Luciano Ost
A fast and scalable fault injection framework to evaluate multi/many-core soft error reliability.
Anastasiia Butko
Rafael Garibotti
Luciano Ost
Vianney Lapotre
Abdoulaye Gamatié
Gilles Sassatelli
Chris Adeniyi-Jones
A trace-driven approach for fast and accurate simulation of manycore architectures.
Marcelo Mandelli
Guilherme M. Castilhos
Gilles Sassatelli
Luciano Ost
Fernando Gehm Moraes
A Distributed Energy-aware Task Mapping to Achieve Thermal Balancing and Improve Reliability of Many-core Systems.
Felipe Rosa
Raphael Martins Brum
Gilson I. Wirth
Fernanda Gusmão de Lima Kastensmidt
Luciano Ost
Ricardo Reis
Impact of dynamic voltage scaling and thermal factors on SRAM reliability.
Microelectron. Reliab.
55 (9-10) (2015)
Felipe Rosa
Luciano Ost
Thiago Raupp da Rosa
Fernando Gehm Moraes
Ricardo Reis
Fast energy evaluation of embedded applications for many-core systems.
Rafael Garibotti
Luciano Ost
Rémi Busseuil
Mamady kourouma
Chris Adeniyi-Jones
Gilles Sassatelli
Michel Robert
Simultaneous multithreading support in embedded distributed memory MPSoCs.
Luciano Ost
Marcelo Mandelli
Gabriel Marchesan Almeida
Leandro Möller
Leandro Soares Indrusiak
Gilles Sassatelli
Pascal Benoit
Manfred Glesner
Michel Robert
Fernando Moraes
Power-aware dynamic mapping heuristics for NoC-based MPSoCs using a unified model-based approach.
ACM Trans. Embed. Comput. Syst.
12 (3) (2013)
Marcelo Mandelli
Felipe Rosa
Luciano Ost
Gilles Sassatelli
Fernando Gehm Moraes
Multi-level MPSoC modeling for reducing software development cycle.
Felipe Rosa
Luciano Ost
Ricardo Reis
Gilles Sassatelli
Instruction-driven timing CPU model for efficient embedded software development using OVP.
Anastasiia Butko
Rafael Garibotti
Luciano Ost
Gilles Sassatelli
Accuracy evaluation of GEM5 simulator system.
Luciano Ost
Sameer Varyani
Leandro Soares Indrusiak
Marcelo Mandelli
Gabriel Marchesan Almeida
Eduardo Wächter
Fernando Moraes
Gilles Sassatelli
Enabling Adaptive Techniques in Heterogeneous MPSoCs Based on Virtualization.
ACM Trans. Reconfigurable Technol. Syst.
5 (3) (2012)
Rémi Busseuil
Luciano Ost
Rafael Garibotti
Gilles Sassatelli
Michel Robert
Remote Execution in Distributed Memory MPSoC.
Leandro Möller
Leandro Soares Indrusiak
Luciano Ost
Fernando Gehm Moraes
Manfred Glesner
Comparative analysis of dynamic task mapping heuristics in heterogeneous NoC-based MPSoCs.
Luciano Ost
Guilherme Montez Guindani
Fernando Gehm Moraes
Leandro Soares Indrusiak
Sanna Määttä
Exploring NoC-Based MPSoC Design Space with Power Estimation Models.
IEEE Des. Test Comput.
28 (2) (2011)
Alexandre M. Amory
Luciano Ost
César A. M. Marcon
Fernando Gehm Moraes
Marcelo Lubaszewski
Evaluating energy consumption of homogeneous MPSoCs using spare tiles.
Rémi Busseuil
Lyonel Barthe
Gabriel Marchesan Almeida
Luciano Ost
Florent Bruguier
Gilles Sassatelli
Pascal Benoit
Michel Robert
Lionel Torres
Open-Scale: A Scalable, Open-Source NOC-based MPSoC for Design Space Exploration.
Luciano Ost
Marcelo Mandelli
Gabriel Marchesan Almeida
Leandro Soares Indrusiak
Leandro Möller
Manfred Glesner
Gilles Sassatelli
Michel Robert
Fernando Moraes
Exploring dynamic mapping impact on NoC-based MPSoCs performance using a model-based framework.
Marcelo Mandelli
Luciano Ost
Everton Carara
Guilherme Montez Guindani
Thiago Gouvea
Guilherme Medeiros
Fernando Gehm Moraes
Energy-aware dynamic task mapping for NoC-based MPSoCs.
