Scale detection based on statistical characteristics of edges in the scale space.
Nawapak Eua-anantLalita UdpaPublished in: ICASSP (1999)
- scale space
- multiple scales
- image structure
- edge detector
- multiscale
- zero crossing
- scale selection
- single scale
- scale spaces
- gaussian scale space
- gradient magnitude
- critical points
- feature detection
- edge localization
- gaussian filter
- image analysis
- boundary detection
- scale invariant
- phase congruency
- scale invariance
- image features
- singular points
- scale space analysis
- gaussian kernel
- scale space theory
- linear scale space
- gaussian derivatives
- methods in computer vision
- deep structure
- morphological scale space
- multiscale representation
- saddle points
- planar curves
- vector valued
- diffusion equation
- edge map
- primal sketch
- keypoints
- scale parameter
- scale space filtering
- gaussian smoothing
- neural network
- automatic scale selection
- curvature flow
- machine learning
- computer vision
- image segmentation
- object detection
- remote sensing
- nonlinear diffusion