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Carlos M. Costa
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2022-2023
Publications (10 Years): 5
Top Topics
Action Recognition
Weakly Supervised
Ubiquitous Computing
Deep Learning
Top Venues
Robotics Comput. Integr. Manuf.
Artur Cordeiro
João Pedro Carvalho de Souza
Carlos M. Costa
Vítor Filipe
Luís F. Rocha
Manuel F. Silva
Bin Picking for Ship-Building Logistics Using Perception and Grasping Systems.
12 (1) (2023)
Duarte Moutinho
Luís F. Rocha
Carlos M. Costa
Luís F. Teixeira
Germano Veiga
Deep learning-based human action recognition to leverage context awareness in collaborative assembly.
Robotics Comput. Integr. Manuf.
80 (2023)
Carlos M. Costa
Germano Veiga
Armando Sousa
Ulrike Thomas
Luís F. Rocha
Sensor Placement Optimization using Random Sample Consensus for Best Views Estimation.
Joana Dias
Pedro Simões
Nuno Soares
Carlos M. Costa
Marcelo Roberto Petry
Germano Veiga
Luís F. Rocha
Comparison of 3D Sensors for Automating Bolt-Tightening Operations in the Automotive Industry.
23 (9) (2023)
Gonçalo Leão
Carlos M. Costa
Armando Sousa
Luís Paulo Reis
Germano Veiga
Using Simulation to Evaluate a Tube Perception Algorithm for Bin Picking.
11 (2) (2022)