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Yo Ehara
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2008-2023
Publications (10 Years): 35
Top Topics
Measuring Similarity
Word Frequency
Portfolio Assessment
Final Answer
Top Venues
AIED (Posters/Late Breaking Results/...)
AIED (1)
Yo Ehara
Innovative Software to Efficiently Learn English Through Extensive Reading and Personalized Vocabulary Acquisition.
AIED (Posters/Late Breaking Results/...)
Yo Ehara
Course Concepts: How Readable Are They for ESL Learners?
Yo Ehara
Analyzing Readability of Academic Paper Abstracts for ESL Learners across Various Computer Science Subfields.
Yo Ehara
Applying Large Language Models to Generate High-Quality Multiple-Choice Test Questions.
Yo Ehara
A Writing Support System that Scaffolds Language Learners via Autocompletion with Difficulty Prediction.
Yo Ehara
Measuring Similarity between Manual Course Concepts and ChatGPT-generated Course Concepts.
Yo Ehara
Formulating Textual Difficulty of Questions as Population who Answer Correctly.
Yo Ehara
A Support System to Help Teachers Design Course Plans Conforming to National Curriculum Guidelines.
AIED (Posters/Late Breaking Results/...)
Yo Ehara
Neural Language Model-based Readability Assessment of Computer Science Introductory Texts for English-as-a-Second Language Learners.
Yo Ehara
Analyzing Semantically Distinctive English Word Usages in Computer Science for English-as-a-Second-Language Learners.
ITiCSE (2)
Yo Ehara
An Intelligent Interactive Support System for Word Usage Learning in Second Languages.
AIED (1)
Yo Ehara
Uncertainty-aware Personalized Readability Assessment Framework for Second Language Learners.
J. Inf. Process.
30 (2022)
Yo Ehara
No Meaning Left Unlearned: Predicting Learners' Knowledge of Atypical Meanings of Words from Vocabulary Tests for Their Typical Meanings.
Yo Ehara
Assessing Readability of Learning Materials on Artificial Intelligence in English for Second Language Learners.
AIED (2)
Yo Ehara
Distributional Estimation of Personalized Second-Language Vocabulary Sizes with Wordlists that the Learner is Likely to Know.
AIED (2)
Yo Ehara
Selecting Reading Texts Suitable for Incidental Vocabulary Learning by Considering the Estimated Distribution of Acquired Vocabulary.
Yo Ehara
Analyzing Reliability of Interpretable Parameters in Deep Learning Language Models.
Yo Ehara
Predicting Second Language Learners' Actual Knowledge Using Self-perceived Knowledge.
AIED (1)
Yo Ehara
Readability and Linearity.
Yo Ehara
Evaluation of Unsupervised Automatic Readability Assessors Using Rank Correlations.
Yo Ehara
To What Extent Does Lexical Normalization Help English-as-a-Second Language Learners to Read Noisy English Texts?
Yo Ehara
LURAT: a Lightweight Unsupervised Automatic Readability Assessment Toolkit for Second Language Learners.
Yo Ehara
Interpreting Neural CWI Classifiers' Weights as Vocabulary Size.
Yo Ehara
Supervised Visualization of Vocabulary Knowledge towards Explainable Support of Second Language Learners.
AAAI Spring Symposium: Combining Machine Learning with Knowledge Engineering (1)
Yo Ehara
Analyzing Similarities between Word Frequency Distributions of Various Corpora to Find Effective Features for Complex Word Identification.
ICDM Workshops
Yo Ehara
Neural Rasch Model: How Do Word Embeddings Adjust Word Difficulty?
Yo Ehara
Graph-Based Analysis of Similarities between Word Frequency Distributions of Various Corpora for Complex Word Identification.
Yo Ehara
Uncertainty-Aware Personalized Readability Assessments for Second Language Learners.
Yo Ehara
Building an English Vocabulary Knowledge Dataset of Japanese English-as-a-Second-Language Learners Using Crowdsourcing.
Yo Ehara
Issei Sato
Hidekazu Oiwa
Hiroshi Nakagawa
Mining Words in the Minds of Second Language Learners for Learner-specific Word Difficulty.
J. Inf. Process.
26 (2018)
Yo Ehara
Language-Independent Prediction of Psycholinguistic Properties of Words.
Natsuda Laokulrat
Sang Phan
Noriki Nishida
Raphael Shu
Yo Ehara
Naoaki Okazaki
Yusuke Miyao
Hideki Nakayama
Generating Video Description using Sequence-to-sequence Model with Temporal Attention.
Yo Ehara
Yukino Baba
Masao Utiyama
Eiichiro Sumita
Assessing Translation Ability through Vocabulary Ability Assessment.
Yuya Nozawa
Masaki Endo
Yo Ehara
Masaharu Hirota
Shohei Yokoyama
Hiroshi Ishikawa
Inferring Tourist Behavior and Purposes of a Twitter User.
PRICAI Workshops
Masaki Kanno
Yo Ehara
Masaharu Hirota
Shohei Yokoyama
Hiroshi Ishikawa
Visualizing High-Risk Paths using Geo-tagged Social Data for Disaster Mitigation.
Yo Ehara
Masao Utiyama
Eiichiro Sumita
Risk-aware distribution of SMT outputs for translation of documents targeting many anonymous readers.
Yo Ehara
Yusuke Miyao
Hidekazu Oiwa
Issei Sato
Hiroshi Nakagawa
Formalizing Word Sampling for Vocabulary Prediction as Graph-based Active Learning.
Yo Ehara
Nobuyuki Shimizu
Takashi Ninomiya
Hiroshi Nakagawa
Personalized reading support for second-language web documents.
ACM Trans. Intell. Syst. Technol.
4 (2) (2013)
Yo Ehara
Issei Sato
Hidekazu Oiwa
Hiroshi Nakagawa
Understanding seed selection in bootstrapping.
Yo Ehara
Issei Sato
Hidekazu Oiwa
Hiroshi Nakagawa
Mining Words in the Minds of Second Language Learners: Learner-Specific Word Difficulty.
Yo Ehara
Nobuyuki Shimizu
Takashi Ninomiya
Hiroshi Nakagawa
Personalized reading support for second-language web documents by collective intelligence.
Yo Ehara
Kumiko Tanaka-Ishii
Multilingual Text Entry using Automatic Language Detection.