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Soumya Ghosh
Zhaonan Sun
Ying Li
Yu Cheng
Amrita Mohan
Cristina Sampaio
Jianying Hu
An Exploration of Latent Structure in Observational Huntington's Disease Studies.
Marzyeh Ghassemi
Mike Wu
Michael C. Hughes
Peter Szolovits
Finale Doshi-Velez
Predicting intervention onset in the ICU with switching state space models.
Jennifer J. Liang
Ching-Huei Tsou
Murthy V. Devarakonda
Ground Truth Creation for Complex Clinical NLP Tasks - an Iterative Vetting Approach and Lessons Learned.
Evanette Burrows
Charles Bailey
Standardizing clinical diagnoses: impact of alternate terminology selection.
Jung-wei Fan
Jianrong Li
Yves A. Lussier
Graph-based Clustering of ICD-10 Codes with Alternative Semantic Contexts.
Qing T. Zeng
Joseph L. Goulet
Nell J. Marshall
Craig A. Morioka
Integrative Health Informatics: The VHA Experience.
Kun Lin
Ping Zhang
Gigi Y. Yuen-Reed
Ying Li
Jianying Hu
Improving predictive models with clustered sequences: An Application on Heart Failure Risk Prediction.
Brian T. Bucher
Danielle L. Mowery
Melissa Castine
Wendy W. Chapman
Towards Automatic Detection of Surgical Site Infections.
Jingcheng Du
Jun Xu
Hsing-yi Song
Cui Tao
Leveraging Machine Learning Based Approaches to Assess Human Papillomavirus Vaccination Sentiment Trends with Twitter.
Lori C. Phillips
Christopher D. Herrick
Shawn N. Murphy
i2b2 on OMOP CDM.
Jeffrey S. Brown
Robert Ball
David S. Carrell
Leonard W. D'Avolio
Keith Marsolo
Is an Algorithm Just an Algorithm? How to Define Clinical Concepts for Use in Comparative Safety and Effectiveness Distributed Research Networks.
Philip Trevvett
Isha johri
Bhanu Bahl
Procedures to Ensure Baseline Data Quality for a SHRINE Network.
Victor M. Castro
Nich Wattanasin
Vivian S. Gainer
Bhaswati Ghosh
Shawn N. Murphy
Applying Computed Phenotypes Derived from Electronic Health Records in the Partners HealthCare Biobank Using i2b2.
Joseph Klobusický
Alexander Murph
Alexander C. Robinson
Nathaniel D. Bastian
Paul M. Griffin
Shravan Kethireddy
Nathan Ryan
Machine Learning and Statistical Techniques to Predict Sepsis: Unifying Previous Work.
Finn Kuusisto
John W. Steill
Zhaobin Kuang
James A. Thomson
David Page
Ron M. Stewart
A Simple Text Mining Approach for Ranking Pairwise Associations in Biomedical Applications.
Jette Henderson
Ryan Bridges
Joyce C. Ho
Byron C. Wallace
Joydeep Ghosh
PheKnow-Cloud: A Tool for Evaluating High-Throughput Phenotype Candidates using Online Medical Literature.
Sheri R. Tibbs
Karen Chiswell
Sara Calvert
Making Aggregate Content of ClinicalTrials.gov Freely Available to Everyone.
Justin J. Baraboo
Deendayal Dinakarpandian
Sherwin Chan
Automated Prediction of Hepatic Arterial Stenosis.
David Walend
Benjamin Carmen
Marc Ciriello
Isha johri
william Simons
Bhanu Bahl
Protecting Patient Identity in SHRINE Without Lockout.
Ania Berchuck
Michael G. Kahn
Shelley A. Rusincovitch
Daniella Meeker
Shawn N. Murphy
Ravi Bhosale
Keith Marsolo
Michael E. Matheny
L. Russell Waitman
Rachel Hess
Strategic Assessment and Planning for the PCORnet Common Data Model.
Meliha Yetisgen
Lucy Vanderwende
Automatic Identification of Substance Abuse Events from Clinical Text.
Juan M. Banda
Yoni Halpern
David A. Sontag
Nigam Shah
Electronic phenotyping with APHRODITE and the Observational Health Sciences and Informatics (OHDSI) data network.
Jennifer H. Garvin
Megha Kalsy
Cynthia Brandt
Stephen Luther
Guy Divita
Gregorio Coronado
Douglas Redd
Qing T. Zeng
An Evolving Ecosystem for Natural Language Processing in Department of Veterans Affairs.
Thomas R. Campion Jr.
Evan Sholle
Marcos Davila
Generalizable Middleware to Support Use of REDCap Dynamic Data Pull for Integrating Clinical and Research Data.
Snehil Gupta
Connie Zabarovskaya
Brian Romine
Daniel Vianello
Cynthia Vitale
Leslie D. McIntosh
Incorporating Data Citation in a Biomedical Repository: An Implementation Use Case.
Patrick Yukman
Keith Danahey
Brittany A. Borden
Samuel L. Volchenboum
Mark J. Ratain
Peter H. O'Donnell
The Pharmacogenomics Research and Implementation DatabasE (PRIDE).
Yiye Zhang
Rema Padman
On Combining Clinical and Cost Pathways for Multimorbid Patients Using Electronic Health Record Data.
