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Geir Mathisen
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2011-2023
Publications (10 Years): 12
Top Topics
Wireless Sensor
Smart Grid
Receding Horizon
Multi Robot Cooperative
Top Venues
Henrik Austad
Erling Rennemo Jellum
Sverre Hendseth
Geir Mathisen
Torleiv Håland Bryne
Kristoffer Nyborg Gregertsen
Sigurd Mørkved Albrektsen
Bjarne Emil Helvik
Composable distributed real-time systems with deterministic network channels.
J. Syst. Archit.
137 (2023)
Henrik Austad
Geir Mathisen
Bounding the End-to-End Execution Time in Distributed Real-Time Systems: Arguing the case for Deterministic Networks in Lingua Franca.
CPS-IoT Week Workshops
Henrik Austad
Geir Mathisen
net_chan: Deterministic network channels for distributed real-time systems.
23 (2023)
Asbjørn Engmark Espe
Sondre Ninive Andersen
Pierluigi Salvo Rossi
Frank Alexander Kraemer
Geir Mathisen
An Analysis of Design Parameters for Energy Management of Wireless Sensor Devices.
Sondre Ninive Andersen
Asbjørn Engmark Espe
Sverre Hendseth
Geir Mathisen
Formalising Nondeterministic Communication in Wireless Sensor Networks Using CSP.
Asbjørn Engmark Espe
Thomas S. Haugan
Geir Mathisen
Magnetic Field Energy Harvesting in Railway.
Asbjørn Engmark Espe
Geir Mathisen
Towards Magnetic Field Energy Harvesting near Electrified Railway Tracks.
S. Sairam
Seshadhri Srinivasan
Giancarlo Marafioti
B. Subathra
Geir Mathisen
Korkut Bekiroglu
Explainable Incipient Fault Detection Systems for Photovoltaic Panels.
Erick Fernando Alves
Jonas K. Nphiland
Giancarlo Marafioti
Geir Mathisen
Online parameter identification of synchronous machines using Kalman filter and recursive least squares.
Alessio Maffei
Seshadhri Srinivasan
Daniela Meola
Giovanni Palmieri
Luigi Iannelli
Øystein Hov Holhjem
Giancarlo Marafioti
Geir Mathisen
Luigi Glielmo
A Cyber-Physical Systems Approach for Implementing the Receding Horizon Optimal Power Flow in Smart Grids.
IEEE Trans. Sustain. Comput.
3 (2) (2018)
Johannes Schrimpf
Geir Mathisen
Differential feed control applied to corner matching in automated sewing.
Seshadhri Srinivasan
Øystein Hov Holhjem
Giancarlo Marafioti
Geir Mathisen
Alessio Maffei
Giovanni Palmieri
Luigi Iannelli
Luigi Glielmo
Cyber-Physical Energy Systems Approach for Engineering Power System State Estimation in Smart Grids.
SOFA (1)
Johannes Schrimpf
Morten Lind
Geir Mathisen
Work Flow, Material Handling and Initial Part Positioning in a Multi-Robot Sewing Cell.
Johannes Schrimpf
Magnus Bjerkeng
Morten Lind
Geir Mathisen
Model-based feed-forward and setpoint generation in a multi-robot sewing cell.
Johannes Schrimpf
Magnus Bjerkeng
Geir Mathisen
Velocity coordination and corner matching in a multi-robot sewing cell.
Roberto Rigolin Ferreira Lopes
Rikke Stoud Platou
Sverre Hendseth
Nunzio Marco Torrisi
Kristoffer Nyborg Gregertsen
Geir Mathisen
Deploying third party services at smart grids end users using broadband links.
ISGT Europe
Johannes Schrimpf
Morten Lind
Geir Mathisen
Time-analysis of a real-time sensor-servoing system using line-of-sight path tracking.