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Patricia Böhm
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2011-2018
Publications (10 Years): 13
Top Topics
Experimental Methodology
User Experience
Autonomous Driving
Digital Elevation Map
Top Venues
Mensch & Computer
Mensch & Computer Workshopband
HCI (6)
Victoria Böhm
Patricia Böhm
Stephan Schlögl
Daniel Isemann
Golden Oldies and Silver Surfers 2.0: 2. Workshop zum alters-differenzierten User Experience Design.
Mensch & Computer Workshopband
Nathalie Zotz
Simone Saft
Johannes Rosenlöhner
Patricia Böhm
Daniel Isemann
Identification of Age-Specific Usability Problems of Smartwatches.
Maike Schmargendorf
Hans-Martin Schuller
Patricia Böhm
Daniel Isemann
Christian Wolff
Autonomous Driving and the Elderly: Perceived Risks and Benefits.
Mensch & Computer Workshopband
Benedikt Lux
Daniel Schmidl
Maximilian Eibl
Bastian Hinterleitner
Patricia Böhm
Daniel Isemann
Efficiency and User Experience of Gaze Interaction in an Automotive Environment.
HCI (6)
Patricia Böhm
Andrea Hansbauer
Thomas Schmidt
Christian Wolff
Subjektive Komplexität und Usability bei Webshops.
Mensch & Computer
Jana Helgath
Philip Braun
Andreas Pritschet
Maximilian Schubert
Patricia Böhm
Daniel Isemann
Investigating the Effect of Different Autonomy Levels on User Acceptance and User Experience in Self-driving Cars with a VR Driving Simulator.
HCI (20)
Victoria Böhm
Patricia Böhm
Daniel Isemann
Golden Oldies and Silver Surfers: User Experience Design für eine ältere Zielgruppe.
Mensch & Computer Workshopband
Jonas Roberts
Johannes Wölfl
Christoph Märkl
Patricia Böhm
Daniel Isemann
Comparing Smartwatch Input Modalities for Older Users in a TVControl Scenario.
Mensch & Computer Workshopband
Eva-Maria Meier
Patricia Böhm
Christian Wolff
Comparing Heuristic Walkthrough and User Studies in Evaluating Digital Appliances.
Katia Buchhop
Laura Edel
Sabrin Kenaan
Ulrike Raab
Patricia Böhm
Daniel Isemann
In-Vehicle Touchscreen Interaction: Can a Head-Down Display Give a Heads-Up on Obstacles on the Road?
Patricia Böhm
Martin Kocur
Murat Firat
Daniel Isemann
Which Factors Influence Attitudes Towards Using Autonomous Vehicles?
AutomotiveUI (adjunct)
Colin Sippl
Benedikt Imminger
Ricardo Geissel
Patricia Böhm
Daniel Isemann
A Qualitative Interview Study on Older Adults' Attitudes Towards Social Networking Sites.
Mensch & Computer
Patricia Böhm
Andrea Hansbauer
Christian Wolff
Sind "richtige" Tasten besser? Vergleich Touch- bzw. Tasten-basierter Texteingabe auf dem Smartphone.
Mensch & Computer
Patricia Böhm
Christian Wolff
Tim Schneidermeier
Heuristiken für Information Appliances.
Mensch & Computer
Alexander Bazo
Patricia Böhm
Martin Brockelmann
Manuel Burghardt
Isabella Hastreiter
Markus Heckner
Markus Kattenbeck
Patricia Liebl
Tim Schneidermeier
Thomas Wagner
Thomas Wilhelm
Christian Wolff
Visionen für übermorgen: Design Thinking the Future Lecture.
Mensch & Computer
Patricia Böhm
Tim Schneidermeier
Christian Wolff
Customized Usability Engineering for a Solar Control Unit: Adapting Traditional Methods to Domain and Project Constraints.
HCI (10)
Patricia Böhm
Tim Schneidermeier
Christian Wolff
- Bringing User Experience to Facility Management: Designing the User Interaction of a Solar Control Unit.
HCI (16)
Tim Schneidermeier
Patricia Böhm
Christian Wolff
Benutzerzentriertes User Interface Design für einen Solarthermie-Regler.
Usability Professionals