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ISGT Europe
George Suciu
Mari-Anais Sachian
Marius-Constantin Vochin
Marius-Alexandru Dobrea
Cristian Beceanu
Raluca Iosu
Ana Petrache
Blockchain applicability using Smart Power Management: SealedGrid Architecture.
ISGT Europe
Helton do Nascimento Alves
Newton G. Bretas
Arturo S. Bretas
Ben-Hur Matthews
Smart Grids False Data Injection Identification: a Deep Learning Approach.
ISGT Europe
Shengye Lu
Sami Repo
Mikko Salmenperä
Jari Seppälä
Hannu Koivisto
Using IEC CIM standards and SOA Technology for Coordinated Voltage Control Application.
ISGT Europe
Tiago Elias Castelo de Oliveira
Frank van Overbeeke
Vladimir Cuk
Erik C. W. de Jong
MVDC Application: Switching Processes AC-to-DC, DC -to- AC and Imbalance Mitigation through DC Mode.
ISGT Europe
Zita Hagemann
Ulf Häger
Reactive Power Control in Distribution Networks to minimize the Reactive Power Balance at the Point of Common Coupling.
ISGT Europe
Emi Sugiyama
Marta Marmiroli
Blockchain-Based Bilateral Energy Transaction Platform.
ISGT Europe
Ming Meng
Yahui Su
Yang Luo
Analysis of Fault Blocking Ability of a MMC Improved Double Half Bridge Sub-module.
ISGT Europe
Vahid Hosseinnezhad
Miadreza Shafie-khah
Pierluigi Siano
João P. S. Catalão
Optimal Home Energy Management For Electric Flexibility Provision.
ISGT Europe
Amritanshu Pandey
Aayushya Agarwal
Marko Jereminov
Martin R. Wagner
David M. Bromberg
Larry T. Pileggi
Robust Sequential Steady-State Analysis of Cascading Outages.
ISGT Europe
Thomas Lager
Lutz Hofmann
Advanced Short-Circuit Current Calculation for Doubly-Fed Induction Generator Based Wind Turbines According to IEC 60909.
ISGT Europe
Muhammad Abubakar
Muhammad Sarwar
Shoaib Mehboob
Babar Hussain
Development of Real Time Simulation Model for Resistive Type Fault Current Limiter.
ISGT Europe
Panaitescu Fanel-Viorel
Panaitescu Mariana
Panait Cornel
Experimental Research on the Response Time of Three-Phase Inverter on Grid Coupled to Photovoltaic Panels.
ISGT Europe
Paul Imgart
Peiyuan Chen
Evaluation of the System-Aggregated Potentials of Inertial Support Capabilities from Wind Turbines.
ISGT Europe
Moudud Ahmed
Lasantha Meegahapola
Arash Vahidnia
Manoj Datta
Investigation of Low-Frequency Oscillations in VSD Driven Induction Motors in Microgrids.
ISGT Europe
Ruilin Yang
Dandan Zhang
Zhenbiao Li
Vibration Analysis Using Variational Mode Decomposition for Mechanical Fault Diagnosis in The Diverter Switch of On-load Tap Changer.
ISGT Europe
Sultan S. Alkaabi
Distributed Generation Planning and Optimization: Deterministic versus Heuristic Approaches.
ISGT Europe
Christian Thommessen
Nicolas Witte
Florian Nigbur
Jürgen Roes
Angelika Heinzel
Othmar M. Verheyen
Significance of Cogeneration for Germany's Future Energy Supply.
ISGT Europe
Pol Olivella-Rosell
Francisco Díaz-González
Pau Lloret-Gallego
Sara Barja-Martinez
Sigurd Bjarghov
Venkatachalam Lakshmanan
Stig Ødegaard Ottesen
Nazir Refa
Frank Geerts
Roberto Villafafila-Robles
INVADE Flexibility Centralized Algorithm to Manage Electric Vehicles under DSO Requests in Buildings with Limited Information.
ISGT Europe
Miltiadis Alamaniotis
Synergism of Deep Neural Network and ELM for Smart Very-Short-Term Load Forecasting.
ISGT Europe
Mrityunjay Kumar Mishra
Sanjoy Kumar Parida
A Comparative Analysis of Real Time and Time of Use Pricing Schemes in Demand Side Management Considering Distributed Energy Resources.
ISGT Europe
Arnold N'Goran
Bruno Daugrois
Marc Lotteau
Sophie Demassey
Optimal engagement and operation of a grid-connected PV/battery system.
ISGT Europe
Mirza Nuhic
Guangya Yang
A Hybrid System Consisting of Synchronous Condenser and Battery - Enhanced Services for Weak Systems.
ISGT Europe
Andreas Thingvad
Lisa Calearo
Peter Bach Andersen
Mattia Marinelli
Myriam Neaimeh
Kenta Suzuki
Kensuke Murai
Value of V2G Frequency Regulation in Great Britain Considering Real Driving Data.
ISGT Europe
Abhineet Prakash
Sanjoy Kumar Parida
Impact of Solar Photovoltaic on LFC of Interconnected Power System using I-PD Controller.
ISGT Europe
Mostafa Yazdi
Farhad Yazdi
A Non-Linear Load Sharing Method by Harmonics Spectrum Allocation to the Inverters.
