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FDL (Selected Papers)
volume 530, 2019
Languages, Design Methods, and Tools for Electronic System Design - Selected Contributions from FDL 2017 [Verona, Italy, September 18-20, 2017]
FDL (Selected Papers)
530 (2019)
Andrey Mokhov
Alessandro de Gennaro
Ghaith Tarawneh
Jonny Wray
Georgy Lukyanov
Sergey Mileiko
Joe Scott
Alex Yakovlev
Andrew Brown
Language and Hardware Acceleration Backend for Graph Processing.
FDL (Selected Papers)
Guillaume Baudart
Timothy Bourke
Marc Pouzet
Symbolic Simulation of Dataflow Synchronous Programs with Timers.
FDL (Selected Papers)
Enrico Fraccaroli
Francesco Stefanni
Franco Fummi
Mark Zwolinski
Fault Analysis in Analog Circuits Through Language Manipulation and Abstraction.
FDL (Selected Papers)
Arthur Kalsing
Laurent Fesquet
Chouki Aktouf
A Methodology for Automated Consistency Checking Between Different Power-Aware Descriptions.
FDL (Selected Papers)
Stefano Centomo
Michele Lora
Antonio Portaluri
Francesco Stefanni
Franco Fummi
Automatic Integration of HDL IPs in Simulink Using FMI and S-Function Interfaces.
FDL (Selected Papers)
Vladimir Herdt
Hoang M. Le
Daniel Große
Rolf Drechsler
Towards Early Validation of Firmware-Based Power Management Using Virtual Prototypes: A Constrained Random Approach.
FDL (Selected Papers)
volume 265, 2014
Models, Methods, and Tools for Complex Chip Design - Selected Contributions from FDL 2012
FDL (Selected Papers)
265 (2014)
David J. Greaves
Muhammad Mehboob Yasin
TLM POWER3: Power Estimation Methodology for SystemC TLM 2.0.
FDL (Selected Papers)
Slobodanka Tomic
Jan Haase
Goran Lazendic
GREEN HOME: The Concept and Study of Grid Responsiveness.
FDL (Selected Papers)
Johann Glaser
Clifford Wolf
Methodology and Example-Driven Interconnect Synthesis for Designing Heterogeneous Coarse-Grain Reconfigurable Architectures.
FDL (Selected Papers)
Rolf Drechsler
Mathias Soeken
Robert Wille
Formal Specification Level.
FDL (Selected Papers)
Yao Li
Ramy Iskander
Farakh Javid
Marie-Minerve Louërat
A Design and Verification Methodology for Mixed-Signal Systems Using SystemC-AMS.
FDL (Selected Papers)
Manuel Harrant
Thomas Nirmaier
Christoph Grimm
Georg Pelz
Configurable Load Emulation Using FPGA and Power Amplifiers for Automotive Power ICs.
FDL (Selected Papers)
Syed Hussein Syed Alwi
Cécile Braunstein
Emmanuelle Encrenaz
Efficient Refinement Strategy Exploiting Component Properties in a CEGAR Process.
FDL (Selected Papers)
Fernando Herrera
Pablo Peñil
Hector Posadas
Eugenio Villar
Model-Driven Methodology for the Development of Multi-level Executable Environments.
FDL (Selected Papers)
Jan Henrik Weinstock
Christoph Schumacher
Rainer Leupers
Gerd Ascheid
SCandal: SystemC Analysis for Nondeterminism Anomalies.
FDL (Selected Papers)
Javier Moreno Molina
Markus Damm
Jan Haase
Edgar Holleis
Christoph Grimm
Model Based Design of Distributed Embedded Cyber Physical Systems.
FDL (Selected Papers)
Binghao Bao
Jörg Bormann
Markus Wedler
Dominik Stoffel
Wolfgang Kunz
Formal Plausibility Checks for Environment Constraints.
FDL (Selected Papers)
Saraju P. Mohanty
Elias Kougianos
Polynomial Metamodel-Based Fast Optimization of Nanoscale PLL Components.
FDL (Selected Papers)