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Freddy Paz
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2013-2024
Publications (10 Years): 72
Top Topics
Evaluation Method
Case Study
User Experience
Top Venues
HCI (18)
HCI (20)
HCI (21)
HCI (22)
Fiorella Falconi
Arturo Moquillaza
Adrian Lecaros
Joel Aguirre
Carlos Ramos
Freddy Paz
Navigating Government Websites: Optimizing Information Architecture on the US Department of Labor Site.
HCI (29)
Joel Aguirre
Adrian Lecaros
Carlos Ramos
Fiorella Falconi
Arturo Moquillaza
Freddy Paz
Workshop DUXAIT: Conducting Efficient Heuristic Evaluations with the Duxait-Ng Tool. A Case Study.
HCI (29)
Arturo Moquillaza
Fiorella Falconi
Joel Aguirre
Adrian Lecaros
Carlos Ramos
Freddy Paz
DUXAIT-NG in Practice: Evaluating Usability on the Municipality of Lima Website.
HCI (29)
Fátima Cruzalegui
Rony Cueva
Freddy Paz
Redesigns in Enterprise Resource Planning Modules Using User-Centered Design Methods: A Systematic Literature Review.
HCI (31)
Fabricio Davila
Freddy Paz
Arturo Moquillaza
Usage and Application of Heatmap Visualizations on Usability User Testing: A Systematic Literature Review.
HCI (22)
Arturo Moquillaza
Fiorella Falconi
Joel Aguirre
Adrian Lecaros
Alejandro Tapia
Freddy Paz
Using Remote Workshops to Promote Collaborative Work in the Context of a UX Process Improvement.
HCI (20)
Joel Aguirre
Adrian Lecaros
Carlos Ramos
Fiorella Falconi
Arturo Moquillaza
Freddy Paz
DUXAIT NG: A Software for the Planning and Execution of User Experience Evaluations and Experiments.
Fiorella Falconi
Arturo Moquillaza
Adrian Lecaros
Joel Aguirre
Carlos Ramos
Freddy Paz
Planning and Conducting Heuristic Evaluations with DUXAIT-NG.
Adrian Lecaros
Arturo Moquillaza
Fiorella Falconi
Joel Aguirre
Alejandro Tapia
Freddy Paz
A Comparison Between Performing a Heuristic Evaluation Based on a Formal Process Using a System and the Traditional Way: A Case Study.
HCI (22)
Adrian Lecaros
Arturo Moquillaza
Fiorella Falconi
Joel Aguirre
Carlos Ramos
Freddy Paz
Automation of Granollers Heuristic Evaluation Method Using a Developed Support System: A Case Study.
Freddy Paz
Arturo Moquillaza
Adrian Lecaros
Fiorella Falconi
Joel Aguirre
Carlos Ramos
Applying Heuristic Evaluation with Different Evaluator Profiles: A Comparative Study Between Novice and Expert Specialists.
Freddy Paz
Allisson Huaracha
Freddy-Asrael Paz-Sifuentes
Arturo Moquillaza
Adrián Lecaros
Fiorella Falconi
Joel Aguirre
Alejandro Tapia
Comparing Two Sets of Usability Heuristics in a User Experience Evaluation: A Case Study in an E-Commerce Mobile Application.
HCI (22)
Adrian Lecaros
Arturo Moquillaza
Fiorella Falconi
Joel Aguirre
Alejandro Tapia
Freddy Paz
Selection and Modeling of a Formal Heuristic Evaluation Process Through Comparative Analysis.
HCI (20)
Alexis Avelino
Rony Cueva
Freddy Paz
A Systematic Review of User-Centered Design Framework Applied to the Redesign of Purchase Order Modules.
HCI (22)
Arturo Moquillaza
Fiorella Falconi
Joel Aguirre
Freddy Paz
Applying Collaborative Tools for ATM Interface Design in a Remote Context.
