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Aidan Jones
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2014-2018
Publications (10 Years): 6
Top Topics
Learner Model
Primary School Children
Personalised Learning
Tutoring System
Top Venues
HRI (Extended Abstracts)
Int. J. Soc. Robotics
Int. J. Humanoid Robotics
Mohammad Obaid
Ruth Aylett
Wolmet Barendregt
Christina Basedow
Lee J. Corrigan
Lynne E. Hall
Aidan Jones
Arvid Kappas
Dennis Küster
Ana Paiva
Fotios Papadopoulos
Sofia Serholt
Ginevra Castellano
Endowing a Robotic Tutor with Empathic Qualities: Design and Pilot Evaluation.
Int. J. Humanoid Robotics
15 (6) (2018)
Aidan Jones
Susan Bull
Ginevra Castellano
"I Know That Now, I'm Going to Learn This Next" Promoting Self-regulated Learning with a Robotic Tutor.
Int. J. Soc. Robotics
10 (4) (2018)
Aidan Jones
Ginevra Castellano
Adaptive Robotic Tutors that Support Self-Regulated Learning: A Longer-Term Investigation with Primary School Children.
Int. J. Soc. Robotics
10 (3) (2018)
Sofia Serholt
Wolmet Barendregt
Asimina Vasalou
Patricia Alves-Oliveira
Aidan Jones
Sofia Petisca
Ana Paiva
The case of classroom robots: teachers' deliberations on the ethical tensions.
AI Soc.
32 (4) (2017)
Sofia Serholt
Wolmet Barendregt
Dennis Küster
Aidan Jones
Patricia Alves-Oliveira
Ana Paiva
Students' Normative Perspectives on Classroom Robots.
Lynne E. Hall
Colette Hume
Sarah Tazzyman
Amol A. Deshmukh
Srinivasan Janarthanam
Helen F. Hastie
Ruth Aylett
Ginevra Castellano
Fotios Papadopoulos
Aidan Jones
Lee J. Corrigan
Ana Paiva
Patricia Alves-Oliveira
Tiago Ribeiro
Wolmet Barendregt
Sofia Serholt
Arvid Kappas
Map Reading with an Empathic Robot Tutor.
Aidan Jones
Susan Bull
Ginevra Castellano
Teacher Scaffolding of a Student's Self-regulated Learning using an Open Learner Model.
UMAP Workshops
Aidan Jones
Susan Bull
Ginevra Castellano
Open Learner Modelling with a Robotic Tutor.
HRI (Extended Abstracts)
Tiago Ribeiro
Patricia Alves-Oliveira
Eugenio Di Tullio
Sofia Petisca
Pedro Sequeira
Amol A. Deshmukh
Srinivasan Janarthanam
Mary Ellen Foster
Aidan Jones
Lee J. Corrigan
Fotios Papadopoulos
Helen F. Hastie
Ruth Aylett
Ginevra Castellano
Ana Paiva
The Empathic Robotic Tutor: Featuring the NAO Robot.
HRI (Extended Abstracts)
Aidan Jones
Dennis Küster
Christina Anne Basedow
Patricia Alves-Oliveira
Sofia Serholt
Helen F. Hastie
Lee J. Corrigan
Wolmet Barendregt
Arvid Kappas
Ana Paiva
Ginevra Castellano
Empathic Robotic Tutors for Personalised Learning: A Multidisciplinary Approach.
Amol A. Deshmukh
Aidan Jones
Srinivasan Janarthanam
Mary Ellen Foster
Tiago Ribeiro
Lee Joseph Corrigan
Ruth Aylett
Ana Paiva
Fotios Papadopoulos
Ginevra Castellano
Empathic Robotic Tutors: Map Guide.
HRI (Extended Abstracts)
Amol A. Deshmukh
Aidan Jones
Srinivasan Janarthanam
Helen F. Hastie
Tiago Ribeiro
Ruth Aylett
Ana Paiva
Ginevra Castellano
Mary Ellen Foster
Lee J. Corrigan
Fotios Papadopoulos
Eugenio Di Tullio
Pedro Sequeira
An Empathic Robotic Tutor in a Map Application.
Aidan Jones
Ginevra Castellano
Susan Bull
Investigating the Effect of a Robotic Tutor on Learner Perception of Skill Based Feedback.
Sofia Serholt
Wolmet Barendregt
Iolanda Leite
Helen F. Hastie
Aidan Jones
Ana Paiva
Asimina Vasalou
Ginevra Castellano
Teachers' views on the use of empathic robotic tutors in the classroom.