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Martin Kocur
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2017-2024
Publications (10 Years): 28
Top Topics
Autonomous Vehicles
Virtual Reality
Public Space
Top Venues
Mensch & Computer
Selina Behrens
Martin Kocur
Investigating the Perceived Abilities of Popular Game Characters' Clothes.
Martin Kocur
Thomas Noack
Valentin Schwind
Johanna Bogon
Niels Henze
Physiological and Perceptual Effects of Avatars' Muscularity while Rowing in Virtual Reality.
Martin Kocur
Manuel Mayer
Amelie Karber
Miriam Witte
Niels Henze
Johanna Bogon
The Absence of Athletic Avatars' Effects on Physiological and Perceptual Responses while Cycling in Virtual Reality.
David Halbhuber
Martin Kocur
Alexander Kalus
Kevin Angermeyer
Valentin Schwind
Niels Henze
Understanding the Effects of Perceived Avatar Appearance on Latency Sensitivity in Full-Body Motion-Tracked Virtual Reality.
Martin Kocur
Towards Investigating the Effects of Athletic Avatars and Room Size on Time Perception.
MuC (Workshopband)
Martin Kocur
Lukas Jackermeier
Valentin Schwind
Niels Henze
The Effects of Avatar and Environment on Thermal Perception and Skin Temperature in Virtual Reality.
Sebastian Schwarz
Benedikt Strasser
Michael Lankes
Martin Kocur
A SandBox to Sandbox: A Tangible Terrain Generator for Prototyping Game Worlds.
Yu Wang
Raphael Johannes Schimmerl
Martin Kocur
Philipp Wintersberger
Ubiquity of VR: Towards Investigating Ways of Interrupting VR Users to Obtain Their Attention in Public Spaces.
Alexander Kalus
Martin Kocur
Johannes Klein
Manuel Mayer
Niels Henze
PumpVR: Rendering the Weight of Objects and Avatars through Liquid Mass Transfer in Virtual Reality.
Martin Kocur
Alexander Kalus
Johanna Bogon
Niels Henze
Christian Wolff
Valentin Schwind
The Rubber Hand Illusion in Virtual Reality and the Real World - Comparable but Different.
Alexander Kalus
Martin Kocur
Niels Henze
Johanna Bogon
Valentin Schwind
How to Induce a Physical and Virtual Rubber Hand Illusion.
Martin Kocur
Johanna Bogon
Manuel Mayer
Miriam Witte
Amelie Karber
Niels Henze
Valentin Schwind
Sweating Avatars Decrease Perceived Exertion and Increase Perceived Endurance while Cycling in Virtual Reality.
Martin Kocur
Niels Henze
Valentin Schwind
Towards an Investigation of Avatars' Sweat Effects during Physical Exertion in Virtual Reality.
MuC (Workshopband)
Martin Kocur
Pascal Lindemann
Tim Pfeil
Michael Lankes
The Door: Timing Effects of Fourth Wall Breaks on Immersion and Game Experience in an Adventure Game.
Theresa F. Wechsler
Martin Brockelmann
Konstantin Kulik
Felicitas M. Kopf
Martin Kocur
Michael Lankes
Andreas Mühlberger
Christian Wolff
SpEYEders: Adults' and children's affective responses during immersive playful gaze interactions transforming virtual spiders.
Martin Kocur
Florian Habler
Valentin Schwind
Pawel W. Wozniak
Christian Wolff
Niels Henze
Physiological and Perceptual Responses to Athletic Avatars while Cycling in Virtual Reality.
Martin Kocur
Martin Johannes Dechant
Michael Lankes
Christian Wolff
Regan L. Mandryk
Eye Caramba: Gaze-based Assistance for Virtual Reality Aiming and Throwing Tasks in Games.
ETRA Short Papers
Martin Kocur
Daniel Roth
Valentin Schwind
Towards an Investigation of Embodiment Time in Virtual Reality.
Mensch & Computer Workshopband
Niels Henze
Valentin Schwind
Katrin Wolf
Martin Kocur
Albrecht Schmidt
Andrew L. Kun
Preparing an Online Lecture That We Wouldn't Hate to Attend.
IEEE Pervasive Comput.
19 (3) (2020)
Martin Kocur
Sarah Graf
Valentin Schwind
The Impact of Missing Fingers in Virtual Reality.
Martin Kocur
Melanie Kloss
Valentin Schwind
Christian Wolff
Niels Henze
Flexing Muscles in Virtual Reality: Effects of Avatars' Muscular Appearance on Physical Performance.
Martin Kocur
Philipp Schauhuber
Valentin Schwind
Christian Wolff
Niels Henze
The Effects of Self- and External Perception of Avatars on Cognitive Task Performance in Virtual Reality.
David Halbhuber
Jakob Fehle
Alexander Kalus
Konstantin Seitz
Martin Kocur
Thomas Schmidt
Christian Wolff
The Mood Game - How to Use the Player's Affective State in a Shoot'em up Avoiding Frustration and Boredom.
Mensch & Computer
Martin Kocur
Valentin Schwind
Niels Henze
Utilizing the Proteus Effect to Improve Interactions using Full-Body Avatars in Virtual Reality.
Mensch & Computer Workshopband
Philipp Hartl
Thomas Fischer
Andreas Hilzenthaler
Martin Kocur
Thomas Schmidt
AudienceAR - Utilising Augmented Reality and Emotion Tracking to Address Fear of Speech.
Mensch & Computer
Philipp Schuhbauer
Laurin Muth
Julia Grötsch
Johannes Wiesneth
Johannes Dengler
Martin Kocur
Michael Lankes
Hover Loop: A New Approach to Locomotion in Virtual Reality.
CHI PLAY (Companion)
Anna-Marie Ortloff
Lydia Güntner
Maximiliane Windl
Thomas Schmidt
Martin Kocur
Christian Wolff
SentiBooks: Enhancing Audiobooks via Affective Computing and Smart Light Bulbs.
Mensch & Computer
Patricia Böhm
Martin Kocur
Murat Firat
Daniel Isemann
Which Factors Influence Attitudes Towards Using Autonomous Vehicles?
AutomotiveUI (adjunct)