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Yuri K. Lopes
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2014-2023
Publications (10 Years): 9
Top Topics
Control Theory
Discrete Event
Robocup Soccer
Timed Petri Nets
Top Venues
Appl. Soft Comput.
Adilson Krischanski
Yuri K. Lopes
André B. Leal
Ricardo F. Martins
Roberto Silvio Ubertino Rosso
Multi-Instance Task in Swarm Robotics: Sorting Groups of Robots or Objects into Clusters with Minimalist Controllers.
Genki Miyauchi
Yuri K. Lopes
Roderich Groß
Sharing the Control of Robot Swarms Among Multiple Human Operators: A User Study.
Joceleide D. C. Mumbelli
Giovanni Alfredo Guarneri
Yuri K. Lopes
Dalcimar Casanova
Marcelo Teixeira
An application of Generative Adversarial Networks to improve automatic inspection in automotive manufacturing.
Appl. Soft Comput.
136 (2023)
Samuel Oliveira
André B. Leal
Marcelo Teixeira
Yuri K. Lopes
A classification of cybersecurity strategies in the context of Discrete Event Systems.
Annu. Rev. Control.
56 (2023)
Samuel Oliveira
André B. Leal
Marcelo Teixeira
Yuri K. Lopes
Security of Cyber-Physical Systems Against Actuator Attacks through Cryptography.
Genki Miyauchi
Yuri K. Lopes
Roderich Groß
Multi-Operator Control of Connectivity-Preserving Robot Swarms Using Supervisory Control Theory.
Kallil M. C. Zielinski
Lucas V. Hendges
João Batista Florindo
Yuri K. Lopes
Richardson Ribeiro
Marcelo Teixeira
Dalcimar Casanova
Flexible control of Discrete Event Systems using environment simulation and Reinforcement Learning.
Appl. Soft Comput.
111 (2021)
Pedro G. K. Bertella
Yuri K. Lopes
Rafael A. P. Oliveira
Anderson Chaves Carniel
The Application of Spatial Approximations to Spatial Query Processing: A Systematic Review of Literature.
Yuri K. Lopes
Stefan M. Trenkwalder
André B. Leal
Tony J. Dodd
Roderich Groß
Supervisory control theory applied to swarm robotics.
Swarm Intell.
10 (1) (2016)
Yuri K. Lopes
André B. Leal
Tony J. Dodd
Roderich Groß
Application of Supervisory Control Theory to Swarms of e-puck and Kilobot Robots.
ANTS Conference