ISGT Europe
Nand K. Singh
M. Z. C. Wanik
Abdullah A. Jabbar
Antonio Sanfilippo
Enhancing PV hosting Capacity of a Qatar Remote Farm Network using Inverters Ability to Regulate Reactive Power-a Case Study.
ISGT Europe
Mustafa Alparslan Zehir
Barry Hayes
Sasa Z. Djokic
Real-time Grouped Management of Electric Vehicle Battery Chargers (EVBCs) for Voltage Profile Improvement in Radial Distribution Networks.
ISGT Europe
Mohamedou Macire
Marc Petit
Mohamed Maaroufi
Francis Roy
A unit commitment model with electric vehicles flexibility: case of 2030 Moroccan power system.
ISGT Europe
Moritz Theißen
Olaf Stursberg
Distributed Model Predictive Control of Wind Farms for Short-Term Grid Support.
ISGT Europe
Dulip Madurasinghe
Paranietharan Arunagirinathan
Ganesh K. Venayagamoorthy
Online Identification of Power System Network Branch Events.
ISGT Europe
Roozbeh Torkzadeh
Harold R. Chamorro
Rebecca Rye
Mojtaba Eliassi
Lucian Toma
Francisco Gonzalez-Longatt
Reactive Power Control of Grid Interactive Battery Energy Storage System for WADC.
ISGT Europe
Gerasimos G. Rigatos
Dimitrios Serpanos
Vasileios Siadimas
Pierluigi Siano
Masoud Abbaszadeh
Condition monitoring for three-phase inverters with the Derivative-free nonlinear Kalman Filter.
ISGT Europe
Fernando García-Muñoz
Francisco Díaz-González
Cristina Corchero
Cristina Núñez-del-Toro
Optimal Sizing and Location of Distributed Generation and Battery Energy Storage System.
ISGT Europe
Thusitha Dayaratne
Carsten Rudolph
Ariel Liebman
Mahsa Salehi
Shan He
High Impact False Data Injection Attack against Real-time Pricing in Smart Grids.
ISGT Europe
Philipp Zwickel
Alexander Engelmann
Lutz Gröll
Veit Hagenmeyer
Dominique Sauer
Timm Faulwasser
A Comparison of Economic MPC Formulations for Thermal Building Control.
ISGT Europe
Thiago Mendonca
Nathaniel Bottrell
Tim Green
Incorporating Ancillary Service Costs in Distributed Energy Resources Management Systems.
ISGT Europe
Mohammed Salih
Markus Koch
Dirk Baumeister
Mahjar Wazifehdust
Philippe Steinbusch
Markus Zdrallek
Adapted Newton-Raphson Power Flow Method for a DC Traction Network including Non-receptive Power Sources and Photovoltaic Systems.
ISGT Europe
Richard M. Sanchez
Luis R. Villacres
Santiago P. Torres
Carlos A. Castro
AC Transmission Expansion Planning Considering Uncertainty.
ISGT Europe
Carlos Fernandes
Ismael Miranda
Helder Leite
Eduardo Rodrigues
Fault Analysis in a Microgrid Context: DEMOCRAT Project.
ISGT Europe
Subin Netsawang
Sarun Pansrisu
Somboon Nuchprayoon
Frequency Control of Electricity Grid Integrated with Variable Generation Using Pumped Storage Hydro Power Plant.
ISGT Europe
Ferréol Binot
Trung-Dung Le
Marc Petit
Impact of environmental conditions on the voltage profile of LV networks.
ISGT Europe
Kyriaki E. Antoniadou-Plytaria
David Steen
Le Anh Tuan
Ola Carlson
Energy Scheduling Strategies for Grid-connected Microgrids: A Case Study on Chalmers Campus.
ISGT Europe
Lisa Calearo
Andreas Thingvad
Hans Henrik Ipsen
Mattia Marinelli
Economic Value and User Remuneration for EV Based Distribution Grid Services.
ISGT Europe
Yonggang Zhang
Christian Klabunde
Martin Wolter
Harmonic Filtering in DFIG-based Offshore Wind Farm through Resonance Damping.
ISGT Europe
Gokturk Poyrazoglu
Ugur Dolu
Flexibility Assessment Tool by Failure-based Uncertainty Management in Power Systems.
ISGT Europe
Priyanka Gangwar
Sri Niwas Singh
Saikat Chakrabarti
An Analytical Approach for Phase Balancing Considering Customer Load Profile.
ISGT Europe
Katja Sirviö
Mike Mekkanen
Kimmo Kauhaniemi
Hannu Laaksonen
Ari Salo
Felipe Castro
Shoaib Ansari
Davood Babazadeh
Controller Development for Reactive Power Flow Management Between DSO and TSO Networks.
ISGT Europe
Pierre-David Dapoz
Zacharie De Grève
Philippe de Pauw
Jonathan Sprooten
François Vallée
Mixed Regression Clustering Techniques for the Medium Term Prediction of Reactive Power within Transmission Grids.
ISGT Europe
Sajjad Fattaheian-Dehkordi
Mehdi Tavakkoli
Ali Abbaspour
Mahmud Fotuhi-Firuzabad
Matti Lehtonen
Distribution Grid Flexibility-ramp Minimization using Local Resources.
ISGT Europe
Niklas Ebell
Moritz Gütlein
Marco Pruckner
Sharing of Energy Among Cooperative Households Using Distributed Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning.
ISGT Europe