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Dat Tran
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 1999-2023
Publications (10 Years): 9
Top Topics
Feature Engineering
Dependency Parsing
Ibm Zenterprise
Rapid Prototyping
Top Venues
Electron. Commun. Eur. Assoc. Softw. Sci. Technol.
IEEE J. Emerg. Sel. Topics Circuits Syst.
Dat Tran
Christof Teuscher
Multi-Tasking Memcapacitive Networks.
IEEE J. Emerg. Sel. Topics Circuits Syst.
13 (1) (2023)
Florian Meisel
David Volz
Christoph Spang
Dat Tran
Andreas Koch
TaPaFuzz - An FPGA-Accelerated Framework for RISC-V IoT Graybox Fuzzing.
Ralf Kundel
Paul Stiegele
Dat Tran
Julian Zobel
Osama Abboud
Rhaban Hark
Ralf Steinmetz
User Space Packet Schedulers: Towards Rapid Prototyping of Queue-Management Algorithms.
Electron. Commun. Eur. Assoc. Softw. Sci. Technol.
80 (2022)
Anindya Datta
Sangaralingam Kajanan
Sinuo Chen
Dat Tran
Sourjya Sen
Ravish Ranjan
Anovos: A Scalable Feature Engineering Library.
Big Data
Dat Tran
Christof Teuscher
Computational Capacity of Complex Memcapacitive Networks.
ACM J. Emerg. Technol. Comput. Syst.
17 (2) (2021)
Dat Tran
Chetan Jaiswal
PDFPhantom: Exploiting PDF Attacks Against Academic Conferences' Paper Submission Process with Counterattack.
Miao Tony He
Gustavo K. Contreras
Dat Tran
LeRoy Winemberg
Mark M. Tehranipoor
Test-Point Insertion Efficiency Analysis for LBIST in High-Assurance Applications.
IEEE Trans. Very Large Scale Integr. Syst.
25 (9) (2017)
Mehdi Sadi
Gustavo K. Contreras
Dat Tran
Jifeng Chen
LeRoy Winemberg
Mark M. Tehranipoor
BIST-RM: BIST-assisted reliability management of SoCs using on-chip clock sweeping and machine learning.
Miao Tony He
Gustavo K. Contreras
Mark M. Tehranipoor
Dat Tran
LeRoy Winemberg
Test-point insertion efficiency analysis for LBIST applications.
Xiaoxiao Wang
LeRoy Winemberg
Donglin Su
Dat Tran
Saji George
Nisar Ahmed
Steve Palosh
Allan Dobin
Mark M. Tehranipoor
Aging Adaption in Integrated Circuits Using a Novel Built-In Sensor.
IEEE Trans. Comput. Aided Des. Integr. Circuits Syst.
34 (1) (2015)
Dat Tran
Kiet Duong
Ujjal K. Bhowmik
A VHDL Based Controller Design for Non-contact Temperature and Breathing Sensors Suitable for Crib.
Xiaoxiao Wang
Mohammad Tehranipoor
Saji George
Dat Tran
LeRoy Winemberg
Design and Analysis of a Delay Sensor Applicable to Process/Environmental Variations and Aging Measurements.
IEEE Trans. Very Large Scale Integr. Syst.
20 (8) (2012)
Xiaoxiao Wang
Dat Tran
Saji George
LeRoy Winemberg
Nisar Ahmed
Steve Palosh
Allan Dobin
Mohammad Tehranipoor
Radic: A standard-cell-based sensor for on-chip aging and flip-flop metastability measurements.
Dat Tran
LeRoy Winemberg
Darrell Carder
Xijiang Lin
Joe LeBritton
Bruce Swanson
Detecting and diagnosing open defects.
Tich Phuoc Tran
Longbing Cao
Dat Tran
Cuong Duc Nguyen
Novel Intrusion Detection using Probabilistic Neural Network and Adaptive Boosting
Dat Tran
New background modeling for speaker verification.
Dat Tran
Christopher Dubay
Paul N. Gorman
William R. Hersh
Applying Task Analysis to Describe and Facilitate Bioinformatics Tasks.
Alfred L. Crouch
Michael Mateja
Teresa L. McLaurin
John C. Potter
Dat Tran
Test Development for a Third-Version ColdFire Microprocessor.
IEEE Des. Test Comput.
17 (4) (2000)
Alfred L. Crouch
Michael Mateja
Teresa L. McLaurin
John C. Potter
Dat Tran
The testability features of the 3rd generation ColdFire family of microprocessors.