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Alice Barana
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2015-2024
Publications (10 Years): 18
Top Topics
Open Educational Resources
Open Ended
Formative Assessment
Learning Environment
Top Venues
CSEDU (Selected Papers)
Alice Barana
Marina Marchisio
Eight Sustainable Practices for Digital Activity Development: Drivers and Barriers in International Higher Education Collaboration.
57 (3) (2024)
Alice Barana
Cecilia Fissore
Marina Marchisio
Michela Tassone
Shaping an Adaptive Path on Analytic Geometry with Automatic Formative Assessment and Interactive Feedback.
Alice Barana
Marina Marchisio
Matteo Sacchet
Orientative teaching with Open Educational Resources: the role of teachers in students' transition from high school to university.
Alice Barana
Cecilia Fissore
Anna Lepre
Marina Marchisio
Assessment of Digital and Mathematical Problem-Solving Competences Development.
Alice Barana
Marina Marchisio
Analyzing Interactions in Automatic Formative Assessment Activities for Mathematics in Digital Learning Environments.
Alice Barana
Marina Marchisio
A Model for the Analysis of the Interactions in a Digital Learning Environment During Mathematical Activities.
CSEDU (Selected Papers)
Alice Barana
Cecilia Fissore
Marina Marchisio
Automatic Formative Assessment Strategies for the Adaptive Teaching of Mathematics.
CSEDU (Selected Papers)
Alice Barana
Cecilia Fissore
Marina Marchisio
From Standardized Assessment to Automatic Formative Assessment for Adaptive Teaching.
Alice Barana
Marina Marchisio
An interactive learning environment to empower engagement in Mathematics.
45 (2020)
Alice Barana
Marina Marchisio
Raffaella Miori
MATE-BOOSTER: Design of Tasks for Automatic Formative Assessment to Boost Mathematical Competence.
CSEDU (Selected Papers)
Alice Barana
Alberto Conte
Cecilia Fissore
Francesco Floris
Marina Marchisio
Matteo Sacchet
The Creation of Animated Graphs to Develop Computational Thinking and Support STEM Education.
Alice Barana
Marina Marchisio
Raffaella Miori
MATE-BOOSTER: Design of an e-Learning Course to Boost Mathematical Competence.
Alice Barana
Marina Marchisio
Sergio Rabellino
Empowering Engagement through Automatic Formative Assessment.
Marina Marchisio
Alice Barana
Michele Fioravera
Sergio Rabellino
Alberto Conte
A Model of Formative Automatic Assessment and Interactive Feedback for STEM.
Alice Barana
Marina Marchisio
Matteo Sacchet
Advantages of Using Automatic Formative Assessment for Learning Mathematics.
Alice Barana
Luigi Di Caro
Michele Fioravera
Marina Marchisio
Sergio Rabellino
Ontology Development for Competence Assessment in Virtual Communities of Practice.
AIED (2)
Alice Barana
Marina Marchisio
Alessandro Bogino
Lorenza Operti
Michele Fioravera
Sergio Rabellino
Francesco Floris
Self-Paced Approach in Synergistic Model for Supporting and Testing Students.
Alice Barana
Michele Fioravera
Marina Marchisio
Sergio Rabellino
Adaptive Teaching Supported by ICTs to Reduce the School Failure in the Project "Scuola Dei Compiti".
Alice Barana
Marina Marchisio
Sergio Rabellino
Automated Assessment in Mathematics.
COMPSAC Workshops