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Dan Richardson
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2016-2024
Publications (10 Years): 15
Top Topics
Learning Contexts
Science Inquiry
Peer Tutoring
Group Interaction
Top Venues
Conference on Designing Interactive Systems
AIED (1)
ACM Multimedia
Dan Richardson
Md. Adnanul Islam
Bronwyn J. Cumbo
Pranita Shrestha
Delvin Varghese
Tom Bartindale
Patrick Olivier
A Design Vocabulary for Scaffolding Group Interaction Archetypes through Synchronous Telephony.
Proc. ACM Hum. Comput. Interact.
8 (CSCW1) (2024)
Md. Adnanul Islam
Dan Richardson
Manika Saha
Delvin Varghese
Tom Bartindale
Pratyasha Saha
Muhamad Risqi U. Saputra
Patrick Olivier
Recordkeeping in Voice-based Remote Community Engagement.
Manika Saha
Tom Bartindale
Delvin Varghese
Stephen Lindsay
Dan Richardson
Syed Ishtiaque Ahmed
Patrick Olivier
Community Voice as Data: Affordances of Participatory Videos for International Program Development.
Stanislav Pozdniakov
Roberto Martínez Maldonado
Yi-Shan Tsai
Mutlu Cukurova
Tom Bartindale
Peter Chen
Harrison Marshall
Dan Richardson
Dragan Gasevic
The Question-driven Dashboard: How Can We Design Analytics Interfaces Aligned to Teachers' Inquiry?
Dan Richardson
Bronwyn J. Cumbo
Tom Bartindale
Delvin Varghese
Manika Saha
Pratyasha Saha
Syed Ishtiaque Ahmed
Gillian C. Oliver
Patrick Olivier
Critically Engaging with Embedded Values through Constrained Technology Design.
Conference on Designing Interactive Systems
Bronwyn J. Cumbo
Tom Bartindale
Dan Richardson
Exploring the Opportunities for Online Learning Platforms to Support the Emergency Home School Context.
Qi Zhou
Wannapon Suraworachet
Stanislav Pozdniakov
Roberto Martínez Maldonado
Tom Bartindale
Peter Chen
Dan Richardson
Mutlu Cukurova
Investigating Students' Experiences with Collaboration Analytics for Remote Group Meetings.
AIED (1)
Tom Bartindale
Peter Chen
Harrison Marshall
Stanislav Pozdniakov
Dan Richardson
ZoomSense: A Scalable Infrastructure for Augmenting Zoom.
ACM Multimedia
Stanislav Pozdniakov
Roberto Martínez Maldonado
Shaveen Singh
Peter Chen
Dan Richardson
Tom Bartindale
Patrick Olivier
Dragan Gasevic
Question-driven Learning Analytics: Designing a Teacher Dashboard for Online Breakout Rooms.
Dan Richardson
Ahmed Kharrufa
We are the Greatest Showmen: Configuring a Framework for Project-Based Mobile Learning.
Jay Rainey
Juan Carlos Alvarez de la Vega
Dan Richardson
Daniel Lambton-Howard
Sara Armouch
Tom Bartindale
Shaun Hazeldine
Pamela Briggs
Patrick Olivier
Kyle Montague
TalkFutures: Supporting Qualitative Practices in Distributed Community Engagements.
Conference on Designing Interactive Systems
Roisin McNaney
Christopher Bull
Lynne Mackie
Floriane Dahman
Helen Stringer
Dan Richardson
Daniel Welsh
StammerApp: Designing a Mobile Application to Support Self-Reflection and Goal Setting for People Who Stammer.
Dan Richardson
Pradthana Jarusriboonchai
Kyle Montague
Ahmed Kharrufa
Parklearn: creating, sharing and engaging with place-based activities for seamless mobile learning.
Dan Richardson
Clara Crivellaro
Ahmed Kharrufa
Kyle Montague
Patrick Olivier
Exploring Public Places as Infrastructures for Civic M-Learning: Full paper.
Roisin McNaney
Mohammad Othman
Dan Richardson
Paul Dunphy
Telmo Amaral
Nick Miller
Helen Stringer
Patrick Olivier
John Vines
Speeching: Mobile Crowdsourced Speech Assessment to Support Self-Monitoring and Management for People with Parkinson's.