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IHIET (Lausanne)
Olga Piñeros
Carlos Marín
Emotional Work and Organizational Culture in Colombian Health Institutions. A Multidimensional Construction.
IHIET (Lausanne)
Yakelin Cano
Grimaldo Quispe
Heyul Chavez
Nestor Mamani-Macedo
Carlos Raymundo Ibañez
Francisco Dominguez
Occupational Health and Safety Management Model for Mining Contracts.
IHIET (Lausanne)
Xiantao Sun
Wenjie Chen
Weihai Chen
Cungang Hu
A Dual-Axis Force Sensor with Passive Eddy Current Damper for Precision Measurement.
IHIET (Lausanne)
Pertti Saariluoma
Hume's Guillotine in Designing Ethically Intelligent Technologies.
IHIET (Lausanne)
Paolo Caratelli
Maria Alessandra Misuri
Kansei Design and Its Applications in Architecture and the Built Environment.
IHIET (Lausanne)
Evangelos Markopoulos
Emma Luisa Gann
Ines Selma Kirane
Hannu Vanharanta
Green Capitalism: Democratizing Sustainable Innovation by Recycling Intellectual Capital Energy.
IHIET (Lausanne)
Valentina Milenkova
Boris Manov
Dobrinka Peicheva
Shaping Digital Literacy in Knowledge Society.
IHIET (Lausanne)
Evgeny Kolbachev
Elena Sidorova
Polina Vaneeva
Design of Human-Centred Technical Systems, Products and Human Capital Development.
IHIET (Lausanne)
Alan Liu
Eric Acosta
Jamie Cope
Valerie Henry
Fernando Reyes
Joseph Bradascio
Wesley Meek
The Wide Area Virtual Environment - A Novel Immersive Environment for Medical Team Training.
IHIET (Lausanne)
Aydar Akhmetzyanov
Rauf Yagfarov
Salimzhan Gafurov
Mikhail Ostanin
Alexandr Klimchik
Continuous Control in Deep Reinforcement Learning with Direct Policy Derivation from Q Network.
IHIET (Lausanne)
Václav Jirovský
Václav Jirovský Jr.
Can a Machine Be Intelligent? The New Concept of Intelligent Machine.
IHIET (Lausanne)
Long Liu
Jue Li
Daniel Sällberg
An Investigation of Chinese Driving Behavior from Driver's Perspective.
IHIET (Lausanne)
Sylvie Rousset
Deborah Coyault Abele
Maelane Benoit
Rihab Zemni
Philippe Lacomme
Gérard Fleury
Spontaneous Physical Activity and Sedentary Patterns Analyzed in a General Population of Adults by the eMouve Application.
IHIET (Lausanne)
Lili Li
Design and Implementation of Online Law Consultation System in Higher Vocational Colleges.
IHIET (Lausanne)
Alvaro Maravi-Cardenas
Miguel Fuentes-Chahuaylla
Juan Peñafiel-Carrera
Nestor Mamani-Macedo
Carlos Raymundo Ibañez
Francisco Dominguez
Lean Healthcare Model Using Knowledge Management and Change Management Approaches to Reduce Delays for Care in the Health Sector.
IHIET (Lausanne)
Fang You
Yifan Yang
Mengting Fu
Jifang Wang
Xiaojun Luo
Liping Li
Preben Hansen
Jianmin Wang
Icon Design Recommendations for Central Consoles of Intelligent Vehicles.
IHIET (Lausanne)
Lili Li
Construction of Law Network Courses in Higher Vocational Colleges.
IHIET (Lausanne)
Keiko Tsujioka
Optimization for Collaborative Learning Environments by Matching Team Members with Analyzing Students' Various Data Using ICT.
IHIET (Lausanne)
Arra Kumar
Gunda Yuga Raju
Suprakash Gupta
Work-Compatibility Based Accident Prediction Model for the Workforce of an Underground Coal Mine in India.
IHIET (Lausanne)
Benny Platte
Rico Thomanek
Christian Roschke
Tony Rolletschke
Frank Zimmer
Marc Ritter
Simplified Indoor Localization Data Acquisition by Use of Recurrent LSTM Networks on Sequential Geomagnetic Vectors.
IHIET (Lausanne)
Sónia Soares
Zafeiris Kokkinogenis
Sara Ferreira
António Couto
Profiles of Professional Drivers Based on Drowsiness and Distraction Alerts.
IHIET (Lausanne)
Rauf Yagfarov
Vladislav Ostankovich
Aydar Akhmetzyanov
Traffic Sign Classification Using Embedding Learning Approach for Self-driving Cars.
IHIET (Lausanne)
Tom Orihuela-Meza
Juan Peñafiel-Carrera
Nestor Mamani-Macedo
Carlos Raymundo Ibañez
Francisco Dominguez
Service Model Under the Lean and Change Management Approaches to Reduce Delivery Times and Optimize the Quality of Processes in a Company in the Metal-Mechanic Sector.
IHIET (Lausanne)
Jaruwan Chutrtong
Probiotic Lactic Acid Bacteria Isolation from Fermented Beef (Naem) Samples for Use as Starter Culture.
