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Jon Mason
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 1997-2023
Publications (10 Years): 15
Top Topics
Theoretical Frameworks
Learning Technology Standards
Tangible Interaction
English Learning
Top Venues
Res. Pract. Technol. Enhanc. Learn.
UbiComp Adjunct
Smart Learn. Environ.
Wenli Chen
Kampei Hayashi
Mas Nida Md. Khambari
Jon Mason
Lung-Hsiang Wong
Kui Xie
Commentaries on IDC Theory in practice.
Res. Pract. Technol. Enhanc. Learn.
18 (2023)
Didin Nuruddin Hidayat
Jee Young Lee
Jon Mason
Teguh Khaerudin
Digital technology supporting English learning among Indonesian university students.
Res. Pract. Technol. Enhanc. Learn.
17 (1) (2022)
Melvin Freestone
Jon Mason
Questions and Appraisal of Curiosity.
Guzyal Hill
Jon Mason
Alex Dunn
Correction to: Contract cheating: an increasing challenge for global academic community arising from COVID-19.
Res. Pract. Technol. Enhanc. Learn.
16 (1) (2021)
Guzyal Hill
Jon Mason
Alex Dunn
Contract cheating: an increasing challenge for global academic community arising from COVID-19.
Res. Pract. Technol. Enhanc. Learn.
16 (1) (2021)
Jon Mason
Bruce E. Peoples
Jaeho Lee
Questioning the Scope of AI Standardization in Learning, Education, and Training.
J. ICT Stand.
8 (2) (2020)
Wenli Chen
Tak-Wai Chan
Lung-Hsiang Wong
Chee-Kit Looi
Calvin C. Y. Liao
Hercy N. H. Cheng
Su Luan Wong
Jon Mason
Hyo-Jeong So
Sahana Murthy
Xiaoqing Gu
Zhongling Pi
IDC theory: habit and the habit loop.
Res. Pract. Technol. Enhanc. Learn.
15 (1) (2020)
Tak-Wai Chan
Chee-Kit Looi
Ben Chang
Wenli Chen
Lung-Hsiang Wong
Su Luan Wong
Fu-Yun Yu
Jon Mason
Chen-Chung Liu
Ju-Ling Shih
Ying-Tien Wu
Siu-Cheung Kong
Longkai Wu
Tzu-Chao Chien
Calvin C. Y. Liao
Hercy N. H. Cheng
Zhi-Hong Chen
Chih-Yueh Chou
IDC theory: creation and the creation loop.
Res. Pract. Technol. Enhanc. Learn.
14 (1) (2019)
Hamadou Saliah-Hassane
Lisa Wait
Jon Mason
Ben Chadwick
Panel Session - Learning Technology Standards.
Tore Hoel
Jon Mason
Standards for smart education - towards a development framework.
Smart Learn. Environ.
5 (1) (2018)
Xiaoqing Gu
Huawen Wang
Jon Mason
Are They Thinking Differently: A Cross-Cultural Study on the Relationship of Thinking Styles and Emerging Roles in Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning.
J. Educ. Technol. Soc.
20 (1) (2017)
Andrés Lucero
Jon Mason
Alexander Wiethoff
Bernt Meerbeek
Henrika Pihlajaniemi
Dzmitry Aliakseyeu
Rethinking our interactions with light.
23 (6) (2016)
Jon Mason
Weiqin Chen
Tore Hoel
Questions as data: illuminating the potential of learning analytics through questioning an emergent field.
Res. Pract. Technol. Enhanc. Learn.
11 (1) (2016)
Maurizio Caon
Leonardo Angelini
Omar Abou Khaled
Dzmitry Aliakseyeu
Jon Mason
Elena Mugellini
Tangible interaction with light in the IoT.
UbiComp Adjunct
Dzmitry Aliakseyeu
Jon Mason
Tap sensor: evaluating a new physical user interface for connected lighting.
UbiComp Adjunct
Dzmitry Aliakseyeu
Bernt Meerbeek
Jon Mason
Andrés Lucero
Tanir Ozcelebi
Henrika Pihlajaniemi
Beyond the switch: explicit and implicit interaction with light.
Barbara Grosse-Hering
Jon Mason
Dzmitry Aliakseyeu
Conny Bakker
Pieter Desmet
Slow design for meaningful interactions.
Jettie Hoonhout
Lillian Jumpertz
Jon Mason
Tom Bergman
Exploration into lighting dynamics for the design of more pleasurable luminaires.
Dzmitry Aliakseyeu
Harm van Essen
Andrés Lucero
Jon Mason
Bernt Meerbeek
Elke den Ouden
Alexander Wiethoff
Interactive city lighting.
CHI Extended Abstracts
Dzmitry Aliakseyeu
Bernt Meerbeek
Jon Mason
Harm van Essen
Serge Offermans
Alexander Wiethoff
Norbert A. Streitz
Andrés Lucero
Designing interactive lighting.
Conference on Designing Interactive Systems
Dzmitry Aliakseyeu
Jon Mason
Bernt Meerbeek
Harm van Essen
Serge Offermans
Andrea Alessandrini
Valentina Sanesi
Paulo Carreira
Chad Eby
Results of the 'User Interaction Techniques for Future Lighting Systems' Workshop at INTERACT 2011.
AmI Workshops
Dzmitry Aliakseyeu
Jon Mason
Bernt Meerbeek
Harm van Essen
Serge Offermans
Andrés Lucero
User Interaction Techniques for Future Lighting Systems.
Bernt Meerbeek
Dzmitry Aliakseyeu
Jon Mason
Harm van Essen
Serge Offermans
The Role of Ambient Intelligence in Future Lighting Systems - Summary of the Workshop.
AmI Workshops
Vassilis-Javed Khan
Martin Walker
Dzmitry Aliakseyeu
Jon Mason
On the Use of Mixed Reality Environments to Evaluate Interaction with Light.
AmI Workshops
Dzmitry Aliakseyeu
Jon Mason
Bernt Meerbeek
Harm van Essen
Serge Offermans
The Role of Ambient Intelligence in Future Lighting Systems.
Jon Mason
Knowledge Management and Dublin Core.
Dublin Core Conference
Jon Mason
Helen Galatis
Theory and Practice of Application Profile Development.
Dublin Core Conference
Norm Friesen
Jon Mason
Nigel Ward
Building Educational Metadata Application Profiles.
Dublin Core Conference
Stuart A. Sutton
Jon Mason
The Dublin Core and Metadata for Educational Resources.
Dublin Core Conference
Jon Mason
Graham Adcock
Albert Ip
Modelling Information to Support Value-Adding: EdNA Online.
Jon Mason
Groupware, Community, and Meta-Networks: The Collaborative Framework of EdNA (Education Network Australia).
Community Computing and Support Systems
Toyoaki Nishida
Geoffrey C. Bowker
Jon Mason
Toshiaki Miyashita
Katashi Nagao
Toshikazu Nishimura
Takeshi Ohguro
Charanjit K. Sidhu
Yasuyuki Sumi
Peter van den Besselaar
Makoto Yokozawa
Methodology for Large Scale Experimentation: A Discussion Report.
Community Computing and Support Systems
Jon Mason
XML and RDF: The Promise and the Reality of New Web Architectures.
Comput. Networks
30 (1-7) (1998)
Jon Mason
Communities, Networks, and Education.
Comput. Networks
30 (1-7) (1998)
Jon Mason
Matthew Riddle
Computer Mediated Communications: for Dabblers or Practitioners?