HCI (22)
Alejandro Tapia
Arturo Moquillaza
Joel Aguirre
Fiorella Falconi
Adrian Lecaros
Freddy Paz
A Process to Support the Remote Tree Testing Technique for Evaluating the Information Architecture of User Interfaces in Software Projects.
HCI (20)
Yoluana Gamboa
Juan Jesús Arenas
Freddy Paz
Usability Evaluation Towards a Cultural Perspective: Design Guidelines for Peruvian Government Websites.
HCI (41)
Rosangela Valenzuela
Arturo Moquillaza
Freddy Paz
Usability in Automated Teller Machines Interfaces: A Systematic Literature Review.
HCI (20)
Freddy Paz
Applying a New Questionnaire to Evaluate the Usability of Peruvian E-Government Websites.
HCI (20)
Freddy Paz
Freddy Asrael Paz
Arturo Moquillaza
Joel Aguirre
Fiorella Falconi
Jaime Díaz
Hilmar Hinojosa
Validation of a Questionnaire to Evaluate the Usability in the Peruvian Context.
HCI (18)
Freddy Paz
Freddy Asrael Paz
Relation Between Usability and Accessibility: A Case Study in Peruvian E-Commerce Websites.
IHIET (Strasbourg)
César A. Collazos
Freddy Paz
Habib Fardoun
49 (2021)
Percy Quezada
Rony Cueva
Freddy Paz
A Systematic Review of User-Centered Design Techniques Applied to the Design of Mobile Application User Interfaces.
HCI (18)
Jaime Díaz
Danay Ahumada
Jorge Hochstetter
Freddy Paz
Relations on Cultural Behavior and Technology Adoption: A Chilean Perspective.
HCI (19)
Daniela Cisneros
Fernando Huamán Monzón
Freddy Paz
Accessibility Evaluation of E-Government Web Applications: A Systematic Review.
HCI (19)
Patricia Esparza
Rony Cueva
Freddy Paz
Usability Testing Experiment Applied to Redesign on Point-of-Sale Software Interfaces Using User-Centered-Design Approach.
HCI (20)
Joe Sahua
Arturo Moquillaza
Freddy Paz
A Usability Evaluation Process Proposal for ATM Interfaces.
HCI (20)
Daniela Argumanis
Arturo Moquillaza
Freddy Paz
A Framework Based on UCD and Scrum for the Software Development Process.
HCI (18)
Adrian Lecaros
Freddy Paz
Arturo Moquillaza
Challenges and Opportunities on the Application of Heuristic Evaluations: A Systematic Literature Review.
HCI (18)
Fiorella Falconi
Arturo Moquillaza
Joel Aguirre
Freddy Paz
Developing and Validating a Set of Usability and Security Metrics for ATM Interfaces.
HCI (18)
Arturo Moquillaza
Fiorella Falconi
Joel Aguirre
Freddy Paz
Using Verbatims as a Basis for Building a Customer Journey Map: A Case Study.
HCI (44)
Joel Aguirre
Fiorella Falconi
Rodrigo Serrano
Arturo Moquillaza
Freddy Paz
Improving the Withdrawal Functionality on ATM Using a UCD Framework. A Case Study.
HCI (19)
Fryda Palomino
Freddy Paz
Arturo Moquillaza
Web Analytics for User Experience: A Systematic Literature Review.
HCI (18)
Fiorella Falconi
Claudia Zapata
Arturo Moquillaza
Freddy Paz
Security Guidelines for the Design of ATM Interfaces.
AHFE (17)
Kevin Pereda
Braulio Murillo
Freddy Paz
Visually Impaired Accessibility Heuristics Proposal for e-Commerce Mobile Applications.
HCI (20)
Elizabeth Salinas
Rony Cueva
Freddy Paz
A Systematic Review of User-Centered Design Techniques.
