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Carlo Cazzaniga
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2017-2024
Publications (10 Years): 20
Top Topics
Confidence Weighted
Safety Critical
Computing Systems
X Ray
Top Venues
Dimitris Agiakatsikas
Nikos Foutris
Aitzan Sari
Vasileios Vlagkoulis
Ioanna Souvatzoglou
Mihalis Psarakis
Ruiqi Ye
John Goodacre
Mikel Luján
Maria Kastriotou
Carlo Cazzaniga
Chris Frost
Single Event Effects Assessment of UltraScale+ MPSoC Systems Under Atmospheric Radiation.
IEEE Trans. Reliab.
73 (1) (2024)
Bruno Forlin
Edian B. Annink
Elijah Cishugi
Carlo Cazzaniga
Paolo Rech
Gerard K. Rauwerda
Gianluca Furano
Marco Ottavi
Neutron Beam Evaluation of Probabilistic Data Structure-based Online Checkers.
Kevin Böhmer
Bruno Forlin
Carlo Cazzaniga
Paolo Rech
Gianluca Furano
Nikolaos Alachiotis
Marco Ottavi
Neutron Radiation Tests of the NEORV32 RISC-V SoC on Flash-Based FPGAs.
Dimitris Agiakatsikas
Nikos Foutris
Aitzan Sari
Vasileios Vlagkoulis
Ioanna Souvatzoglou
Mihalis Psarakis
Ruiqi Ye
John Goodacre
Mikel Luján
Maria Kastriotou
Carlo Cazzaniga
Chris Frost
Single Event Effects Assessment of UltraScale+ MPSoC Systems under Atmospheric Radiation.
Paolo Branchini
Andrea Fabbri
Sacha Cormenier
Marco Bernardini
Giovanni Romanelli
Enrico Preziosi
Roberto Senesi
Carla Andreani
Chris Frost
Carlo Cazzaniga
Toni Fabio Catalano
Mario Buffardo
Irradiation Tests for Commercial Off-the Shelf Components with Atmospheric-like Neutrons and Heavy-Ions.
Bruno E. Forlin
Wouter van Huffelen
Carlo Cazzaniga
Paolo Rech
Nikolaos Alachiotis
Marco Ottavi
An unprotected RISC-V Soft-core processor on an SRAM FPGA: Is it as bad as it sounds?
Lucas Matana Luza
Annachiara Ruospo
Daniel Söderström
Carlo Cazzaniga
Maria Kastriotou
Ernesto Sánchez
Alberto Bosio
Luigi Dilillo
Emulating the Effects of Radiation-Induced Soft-Errors for the Reliability Assessment of Neural Networks.
IEEE Trans. Emerg. Top. Comput.
10 (4) (2022)
Dimitris Agiakatsikas
Nikos Foutris
Aitzan Sari
Vasileios Vlagkoulis
Ioanna Souvatzoglou
Mihalis Psarakis
Mikel Luján
Maria Kastriotou
Carlo Cazzaniga
Evaluation of Xilinx Deep Learning Processing Unit under Neutron Irradiation.
Douglas A. dos Santos
André Martins Pio de Mattos
Lucas M. Luza
Carlo Cazzaniga
Maria Kastriotou
Douglas R. Melo
Luigi Dilillo
Neutron Irradiation Testing and Analysis of a Fault-Tolerant RISC-V System-on-Chip.
Douglas A. dos Santos
Lucas M. Luza
Maria Kastriotou
Carlo Cazzaniga
Cesar A. Zeferino
Douglas R. Melo
Luigi Dilillo
Characterization of a RISC-V System-on-Chip under Neutron Radiation.
Lucas Matana Luza
Daniel Söderström
André Martins Pio de Mattos
Eduardo Augusto Bezerra
Carlo Cazzaniga
Maria Kastriotou
Christian Poivey
Luigi Dilillo
Technology Impact on Neutron-Induced Effects in SDRAMs: A Comparative Study.
Fernando Fernandes dos Santos
Sujit Malde
Carlo Cazzaniga
Christopher Frost
Luigi Carro
Paolo Rech
Experimental Findings on the Sources of Detected Unrecoverable Errors in GPUs.
Daniel Oliveira
Sean Blanchard
Nathan DeBardeleben
Fernando Fernandes dos Santos
Gabriel Piscoya Dávila
Philippe O. A. Navaux
Andrea Favalli
Opale Schappert
Stephen Wender
Carlo Cazzaniga
Christopher Frost
Paolo Rech
Thermal neutrons: a possible threat for supercomputer reliability.
J. Supercomput.
77 (2) (2021)
Carlo Cazzaniga
Marta Bagatin
Simone Gerardin
Alessandra Costantino
Christopher D. Frost
First Tests of a New Facility for Device-Level, Board-Level and System-Level Neutron Irradiation of Microelectronics.
IEEE Trans. Emerg. Top. Comput.
9 (1) (2021)
Lucas Matana Luza
Daniel Söderström
Georgios Tsiligiannis
Helmut Puchner
Carlo Cazzaniga
Ernesto Sánchez
Alberto Bosio
Luigi Dilillo
Investigating the Impact of Radiation-Induced Soft Errors on the Reliability of Approximate Computing Systems.
Daniel Oliveira
Sean Blanchard
Nathan DeBardeleben
Fernando Fernandes dos Santos
Gabriel Piscoya Dávila
Philippe O. A. Navaux
Carlo Cazzaniga
Christopher Frost
Robert C. Baumann
Paolo Rech
Thermal Neutrons: a Possible Threat for Supercomputers and Safety Critical Applications.
Lyuan Xu
Jingchen Cao
John Brockman
Carlo Cazzaniga
Christopher Frost
Shi-Jie Wen
Rita Fung
Bharat L. Bhuva
Thermal Neutron Induced Soft Errors in 7-nm Bulk FinFET Node.
Daniel Oliveira
Sean Blanchard
Nathan DeBardeleben
Fermando Santos
Gabriel Piscoya Dávila
Philippe Olivier Alexandre Navaux
Stephen Wender
Carlo Cazzaniga
Christopher Frost
Robert C. Baumann
Paolo Rech
An Overview of the Risk Posed by Thermal Neutrons to the Reliability of Computing Devices.
DSN (Supplements)
Marco Ottavi
Dario Asciolla
Tiziano Fiorucci
Elena Grosso
Carla Marzullo
Alessandro Scaramella
Simone Stramaccioni
Alessia Zibecchi
Carla Andreani
Gian Carlo Cardarilli
Carlo Cazzaniga
Luca Di Nunzio
Rocco Fazzolari
Marco Re
Pedro Reviriego
Gianluca Furano
Roberto Senesi
Setup and experimental results analysis of COTS Camera and SRAMs at the ISIS neutron facility.
Andrea Fedi
Marco Ottavi
Gianluca Furano
Antimo Bruno
Roberto Senesi
Carla Andreani
Carlo Cazzaniga
High-energy neutrons characterization of a safety critical computing system.