Gabriel Marchesan Almeida
Rémi Busseuil
Luciano Ost
Florent Bruguier
Gilles Sassatelli
Pascal Benoit
Lionel Torres
Michel Robert
PI and PID Regulation Approaches for Performance-Constrained Adaptive Multiprocessor System-on-Chip.
IEEE Embed. Syst. Lett.
3 (3) (2011)
Christoph Roth
Gabriel Marchesan Almeida
Oliver Sander
Luciano Ost
Nicolas Hebert
Gilles Sassatelli
Pascal Benoit
Lionel Torres
Jürgen Becker
Modular Framework for Multi-level Multi-device MPSoC Simulation.
IPDPS Workshops
Luciano Ost
Gabriel Marchesan Almeida
Marcelo Mandelli
Eduardo Wächter
Sameer Varyani
Gilles Sassatelli
Leandro Soares Indrusiak
Michel Robert
Fernando Moraes
Exploring heterogeneous NoC-based MPSoCs: From FPGA to high-level modeling.
Marcelo Mandelli
Alexandre M. Amory
Luciano Ost
Fernando Gehm Moraes
Multi-task dynamic mapping onto NoC-based MPSoCs.
Sanna Määttä
Leandro Soares Indrusiak
Luciano Ost
Leandro Möller
Manfred Glesner
Fernando Gehm Moraes
Jari Nurmi
A case study of hierarchically heterogeneous application modelling using UML and Ptolemy II.
Luciano Ost
Leandro Soares Indrusiak
Sanna Määttä
Marcelo Mandelli
Jari Nurmi
Fernando Moraes
Model-based design flow for NoC-based MPSoCs.
Rémi Busseuil
Gabriel Marchesan Almeida
Luciano Ost
Sameer Varyani
Gilles Sassatelli
Michel Robert
Adaptation Strategies in Multiprocessors System on Chip.
VLSI-SoC (Selected Papers)
Sanna Määttä
Leandro Möller
Leandro Soares Indrusiak
Luciano Ost
Manfred Glesner
Jari Nurmi
Fernando Moraes
Joint Validation of Application Models and Multi-Abstraction Network-on-Chip Platforms.
Int. J. Embed. Real Time Commun. Syst.
1 (1) (2010)
Luciano Ost
Guilherme Montez Guindani
Leandro Soares Indrusiak
Cezar Reinbrecht
Thiago Raupp da Rosa
Fernando Moraes
A high abstraction, high accuracy power estimation model for networks-on-chip.
Sanna Määttä
Leandro Soares Indrusiak
Luciano Ost
Leandro Möller
Manfred Glesner
Fernando Gehm Moraes
Jari Nurmi
Characterising embedded applications using a UML profile.
Leandro Soares Indrusiak
Luciano Ost
Leandro Möller
Fernando Moraes
Manfred Glesner
Applying UML Interactions and Actor-Oriented Simulation to the Design Space Exploration of Network-on-Chip Interconnects.
Luciano Ost
Fernando Gehm Moraes
Leandro Möller
Leandro Soares Indrusiak
Manfred Glesner
Sanna Määttä
Jari Nurmi
A simplified executable model to evaluate latency and throughput of networks-on-chip.
Sanna Määttä
Leandro Soares Indrusiak
Luciano Ost
Leandro Möller
Jari Nurmi
Manfred Glesner
Fernando Moraes
Validation of executable application models mapped onto network-on-chip platforms.
Melissa Vetromille
Luciano Ost
César A. M. Marcon
Carlos Eduardo Reif
Fabiano Hessel
RTOS Scheduler Implementation in Hardware and Software for Real Time Applications.
IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping
Fábio Delamare
Fernando Luís Dotti
Paulo Fernandes
Cristina M. Nunes
Luciano Ost
Analytical modeling of random waypoint mobility patterns.
Luciano Ost
Aline Mello
José Palma
Fernando Gehm Moraes
Ney Calazans
MAIA: a framework for networks on chip generation and verification.
Fernando Gehm Moraes
Ney Calazans
Aline Mello
Leandro Möller
Luciano Ost
HERMES: an infrastructure for low area overhead packet-switching networks on chip.
38 (1) (2004)
Fernando Gehm Moraes
Aline Mello
Leandro Möller
Luciano Ost
Ney Laert Vilar Calazans
A Low Area Overhead Packet-switched Network on Chip: Architecture and Prototyping.