Anoop M. Mayampurath
Dana P. Edelson
Michael D. Howell
Matthew M. Churpek
Samuel L. Volchenboum
A Deeper Exploration of Contagious Risk and the Neighborhood Effect.
Ron C. Li
Lisa Shieh
Gomathi Krishnan
Daniel Z. Fang
Jonathan H. Chen
Problem based charting: a method for improving problem list utilization and completeness.
Joseph Finkelstein
Steven Erde
Joseph V. Errante
Mobile Data Collection Tool to Document Adverse Events in a Dental Practice.
Adelaide M. Arruda-Olson
Naveed Afzal
Homam Moussa Pacha
Ahmad Said
Bradley Lewis
Christopher Scott
Kent Bailey
Hongfang Liu
Iftikhar J. Kullo
Mortality Prognostic Model for Peripheral Arterial Disease.
Jonathan C. Badger
Eric R. LaRose
Ross Kleiman
Richard L. Berg
James G. Linneman
Richard Hansen
David Page
Peggy L. Peissig
SCCS for Detection of Differences in Brand and Generic Adverse Drug Events.
Xiaoqian Jiang
Claudiu Farcas
Benedict Paten
Mark Diekhans
Paul Avillach
Wallace Wadge
David Haussler
Lucila Ohno-Machado
Ida Sim
Count Everything: Secure Count Query Framework Across Big Data Centers.
Leon Rozenblit
Piper Ranallo
David E. Stark
Thomas H. McCoy
Jessica D. Tenenbaum
Mental Health Informatics Panel.
Eric Prud'hommeaux
Harold R. Solbrig
Guoqian Jiang
ShEx, RDF and FHIR.
Ergin Soysal
Jeremy L. Warner
Joshua C. Denny
Hua Xu
Identifying Metastases related Information from Pathology Reports of Lung Cancer Patients.
Daniel R. Harris
Ramakanth Kavuluru
Jerzy W. Jaromczyk
Todd R. Johnson
Rapid and Reusable Text Visualization and Exploration Development with DELVE.
Kyle A. Marshall
Shravan Kethireddy
Adam M. Brown
Jeffrey W. Prichard
Myra L. Wilkerson
Crowdsourcing to Create Structured Data Sets for Quality Improvement.
Jeffrey G. Klann
Vijay A. Raghavan
Sarah Weiler
Kenneth D. Mandl
Shawn N. Murphy
Needs-Driven Data Completeness Dashboard in a Multi-Site Research Network.
Stéphane M. Meystre
Youngjun Kim
Glenn T. Gobbel
Michael E. Matheny
Andrew Redd
Bruce E. Bray
Jennifer H. Garvin
Heart Failure Data for Patient Treatment Goals at the Point of Care: Automated Data Extraction and Consistent Reference Standard Importance.
Hanieh Razzaghi
Ritu Khare
Levon Utidjian
Rachel Teneralli
Charles Bailey
Managing Science Query Traffic in a Large Pediatric Data Research Network.
Elizabeth Cary
Aaron M. Secrest
Chrissy Daniels
Wendy W. Chapman
Mike Conway
Danielle L. Mowery
Classifying Sentiment of Free-Text Comments in Patient Satisfaction Surveys.
Radhakrishnan Nagarajan
Jeffery C. Talbert
Network Abstractions of Prescription Patterns in a Medicaid Population.
Brett R. South
Lee M. Christensen
Danielle L. Mowery
Melissa Castine
Marzieh Vali
Marjorie Carter
Mike Conway
Adi V. Gundlapalli
Wendy W. Chapman
Salomeh Keyhani
Automatic Extraction of Social Determinants of Health from Veterans Affairs Clinical Documents using Natural Language Processing.
Keith Danahey
Wenndy Hernandez
Samuel L. Volchenboum
Mark J. Ratain
Minoli Perera
Peter H. O'Donnell
Ethnicity-specific pharmacogenomic clinical decision support in the Genomic Prescribing System.
Yangmei Zhou
David W. Larson
Elizabeth B. Habermann
James M. Naessens
Hongfang Liu
Sunghwan Sohn
Prediction of Organ Space Colorectal Surgical Site Infections Using Prognostic Bayesian Networks.
Patrick Eads
Craig H. Ganoe
Rodney Jacobson
Tracy Onega
Steven B. Andrews
Nishant Kumar
Brian G. Levin
John H. Higgins
Developing a Method of Transferring Healthcare Research Data from Data Broker to Researcher: Interactive Secure Institutional Data Release Overseer (ISIDRO).
Teeradache Viangteeravat
Oguz Akbilgic
Robert L. Davis
Analyzing Electronic Medical Records to Predict Risk of DIT (Death, Intubation, or Transfer to ICU) in Pediatric Respiratory Failure or Related Conditions.
Alejandro Schuler
David A. Wulf
Yun Lu
Jennifer M. Baker
Gabriel J. Escobar
Nigam Shah
Vincent X. Liu
A novel propensity modeling approach to estimate the causal impact of acute organ dysfunction on long-term survival in sepsis.
Xiangrui Li
Dongxiao Zhu
Ming Dong
Milad Zafar Nezhad
Alexander T. Janke
Phillip Levy
SDT: A Tree Method for Detecting Patient Subgroups with Personalized Risk Factors.