HCI (20)
Fiorella Falconi
Claudia Zapata
Arturo Moquillaza
Freddy Paz
A Systematic Literature Review About Quantitative Metrics to Evaluate Usability and Security of ATM Interfaces.
HCI (22)
Yoluana Gamboa
Juan Jesús Arenas
Freddy Paz
Usability Evaluation Towards a Cultural Perspective: A Systematic Literature Review.
HCI (22)
Juan Jesús Arenas
Cesar Soto
Freddy Paz
Collaboration Study Case between the Industry and the University: Use of Lightgbm Algorithm for Data Analytics in the Execution History of Scheduled Routines (Job).
J. Commun.
15 (1) (2020)
Daniela Argumanis
Arturo Moquillaza
Freddy Paz
Challenges in Integrating SCRUM and the User-Centered Design Framework: A Systematic Review.
Freddy Paz
Toni Granollers
Redesign of a Questionnaire to Assess the Usability of Websites.
Diana Chumpitaz
Kevin Pereda
Katherine Espinoza
Carlos Villarreal
William Perez
Arturo Moquillaza
Jaime Díaz
Freddy Paz
Developing QR Authentication and Fingerprint Record in an ATM Interface Using User-Centered Design Techniques.
HCI (21)
Almendra Nuñez
Arturo Moquillaza
Freddy Paz
Web Accessibility Evaluation Methods: A Systematic Review.
HCI (21)
Ediber Diaz
Juan Jesús Arenas
Arturo Moquillaza
Freddy Paz
A Systematic Literature Review About Quantitative Metrics to Evaluate the Usability of E-Commerce Web Sites.
Ediber Diaz
Silvia Flores
Freddy Paz
Proposal of Usability Metrics to Evaluate E-commerce Websites.
HCI (21)
Joel Aguirre
Arturo Moquillaza
Freddy Paz
A User-Centered Framework for the Design of Usable ATM Interfaces.
HCI (18)
Cristhian Chanco
Arturo Moquillaza
Freddy Paz
Development and Validation of Usability Heuristics for Evaluation of Interfaces in ATMs.
HCI (21)
Jorge Espinoza
Pamela Loarte
Freddy Paz
Luis Flores
Usability in the Development of a Project Management Software Reinforced with Machine Learning.
HCI (19)
Freddy Paz
Freddy Asrael Paz
Arturo Moquillaza
Fiorella Falconi
A Teaching Experience of the Human-Computer Interaction Course in a Master Program.
AHFE (12)
Xiao Wen Lin Gao
Braulio Murillo Véliz
Freddy Paz
A Systematic Literature Review of Usability Evaluation Guidelines on Mobile Educational Games for Primary School Students.
HCI (21)
Arturo Moquillaza
Fiorella Falconi
Freddy Paz
Redesigning a Main Menu ATM Interface Using a User-Centered Design Approach Aligned to Design Thinking: A Case Study.
HCI (21)
Juan Salas
Alberto Chang
Lourdes Montalvo
Almendra Núñez
Max Vilcapoma
Arturo Moquillaza
Braulio Murillo
Freddy Paz
Guidelines to Evaluate the Usability and User Experience of Learning Support Platforms: A Systematic Review.
Freddy Paz
Ediber Diaz
Freddy Asrael Paz
Arturo Moquillaza
Application of the Usability Metrics of the ISO 9126 Standard in the E-Commerce Domain: A Case Study.
Alberto Chang
Lourdes Montalvo
Freddy Paz
Usability and Playability Heuristics for Augmented Reality Video Games in Smartphones.
HCI (21)
Jaime Díaz
Ángela Patricia Villareal-Freire
Andrés Felipe Aguire Aguirre
Freddy Paz
Evaluating the Mckinsey's Choices Framework: A Chilean Experiment of Online Customers.
HCI (14)
César Olivera Cokan
Freddy Paz
A Web System and Mobile App to Improve the Performance of the Usability Testing Based on Metrics of the ISO/IEC 9126 and Emocards.
