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Alexander Bazo
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2011-2022
Publications (10 Years): 3
Top Topics
Social Media
Software Engineering
User Interface
Presidential Election
Top Venues
HCI (12)
ACM Trans. Internet Techn.
Florian Meier
Alexander Bazo
David Elsweiler
Using Social Media Data to Analyse Issue Engagement During the 2017 German Federal Election.
ACM Trans. Internet Techn.
22 (1) (2022)
Hans Gruber
Christian Wolff
Jürgen Mottok
Alexander Bazo
Florian Hauser
Stefan Schreistetter
Tutorial on Software Engineering Education in Co-Located Multi-User Eye-Tracking-Environments.
Markus Heckner
Alexander Bazo
Christian Wolff
Stefanie Scherzinger
Karel releams C: Teaching good software engineering practices in CS1 with Karel the Robot.
Alexander Bazo
Florian Echtler
Phone proxies: effortless content sharing between smartphones and interactive surfaces.
Florian Meier
Alexander Bazo
Manuel Burghardt
Christian Wolff
Evaluating a Web-Based Tool for Crowdsourced Navigation Stress Tests.
HCI (12)
Alexander Bazo
Raphael Wimmer
Markus Heckner
Christian Wolff
Collaboration on Interactive Ceilings.
Mensch & Computer Workshopband
Alexander Bazo
Manuel Burghardt
Christian Wolff
Virtual Bookshelf - Ein Natural User Interface zur Organisation und Exploration digitaler Dokumente.
Alexander Bazo
Manuel Burghardt
Christian Wolff
TWORPUS - An Easy-to-Use Tool for the Creation of Tailored Twitter Corpora.
Sarah Will
Alexander Bazo
Florian Meier
Christian Wolff
Multi/Touch/Device MindMapper: Digitalisierung von Kreativprozessen - Natural User Interfaces für kollaborative Mehrbenutzer-Software am Beispiel einer Mind-Mapping-Anwendung.
Markus Heckner
Tim Schneidermeier
Alexander Bazo
Thomas Wagner
Thomas Wilhelm
Christian Wolff
Engineering Mobile User Experience: Think. Design. Fail. Iterate. Publish.
Mensch & Computer
Alexander Bazo
Patricia Böhm
Martin Brockelmann
Manuel Burghardt
Isabella Hastreiter
Markus Heckner
Markus Kattenbeck
Patricia Liebl
Tim Schneidermeier
Thomas Wagner
Thomas Wilhelm
Christian Wolff
Visionen für übermorgen: Design Thinking the Future Lecture.
Mensch & Computer