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Mohd Fua'ad Rahmat
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2009-2023
Publications (10 Years): 4
Top Topics
Robot Manipulators
Gravitational Search Algorithm
Fuzzy Logic
Sliding Mode
Top Venues
IEEE Access
Int. J. Fuzzy Syst.
Tan Kai Sheng
Mohd Fua'ad Rahmat
Modeling and Control of Unmaned Aerial Vehicles.
Ahmed Eltayeb
Mohd Fua'ad Rahmat
Mohd Ariffanan Mohd Basri
M. A. Mohammed Eltoum
Magdi Sadek Mahmoud
Integral Adaptive Sliding Mode Control for Quadcopter UAV Under Variable Payload and Disturbance.
IEEE Access
10 (2022)
Ahmed Eltayeb
Mohd Fua'ad Rahmat
Mohd Ariffanan Mohd Basri
M. A. Mohammed Eltoum
Sami El-Ferik
An Improved Design of an Adaptive Sliding Mode Controller for Chattering Attenuation and Trajectory Tracking of the Quadcopter UAV.
IEEE Access
8 (2020)
Mohamad Faizrizwan Mohd Sabri
Kumeresan A. Danapalasingam
Mohd Fua'ad Rahmat
Improved Fuel Economy of Through-the-Road Hybrid Electric Vehicle with Fuzzy Logic-Based Energy Management Strategy.
Int. J. Fuzzy Syst.
20 (8) (2018)
Mozhde Heydarianasl
Mohd Fua'ad Rahmat
Modelling and simulation of different electrode size for electrostatic sensors.
Tiew Gine Ling
Mohd Fua'ad Rahmat
Abdul Rashid Husain
ANFIS modeling of Electro-Hydraulic Actuator system through physical modeling and FCM gap statistic in initial FIS determination.
J. Intell. Fuzzy Syst.
27 (4) (2014)
Sahazati Md Rozali
Mohd Fua'ad Rahmat
Abdul Rashid Husain
Performance Comparison of Particle Swarm Optimization and Gravitational Search Algorithm to the Designed of Controller for Nonlinear System.
J. Appl. Math.
2014 (2014)
Hossein Seraj
Mohd Fua'ad Rahmat
Marzuki Khalid
Measurement of velocity of solid/air two phase fluid using electrostatic sensors and cross correlation technique.
Sci. Iran.
20 (3) (2013)
Khairuddin Osman
Ahmad Athif Mohd Faudzi
Mohd Fua'ad Rahmat
Nu'man Din Mustafa
Koichi Suzumori
Predictive Functional Controller design for pneumatic actuator with stiffness characteristic.
Khairuddin Osman
Ahmad Athif Mohd Faudzi
Mohd Fua'ad Rahmat
Nu'man Din Mustafa
M. Asyraf Azman
Koichi Suzumori
System Identification model for an Intelligent Pneumatic Actuator (IPA) system.
Mohd Fua'ad Rahmat
Mohd Daud Isa
Ruzairi Abdul Rahim
Tengku Ahmad Raja Hussin
Electrodynamics Sensor for the Image Reconstruction Process in an Electrical Charge Tomography System.
9 (12) (2009)