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Torben Stolte
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2014-2024
Publications (10 Years): 22
Top Topics
Motion Control
Development Process
Conformal Prediction
Autonomous Vehicles
Top Venues
Intelligent Vehicles Symposium
Richard Schubert
Marvin Loba
Jasper Sünnemann
Torben Stolte
Markus Maurer
Conformal Prediction of Motion Control Performance for an Automated Vehicle in Presence of Actuator Degradations and Failures.
Torben Stolte
Marvin Loba
Matthias Nee
Liren Wu
Markus Maurer
Toward Fault-Tolerant Vehicle Motion Control for Over-Actuated Automated Vehicles: A Non-Linear Model Predictive Approach.
IEEE Access
11 (2023)
Nayel Fabian Salem
Veronica Haber
Matthias Rauschenbach
Marcus Nolte
Jan Reich
Torben Stolte
Robert Graubohm
Markus Maurer
Ein Beitrag zur durchgängigen, formalen Verhaltensspezifikation automatisierter Straßenfahrzeuge.
Torben Stolte
Stefan Ackermann
Robert Graubohm
Inga Jatzkowski
Björn Klamann
Hermann Winner
Markus Maurer
Taxonomy to Unify Fault Tolerance Regimes for Automotive Systems: Defining Fail-Operational, Fail-Degraded, and Fail-Safe.
IEEE Trans. Intell. Veh.
7 (2) (2022)
Tobias Schräder
Torben Stolte
Inga Jatzkowski
Robert Graubohm
Marcus Nolte
Markus Maurer
Compensating for the Absence of a Required Accompanying Person: A Draft of a Functional System Architecture for an Automated Vehicle.
Torben Stolte
Actuator Fault-Tolerant Vehicle Motion Control: A Survey.
Tobias Schräder
Torben Stolte
Inga Jatzkowski
Robert Graubohm
Marcus Nolte
Markus Maurer
Compensating for the Absence of a Required Accompanying Person: A Draft of a Functional System Architecture for an Automated Vehicle.
Torben Stolte
Stefan Ackermann
Robert Graubohm
Inga Jatzkowski
Björn Klamann
Hermann Winner
Markus Maurer
A Taxonomy to Unify Fault Tolerance Regimes for Automotive Systems: Defining Fail-Operational, Fail-Degraded, and Fail-Safe.
Robert Graubohm
Torben Stolte
Gerrit Bagschik
Markus Maurer
Towards Efficient Hazard Identification in the Concept Phase of Driverless Vehicle Development.
Robert Graubohm
Torben Stolte
Gerrit Bagschik
Markus Maurer
Towards Efficient Hazard Identification in the Concept Phase of Driverless Vehicle Development.
Tobias Schräder
Torben Stolte
Inga Jatzkowski
Robert Graubohm
Markus Maurer
An Approach for a Requirement Analysis for an Autonomous Family Vehicle.
Torben Stolte
Tianyu Liao
Matthias Nee
Marcus Nolte
Markus Maurer
Investigating Functional Redundancies in the Context of Vehicle Automation - A Trajectory Tracking Perspective.
Gerrit Bagschik
Andreas Reschka
Torben Stolte
Markus Maurer
Identification of Potential Hazardous Events for an Unmanned Protective Vehicle.
Torben Stolte
Tianyu Liao
Matthias Nee
Marcus Nolte
Markus Maurer
Investigating Cross-domain Redundancies in the Context of Vehicle Automation - A Trajectory Tracking Perspective.
Marcus Nolte
Gerrit Bagschik
Inga Jatzkowski
Torben Stolte
Andreas Reschka
Markus Maurer
Towards a Skill- And Ability-Based Development Process for Self-Aware Automated Road Vehicles.
Marcus Nolte
Marcel Rose
Torben Stolte
Markus Maurer
Model Predictive Control Based Trajectory Generation for Autonomous Vehicles - An Architectural Approach.
Torben Stolte
Gerrit Bagschik
Andreas Reschka
Markus Maurer
Hazard analysis and risk assessment for an automated unmanned protective vehicle.
Intelligent Vehicles Symposium
Marcus Nolte
Marcel Rose
Torben Stolte
Markus Maurer
Model predictive control based trajectory generation for autonomous vehicles - An architectural approach.
Intelligent Vehicles Symposium
Marcus Nolte
Gerrit Bagschik
Inga Jatzkowski
Torben Stolte
Andreas Reschka
Markus Maurer
Towards a skill- and ability-based development process for self-aware automated road vehicles.
Torben Stolte
Gerrit Bagschik
Andreas Reschka
Markus Maurer
Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment for an Automated Unmanned Protective Vehicle.
Torben Stolte
Gerrit Bagschik
Markus Maurer
Safety goals and functional safety requirements for actuation systems of automated vehicles.
Gerrit Bagschik
Andreas Reschka
Torben Stolte
Markus Maurer
Identification of potential hazardous events for an Unmanned Protective Vehicle.
Intelligent Vehicles Symposium
Torben Stolte
Andreas Reschka
Gerrit Bagschik
Markus Maurer
Towards Automated Driving: Unmanned Protective Vehicle for Highway Hard Shoulder Road Works.
Lukas Mäurer
Tanja Hebecker
Torben Stolte
Michael Lipaczewski
Uwe Möhrstädt
Frank Ortmeier
On Bringing Object-Oriented Software Metrics into the Model-Based World - Verifying ISO 26262 Compliance in Simulink.
Andreas Reschka
Marcus Nolte
Torben Stolte
Johannes Schlatow
Rolf Ernst
Markus Maurer
Specifying a middleware for distributed embedded vehicle control systems.