IHIET (Lausanne)
Alexander Mitts
Tiffany D'souza
Bryan Sadler
Dominick Battistini
David Vuong
Solving the Revolving Door Problem: Machine Learning for Readmission Risk Assessment.
IHIET (Lausanne)
Maurizio Caon
Omar Abou Khaled
Paul Vaucher
Dany Mezher
George Mc Guire
Digitalization of the Last Mile of a Humanitarian Supply Chain.
IHIET (Lausanne)
Poonam Khan
Nikhil Ranjan Mandal
An Analytical Study of Aptitude Tests for Entrance to Architecture Education: A Case of India.
IHIET (Lausanne)
Kevin Clark
Kazuhiko Yamazaki
Designing Presence.
IHIET (Lausanne)
Evangelos Markopoulos
Ines Selma Kirane
Emma Luisa Gann
Hannu Vanharanta
Avoiding Post-Merger Corporate Downsize Restructuring: The Democratic Employee-Culture Fit Model (DeECFit).
IHIET (Lausanne)
Uulen Tumurkhaduur
Baiyu Zhang
Kazuhiko Yamazaki
Interview Survey Method for Extracting Cultural Trait Applicable to Concept Design.
IHIET (Lausanne)
Talisa Niemmanee
Kunya Borwornchokchai
Pantip Kayee
The Assessment of Environment Impact Quotient Field Use Rating from the Rate of Pesticides in Padd in Bang Rachan District, Sing Buri Province.
IHIET (Lausanne)
Olga Popova
Boris Popov
Vladimir Karandey
Vladimir Afanasyev
Calculation and Visualization of the Speed of Movement of the Working Point of the Exploratory Research Process.
IHIET (Lausanne)
Shutchapol Chopvitayakun
Emergency Case Report Application Applying Location Based Service Framework on Mobile Smart Devices.
IHIET (Lausanne)
Chanyapat Sangsuwon
Rapid Imaging of Latent Fingerprints Using Xanthone Compounds on Silica Nanoparticles Detected by UV Spectrophotometry.
IHIET (Lausanne)
Rudolf Fischer
Service Innovation in Health Care: The Role of Health Platforms as Innovators.
IHIET (Lausanne)
Lorena Olmos Pineda
Jorge Gil Tejeda
Analysis of the Work System in an Object of the New Media and the Effects Generated in the Processes of Interaction with a User.
IHIET (Lausanne)
Dushani Perera
Maneesha Rajaratne
Shiromi Arunathilake
Kasun Karunanayaka
Buddy Liyanage
A Critical Analysis of Music Recommendation Systems and New Perspectives.
IHIET (Lausanne)
Jacky Casas
Elena Mugellini
Omar Abou Khaled
Early Detection of Foodborne Illnesses in Social Media.
IHIET (Lausanne)
Jianqiang Zheng
Qinghua Ma
Shujun Yang
Shuaiwei Wang
Yiming Liang
Jirong Ma
Research on Cooperative Operation of Air Combat Based on Multi-agent.
IHIET (Lausanne)
Luís Soares
César Páris
Anabela Gomes
Jorge Lains
Filipe Carvalho
Luís M. Roseiro
Using Virtual Reality and Gamification for a Restorative Therapy and Rehabilitation Support Equipment.
IHIET (Lausanne)
Rosa Retuerto Luna
Marco Neves
MOOC as an Innovative Tool for Design Teaching.
IHIET (Lausanne)
Evangelos Markopoulos
Ines Selma Kirane
Emma Luisa Gann
Hannu Vanharanta
A Democratic, Green Ocean Management Framework for Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Compliance.
IHIET (Lausanne)
Galina Spirina
The Display of Conformal Symmetry in Lungs Formation of Human Fetuses.
IHIET (Lausanne)
Marwan Abdul Hameed Ashour
Iman Amer Hameed Al-Dahhan
Areej K. Hassan
Forecasting by Using the Optimal Time Series Method.
IHIET (Lausanne)
Oliver Christ
Kaspar Kaufmann
Simon Wehrli
Emanuel Mistretta
Stefan Arisona
Thomas Wyssenbach
Simon Schubiger
Validation of Driving Simulation in a Virtual Reality Setting: The Effects of Age, Sex and Simulation Technology on Driving Behavior.
IHIET (Lausanne)
Yeslam Al-Saggaf
Expression of Feelings in Twitter: A Decision Tree Approach.
IHIET (Lausanne)
Hironori Suzuki
Sho Wakabayashi
Intent Inference of Driver Deceleration Behavior by Using Unscented Kalman Filter Integrated with Conventional Artificial Neural Network Model.
IHIET (Lausanne)
Busarin Eamthanakul
Orrawan Rewthong
Sansanee Sansiribhan
Development of Web Application in English Subject.
IHIET (Lausanne)
Zakia Hammouni
Innovation and Technology in One New Hospital in Montreal: A Lived Experience of Healthcare Professionals.
IHIET (Lausanne)
volume 1152, 2020
Human Interaction, Emerging Technologies and Future Applications II - Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Human Interaction and Emerging Technologies: Future Applications (IHIET - AI 2020), April 23-25, 2020, Lausanne, Switzerland
IHIET (Lausanne)
1152 (2020)