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Gain Kim
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2015-2024
Publications (10 Years): 27
Top Topics
High Frequency
Requirement Analysis
Convolutional Neural Network
Design Space Exploration
Top Venues
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II Express Briefs
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I Regul. Pap.
Jaehyun Lee
Dong-gu Choi
Minyoung Song
Gain Kim
Jong-Hyeok Yoon
BEE-SLAM: A 65nm 17.96 TOPS/W 97.55%-Sparse-Activity Hybrid Mixed-Signal/Digital Multi-Agent Neuromorphic SLAM Accelerator for Swarm Robotics.
Jaewon Lee
Seoyoung Jang
Yujin Choi
Donggeon Kim
Serdar A. Yonar
Matthias Braendli
Andrea Ruffino
Thomas Morf
Marcel A. Kossel
Pier Andrea Francese
Gain Kim
A DAC/ADC-Based Wireline Transceiver Datapath Functional Verification on RFSoC Platform.
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II Express Briefs
71 (7) (2024)
Seoyoung Jang
Jaewon Lee
Yujin Choi
Donggeon Kim
Gain Kim
DMT 3L4W: A 3-Lane 4-Wire Signaling With Discrete Multitone Modulation for High-Speed Wireline Chip-to-Chip Interconnects.
Seoyoung Jang
Jaewon Lee
Gain Kim
A Study on the Effects of Power Loading Profile in Discrete Multitone Wireline Serial-Data Transceiver with Fixed-Point DSP-SerDes Simulator.
Woohyun Kwon
Hyosup Won
Taeho Kim
Sejun Jeon
Soon-Won Kwon
Ha-Il Song
Hanho Choi
Bongjin Kim
Huxian Jin
Jun-Gi Jo
Woosang Han
Tai-Young Kim
Gain Kim
Jake Eu
Jinho Park
Hyeon-Min Bae
A 26-Gb/s Framed-Pulsewidth Modulation Transceiver for Extended Reach Optical Links.
IEEE J. Solid State Circuits
59 (8) (2024)
Jaewon Lee
Seoyoung Jang
Yujin Choi
Donggeon Kim
Matthias Braendli
Marcel A. Kossel
Andrea Ruffino
Thomas Morf
Pier Andrea Francese
Gain Kim
A 4×4 MIMO Discrete Multitone Wireline Transceiver With Far-End Crosstalk Cancellation For ADC-Based High-Speed Serial Links.
Myungguk Lee
Jaeik Cho
Junung Choi
Won Joon Choi
Jiyun Lee
Iksu Jang
Changjae Moon
Gain Kim
Byungsub Kim
Compact Single-Ended Transceivers Demonstrating Flexible Generation of 1/N-Rate Receiver Front-Ends for Short-Reach Links.
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I Regul. Pap.
71 (1) (2024)
Yujin Choi
Seoyoung Jang
Gain Kim
Area Optimization of the Feed-Forward Equalizer for ADC-Based High-Speed Wireline Receiver Using Channel Characteristics.
Hanho Choi
Ha-Il Song
Hyosup Won
Jun Young Yoo
Woohyun Kwon
Huxian Jin
Konan Kwon
Cheong Min Lee
Gain Kim
Jake Eu
Sean Park
Hyeon-Min Bae
An 86.71875GHz RF transceiver for 57.8125Gb/s waveguide links with a CDR-assisted carrier synchronization loop in 28nm.
Gain Kim
Far-End Crosstalk Cancellation With MIMO OFDM for >200 Gb/s ADC-Based Serial Links.
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II Express Briefs
70 (1) (2023)
Reza Ranjandish
Gain Kim
Does Charge Balancing Ensure the Safety of the Electrical Stimulation and Is It Power Efficientƒ.
Geunha Kim
Sehwan Lee
Taeryoung Seol
Seungyeob Baik
Yeonjae Shin
Gain Kim
Jong-Hyeok Yoon
Arup K. George
Junghyup Lee
-Order Noise-Shaping SAR-ADC with Enhanced Input Impedance in 0.18μm CMOS.
Jinho Park
Jaewon Lee
Gain Kim
Hyeon-Min Bae
Bin-Specific Quantization in Spectral-Domain Convolutional Neural Network Accelerators.
Gain Kim
Design Space Exploration of Single-Lane OFDM-Based Serial Links for High-Speed Wireline Communications.
IEEE Open J. Circuits Syst.
3 (2022)
Jaewon Lee
Gain Kim
Jinho Park
Hyeon-Min Bae
Link Bit-Error-Rate Requirement Analysis for Deep Neural Network Accelerators.
