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AAAI Workshop: Symbiotic Cognitive Systems
Changsong Liu
Joyce Y. Chai
Nishant Shukla
Song-Chun Zhu
Task Learning through Visual Demonstration and Situated Dialogue.
AAAI Workshop: Symbiotic Cognitive Systems
Mahni Shayganfar
Charles Rich
Candace L. Sidner
An Overview of Affective Motivational Collaboration Theory.
AAAI Workshop: Symbiotic Cognitive Systems
Vinay Venkataraman
Jonathan Lenchner
Shari Trewin
Maryam Ashoori
Shang Guo
Mishal Dholakia
Pavan K. Turaga
Ceding Control: Empowering Remote Participants in Meetings involving Smart Conference Rooms.
AAAI Workshop: Symbiotic Cognitive Systems
Symbiotic Cognitive Systems, Papers from the 2016 AAAI Workshop, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, February 13, 2016.
AAAI Workshop: Symbiotic Cognitive Systems
Yonatan Bisk
Daniel Marcu
William Wong
Towards a Dataset for Human Computer Communication via Grounded Language Acquisition.
AAAI Workshop: Symbiotic Cognitive Systems
Tathagata Chakraborti
Kartik Talamadupula
Yu Zhang
Subbarao Kambhampati
A Formal Framework for Studying Interaction in Human-Robot Societies.
AAAI Workshop: Symbiotic Cognitive Systems
Brent Harrison
Mark O. Riedl
Towards Learning From Stories: An Approach to Interactive Machine Learning.
AAAI Workshop: Symbiotic Cognitive Systems
Raphael Melo Thiago
Leonardo Guerreiro Azevedo
Viviane Torres da Silva
Vinícius C. V. B. Segura
Marcelo Nery dos Santos
Renato F. de G. Cerqueira
CATS: Cognitive Analytic Trail System.
AAAI Workshop: Symbiotic Cognitive Systems
Alexander M. Morison
David D. Woods
Artificial Attention at Scale.
AAAI Workshop: Symbiotic Cognitive Systems
Roberto Capobianco
Guglielmo Gemignani
Luca Iocchi
Daniele Nardi
Francesco Riccio
Andrea Vanzo
Contexts for Symbiotic Autonomy: Semantic Mapping, Task Teaching and Social Robotics.
AAAI Workshop: Symbiotic Cognitive Systems
Maryam Ashoori
Rachel K. E. Bellamy
Justin D. Weisz
The Impending Ubiquity of Cognitive Objects.
AAAI Workshop: Symbiotic Cognitive Systems
Alfredo Alba
Clemens Drews
Daniel Gruhl
Neal Lewis
Pablo N. Mendes
Meenakshi Nagarajan
Steve Welch
Anni Coden
Ashequl Qadir
Symbiotic Cognitive Computing through Iteratively Supervised Lexicon Induction.
AAAI Workshop: Symbiotic Cognitive Systems
Felip Martí Carrillo
Elin Anna Topp
Interaction and Task Patterns in Symbiotic, Mixed-Initiative Human-Robot Interaction.
AAAI Workshop: Symbiotic Cognitive Systems
Thomas Erickson
A Distributed Cognition Perspective on Symbiotic Cognitive Systems: External Representations as a Medium for Symbiosis.
AAAI Workshop: Symbiotic Cognitive Systems