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Sudhir M. Gowda
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 1991-2006
Publications (10 Years): 0
John F. Bulzacchelli
Mounir Meghelli
Sergey V. Rylov
Woogeun Rhee
Alexander V. Rylyakov
Herschel A. Ainspan
Benjamin D. Parker
Michael P. Beakes
Aichin Chung
Troy J. Beukema
Petar K. Pepeljugoski
Lei Shan
Young Hoon Kwark
Sudhir M. Gowda
Daniel J. Friedman
A 10-Gb/s 5-Tap DFE/4-Tap FFE Transceiver in 90-nm CMOS Technology.
IEEE J. Solid State Circuits
41 (12) (2006)
Mounir Meghelli
Sergey V. Rylov
John F. Bulzacchelli
Woogeun Rhee
Alexander V. Rylyakov
Herschel A. Ainspan
Benjamin D. Parker
Michael P. Beakes
Aichin Chung
Troy J. Beukema
Petar K. Pepeljugoski
L. Shan
Young Hoon Kwark
Sudhir M. Gowda
Daniel J. Friedman
A 10Gb/s 5-Tap-DFE/4-Tap-FFE Transceiver in 90nm CMOS.
Sergey V. Rylov
Scott K. Reynolds
Daniel W. Storaska
Brian A. Floyd
Mohit Kapur
Thomas Zwick
Sudhir M. Gowda
Michael Sorna
10+ gb/s 90-nm CMOS serial link demo in CBGA package.
IEEE J. Solid State Circuits
40 (9) (2005)
Sergey V. Rylov
Scott K. Reynolds
Daniel W. Storaska
Brian A. Floyd
Mohit Kapur
Thomas Zwick
Sudhir M. Gowda
Michael Sorna
10+ Gb/s 90nm CMOS serial link demo in CBGA package.
Hui Wu
José A. Tierno
Petar K. Pepeljugoski
Jeremy Schaub
Sudhir M. Gowda
Jeffrey A. Kash
Ali Hajimiri
Integrated transversal equalizers in high-speed fiber-optic systems.
IEEE J. Solid State Circuits
38 (12) (2003)
Woogeun Rhee
Herschel A. Ainspan
Sergey V. Rylov
Alexander V. Rylyakov
Michael P. Beakes
Daniel J. Friedman
Sudhir M. Gowda
Mehmet Soyuer
A 10-Gb/s CMOS clock and data recovery circuit using a secondary delay-locked loop.
Hyun J. Shin
Dale J. Pearson
Scott K. Reynolds
Andrew C. Megdanis
Sudhir M. Gowda
Kevin R. Wrenner
Custom design of CMOS low-power high-performance digital signal-processing macro for hard-disk-drive applications.
IBM J. Res. Dev.
39 (1-2) (1995)
Dale J. Pearson
Scott K. Reynolds
Andrew C. Megdanis
Sudhir M. Gowda
Kevin R. Wrenner
Michael Immediato
Richard L. Galbraith
Hyun J. Shin
Digital FIR filters for high speed PRML disk read channels.
IEEE J. Solid State Circuits
30 (12) (1995)
Sudhir M. Gowda
Bing J. Sheu
Wen-Jay Hsu
Testing of programmable analog neural network chips.
J. VLSI Signal Process.
8 (3) (1994)
Sudhir M. Gowda
Bing J. Sheu
BSIM plus: an advanced SPICE model for submicron MOS VLSI circuits.
IEEE Trans. Comput. Aided Des. Integr. Circuits Syst.
13 (9) (1994)
Wen-Jay Hsu
Bing J. Sheu
Sudhir M. Gowda
Testing of Analog Neural Array-Processor Chips.