Gain Kim
Marcel A. Kossel
Alessandro Cevrero
Ilter Özkaya
Andreas Burg
Thomas Toifl
Yusuf Leblebici
Lukas Kull
Danny Luu
Matthias Braendli
Christian Menolfi
Pier Andrea Francese
Hazar Yueksel
Cosimo Aprile
Thomas Morf
A 161-mW 56-Gb/s ADC-Based Discrete Multitone Wireline Receiver Data-Path in 14-nm FinFET.
IEEE J. Solid State Circuits
55 (1) (2020)
Gain Kim
Lukas Kull
Danny Luu
Matthias Braendli
Christian Menolfi
Pier Andrea Francese
Hazar Yueksel
Cosimo Aprile
Thomas Morf
Marcel A. Kossel
Alessandro Cevrero
Ilter Özkaya
Andreas Burg
Thomas Toifl
Yusuf Leblebici
A 161mW 56Gb/s ADC-Based Discrete Multitone Wireline Receiver Data-Path in 14nm FinFET.
Gain Kim
Lukas Kull
Danny Luu
Matthias Braendli
Christian Menolfi
Pier Andrea Francese
Hazar Yueksel
Cosimo Aprile
Thomas Morf
Marcel A. Kossel
Alessandro Cevrero
Ilter Özkaya
Hyeon-Min Bae
Andreas Burg
Thomas Toifl
Yusuf Leblebici
A 4.8pJ/b 56Gb/s ADC-Based PAM-4 Wireline Receiver Data-Path with Cyclic Prefix in 14nm FinFET.
Gain Kim
Woohyun Kwon
Thomas Toifl
Yusuf Leblebici
Hyeon-Min Bae
Design Considerations and Performance Trade-Offs for 56Gb/s Discrete Multi-Tone Electrical Link.
Kyong Hwan Jin
Gain Kim
Yusuf Leblebici
Jong Chul Ye
Michael Unser
Direct Reconstruction of Saturated Samples in Band-Limited OFDM Signals.
Gain Kim
Lukas Kull
Danny Luu
Matthias Braendli
Christian Menolfi
Pier Andrea Francese
Cosimo Aprile
Thomas Morf
Marcel A. Kossel
Alessandro Cevrero
Ilter Özkaya
Thomas Toifl
Yusuf Leblebici
Parallel Implementation Technique of Digital Equalizer for Ultra-High-Speed Wireline Receiver.
Gain Kim
Thierry Barailler
Chen Cao
Kiarash Gharibdoust
Yusuf Leblebici
Design and Modeling of Serial Data Transceiver Architecture by Employing Multi-Tone Single-Sideband Signaling Scheme.
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I Regul. Pap.
(12) (2017)
Gain Kim
Chen Cao
Kiarash Gharibdoust
Armin Tajalli
Yusuf Leblebici
A Time-Division Multiplexing Signaling Scheme for Inter-Symbol/Channel Interference Reduction in Low-Power Multi-Drop Memory Links.
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II Express Briefs
(12) (2017)
Kiarash Gharibdoust
Gain Kim
Armin Tajalli
Yusuf Leblebici
A fully-digital spectrum shaping signaling for serial-data transceiver with crosstalk and ISI reduction property in multi-drop memory interfaces.
Xifan Tang
Gain Kim
Pierre-Emmanuel Gaillardon
Giovanni De Micheli
A Study on the Programming Structures for RRAM-Based FPGA Architectures.
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I Regul. Pap.
(4) (2016)
Gain Kim
Kiarash Gharibdoust
Armin Tajalli
Yusuf Leblebici
A Digital Spectrum Shaping Signaling Serial-Data Transceiver With Crosstalk and ISI Reduction Property in Multidrop Interfaces.
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II Express Briefs
(12) (2016)
Gain Kim
Yusuf Leblebici
Architectural modeling of a multi-tone/single-sideband serial link transceiver for lossy wireline data links.
Gain Kim
Raffaele Capoccia
Yusuf Leblebici
Design optimization of polyphase digital down converters for extremely high frequency wireless communications.
Pierre-Emmanuel Gaillardon
Gain Kim
Xifan Tang
Luca Gaetano Amarù
Giovanni De Micheli
Towards More Efficient Logic Blocks By Exploiting Biconditional Expansion (Abstract Only).
Pierre-Emmanuel Gaillardon
Xifan Tang
Gain Kim
Giovanni De Micheli
A Novel FPGA Architecture Based on Ultrafine Grain Reconfigurable Logic Cells.
IEEE Trans. Very Large Scale Integr. Syst.
23 (10) (2015)