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Jean Godin
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 1998-2013
Publications (10 Years): 0
Top Topics
High Speed
Rayleigh Fading
Mimo Systems
Top Venues
Bell Labs Tech. J.
Jean Godin
Agnieszka Konczykowska
Jean-Yves Dupuy
Muriel Riet
Virginie Nodjiadjim
Filipe Jorge
Gabriel Charlet
Oriol Bertran-Pardo
Jérémie Renaudier
Haïk Mardoyan
Alan H. Gnauck
Peter J. Winzer
High Speed Multi-Level Drivers for Spectrally Efficient Optical Transmission Systems.
Bell Labs Tech. J.
18 (3) (2013)
Oriol Bertran-Pardo
Jeremie Renaudier
Haïk Mardoyan
P. Tran
Rafael Rios-Müller
Agnieszka Konczykowska
Jean-Yves Dupuy
F. Jorge
Muriel Riet
Bernadette Duval
Jean Godin
Sebastian Randel
Gabriel Charlet
Sébastien Bigo
Transmission of 50-GHz-spaced single-carrier channels at 516Gb/s over 600km.
Bertrand Ardouin
Jean-Yves Dupuy
Jean Godin
Virginie Nodjiadjim
Muriel Riet
François Marc
Gilles Amadou Koné
Sudip Ghosh
Brice Grandchamp
Cristell Maneux
Advancements on reliability-aware analog circuit design.
Yves Bouvier
Achour Ouslimani
Agnieszka Konczykowska
Jean Godin
A 40 GSamples/s InP-DHBT Track-and-Hold Amplifier with high dynamic range and large bandwidth.
G. A. Koné
Brice Grandchamp
C. Hainaut
François Marc
Cristell Maneux
Nathalie Labat
Thomas Zimmer
Virginie Nodjiadjim
Muriel Riet
Jean Godin
Reliability of submicron InGaAs/InP DHBT under thermal and electrical stresses.
Microelectron. Reliab.
51 (9-11) (2011)
Sudip Ghosh
Brice Grandchamp
G. A. Koné
François Marc
Cristell Maneux
Thomas Zimmer
Virginie Nodjiadjim
Muriel Riet
Jean-Yves Dupuy
Jean Godin
Investigation of the degradation mechanisms of InP/InGaAs DHBT under bias stress conditions to achieve electrical aging model for circuit design.
Microelectron. Reliab.
51 (9-11) (2011)
G. A. Koné
Brice Grandchamp
C. Hainaut
François Marc
Cristell Maneux
Nathalie Labat
Thomas Zimmer
Virginie Nodjiadjim
Jean Godin
Preliminary results of storage accelerated aging test on InP/InGaAs DHBT.
Microelectron. Reliab.
50 (9-11) (2010)
Nils Weimann
Vincent Houtsma
Rose Kopf
Yves Baeyens
Joseph Weiner
Alaric Tate
John Frackoviak
Young-Kai Chen
Gregory Raybon
Jean Godin
Muriel Riet
Virginie Nodjiadjim
Agnieszka Konczykowska
Jean-Yves Dupuy
Filipe Jorge
André Scavennec
Gabriel Charlet
InP DHBT circuits: From device physics to 40Gb/s and 100Gb/s transmission system experiments.
Bell Labs Tech. J.
14 (3) (2009)
Jean Godin
Agnieszka Konczykowska
Muriel Riet
Jacques Moulu
Philippe Berdaguer
Filipe Jorge
InP DHBT Integrated Circuits for Fiber-Optic High-Speed Applications.
IEICE Trans. Electron.
(7) (2006)
J. C. Martin
Cristell Maneux
Nathalie Labat
André Touboul
Muriel Riet
S. Blayac
M. Kahn
Jean Godin
1/f noise analysis of InP/InGaAs DHBTs submitted to bias and thermal stresses.
Microelectron. Reliab.
43 (9-11) (2003)
André Scavennec
Jean Godin
René Lefevre
40 Gbit/s transmission: III-V integrated circuits for opto-electronic interfaces.
Ann. des Télécommunications
58 (9-10) (2003)
Philippe André
Sylvain Blayac
Philippe Berdaguer
Jean-Louis Benchimol
Jean Godin
Nicolas Kauffmann
Agnieszka Konczykowska
Abed-Elhak Kasbari
Muriel Riet
InGaAs/InP DHBT technology and design methodology for over 40 Gb/s optical communication circuits.
IEEE J. Solid State Circuits
36 (9) (2001)
Nicolas Kauffmann
Sylvain Blayac
Miloud Abboun
Philippe André
Frédéric Aniel
Muriel Riet
Jean-Louis Benchimol
Jean Godin
Agnieszka Konczykowska
InP HBT driver circuit optimization for high-speed ETDM transmission.
IEEE J. Solid State Circuits
36 (4) (2001)
P. Andre
Nicolas Kauffmann
P. Desrousseaux
Jean Godin
Agnieszka Konczykowska
InP HBT circuits for high speed ETDM systems.
Philippe André
Jean-Louis Benchimol
Patrick Desrousseaux
Anne-Marie Duchenois
Jean Godin
Agnieszka Konczykowska
Mounir Meghelli
Muriel Riet
André Scavennec
InP DHBT technology and design methodology for high-bit-rate optical communications circuits.
IEEE J. Solid State Circuits
33 (9) (1998)