HCI (18)
Freddy Paz
Freddy Asrael Paz
Manuel Sánchez
Arturo Moquillaza
Luis Collantes
Quantifying the Usability Through a Variant of the Traditional Heuristic Evaluation Process.
HCI (18)
Jorge Espinoza
Pamela Loarte
Carlos Espinoza
Freddy Paz
Juan Jesús Arenas
A New Software Development Model: Innovation Through Mobile Application with UCD.
HCI (18)
Arturo Moquillaza
Freddy Paz
Fiorella Falconi
Raysa López
Aplicación del Método de Evaluación de Comunicabilidad para evaluar el diseño de una interfaz de usuario: Un caso de estudio en un sistema de ATM.
Rev. Colomb. de Computación
19 (2) (2018)
Juan José Ramírez
Juan Jesús Arenas
Freddy Paz
Design Process of a Mobile Cloud Public Transport Application for Bus Passengers in Lima City.
HCI (20)
Braulio Murillo
José Antonio Pow-Sang
Freddy Paz
Heuristic Evaluation and Usability Testing as Complementary Methods: A Case Study.
HCI (18)
Roy Meléndez
Freddy Paz
Design of Graphical User Interfaces to Implement New Features in an ATM System of a Financial Bank.
HCI (19)
Max Vilcapoma
Freddy Paz
Application of Agile Development Methodology and User-Centered Design for the Interdisciplinary Project Zuku.
HCI (18)
Joel Aguirre
Arturo Moquillaza
Freddy Paz
Methodologies for the Design of ATM Interfaces: A Systematic Review.
Freddy Paz
Freddy Asrael Paz
Juan Jesús Arenas
Carmen Rosas
A Perception Study of a New Set of Usability Heuristics for Transactional Web Sites.
Arturo Moquillaza
Edward Molina
Edilson Noguera
Leidi Enríquez
Adrián Muñoz
Freddy Paz
César A. Collazos
Developing an ATM Interface Using User-Centered Design Techniques.
HCI (20)
Ana Cecilia Ten
Freddy Paz
A Systematic Review of User Experience Evaluation Methods in Information Driven Websites.
HCI (18)
Corrado Daly
Claudia Zapata
Freddy Paz
Improving the Usability in a Video Game Through Continuous Usability Evaluations.
HCI (19)
Freddy Paz
Freddy Asrael Paz
Luis Collantes
Manuel Sánchez
José Antonio Pow-Sang
Application of the Semiotic Inspection Method: A Case Study in Web Domain.
HCI (18)
Arturo Moquillaza
Freddy Paz
Applying a user-centered design methodology to develop usable interfaces for an Automated Teller Machine.
Braulio Murillo
Silvia Vargas
Arturo Moquillaza
Luis Fernández
Freddy Paz
Usability Testing as a Complement of Heuristic Evaluation: A Case Study.
HCI (18)
Freddy Paz
Freddy Asrael Paz
José Antonio Pow-Sang
Application of the Communicability Evaluation Method to Evaluate the User Interface Design: A Case Study in Web Domain.
HCI (16)
Freddy Paz
Freddy Asrael Paz
José Antonio Pow-Sang
Experimental Case Study of New Usability Heuristics.
HCI (18)
Freddy Paz
Freddy Asrael Paz
Daniela Villanueva
José Antonio Pow-Sang
Heuristic Evaluation as a Complement to Usability Testing: A Case Study in Web Domain.
Freddy Paz
Claudia Zapata
José Antonio Pow-Sang
An approach for effort estimation in incremental software development using cosmic function points.
Freddy Paz
Freddy Asrael Paz
José Antonio Pow-Sang
Luis Collantes
Usability Heuristics for Transactional Web Sites.
Freddy Paz
Daniela Villanueva
Cristian Rusu
Silvana Roncagliolo
José Antonio Pow-Sang
Experimental Evaluation of Usability Heuristics.