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Phil Oldiges
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2008-2020
Publications (10 Years): 1
Top Topics
Metal Oxide Semiconductor
Physical Design
Memory Space
Clock Gating
Top Venues
IEEE Trans. Very Large Scale Integr. Syst.
IEEE Access
Phil Oldiges
Reinaldo A. Vega
Henry K. Utomo
Nick A. Lanzillo
Thomas Wassick
Juntao Li
Junli Wang
Ghavam G. Shahidi
Chip Power-Frequency Scaling in 10/7nm Node.
IEEE Access
8 (2020)
Phil Oldiges
Kenneth P. Rodbell
Michael S. Gordon
John G. Massey
Kevin Stawiasz
Conal E. Murray
Henry H. K. Tang
K. Kim
K. Paul Muller
SOI FinFET soft error upset susceptibility and analysis.
Rajiv V. Joshi
Keunwoo Kim
Rouwaida Kanj
Ajay N. Bhoj
Matthew M. Ziegler
Phil Oldiges
Pranita Kerber
Robert Wong
Terence Hook
Sudesh Saroop
Carl Radens
Chun-Chen Yeh
Super Fast Physics-Based Methodology for Accurate Memory Yield Prediction.
IEEE Trans. Very Large Scale Integr. Syst.
23 (3) (2015)
A. J. KleinOsowski
Ethan H. Cannon
Phil Oldiges
Larry Wissel
Circuit design and modeling for soft errors.
IBM J. Res. Dev.
52 (3) (2008)
David F. Heidel
Kenneth P. Rodbell
Ethan H. Cannon
Cyril Cabral Jr.
Michael S. Gordon
Phil Oldiges
Henry H. K. Tang
Alpha-particle-induced upsets in advanced CMOS circuits and technology.
IBM J. Res. Dev.
52 (3) (2008)