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Eurographics (State of the Art Reports)
Henry Schäfer
Matthias Nießner
Benjamin Keinert
Marc Stamminger
Charles T. Loop
State of the Art Report on Real-time Rendering with Hardware Tessellation.
Eurographics (State of the Art Reports)
Hasan Sheikh Faridul
Tania Pouli
Christel Chamaret
Jürgen Stauder
Alain Trémeau
Erik Reinhard
A Survey of Color Mapping and its Applications.
Eurographics (State of the Art Reports)
John P. Lewis
Ken Anjyo
Taehyun Rhee
Mengjie Zhang
Frédéric H. Pighin
Zhigang Deng
Practice and Theory of Blendshape Facial Models.
Eurographics (State of the Art Reports)
Thorsten-Walther Schmidt
Fabio Pellacini
Derek Nowrouzezahrai
Wojciech Jarosz
Carsten Dachsbacher
State of the Art in Artistic Editing of Appearance, Lighting, and Material.
Eurographics (State of the Art Reports)
Jun Wu
Rüdiger Westermann
Christian Dick
Physically-based Simulation of Cuts in Deformable Bodies: A Survey.
Eurographics (State of the Art Reports)
Shachar Ilan
Ariel Shamir
Data-Driven Video Completion.
Eurographics (State of the Art Reports)
Silvia Biasotti
Andrea Cerri
Alexander M. Bronstein
Michael M. Bronstein
Quantifying 3D Shape Similarity Using Maps: Recent Trends, Applications and Perspectives.
Eurographics (State of the Art Reports)
35th Annual Conference of the European Association for Computer Graphics, Eurographics 2014 - State of the Art Reports, Strasbourg, France, April 7-11, 2014
Eurographics (State of the Art Reports)
Markus Ihmsen
Jens Orthmann
Barbara Solenthaler
Andreas Kolb
Matthias Teschner
SPH Fluids in Computer Graphics.
Eurographics (State of the Art Reports)
Matthew Berger
Andrea Tagliasacchi
Lee M. Seversky
Pierre Alliez
Joshua A. Levine
Andrei Sharf
Cláudio T. Silva
State of the Art in Surface Reconstruction from Point Clouds.
Eurographics (State of the Art Reports)
Kerstin Ruhland
Sean Andrist
Jeremy B. Badler
Christopher E. Peters
Norman I. Badler
Michael Gleicher
Bilge Mutlu
Rachel McDonnell
Look me in the Eyes: A Survey of Eye and Gaze Animation for Virtual Agents and Artificial Systems.
Eurographics (State of the Art Reports)
Niloy J. Mitra
Michael Wand
Hao Zhang
Daniel Cohen-Or
Martin Bokeloh
Structure-Aware Shape Processing.
Eurographics (State of the Art Reports)
Julian Heinrich
Daniel Weiskopf
State of the Art of Parallel Coordinates.
Eurographics (State of the Art Reports)
Carsten Dachsbacher
Jaroslav Krivánek
Milos Hasan
Adam Arbree
Bruce Walter
Jan Novák
Scalable Realistic Rendering with Many-Light Methods.
Eurographics (State of the Art Reports)
Rita Borgo
Johannes Kehrer
David H. S. Chung
Eamonn Maguire
Robert S. Laramee
Helwig Hauser
Matthew Ward
Min Chen
Glyph-based Visualization: Foundations, Design Guidelines, Techniques and Applications.
Eurographics (State of the Art Reports)
Jacek Jankowski
Martin Hachet
A Survey of Interaction Techniques for Interactive 3D Environments.
Eurographics (State of the Art Reports)
34th Annual Conference of the European Association for Computer Graphics, Eurographics 2013 - State of the Art Reports, Girona, Spain, May 6-10, 2013
Eurographics (State of the Art Reports)
Mattia Natali
Endre M. Lidal
Július Parulek
Ivan Viola
Daniel Patel
Modeling Terrains and Subsurface Geology.
Eurographics (State of the Art Reports)
Jan Bender
Matthias Müller
Miguel A. Otaduy
Matthias Teschner
Position-based Methods for the Simulation of Solid Objects in Computer Graphics.
Eurographics (State of the Art Reports)
Matthias B. Hullin
Ivo Ihrke
Wolfgang Heidrich
Tim Weyrich
Gerwin Damberg
Martin Fuchs
Computational Fabrication and Display of Material Appearance.
Eurographics (State of the Art Reports)
Marcos Balsa Rodríguez
Enrico Gobbetti
José Antonio Iglesias Guitián
Maxim Makhinya
Fabio Marton
Renato Pajarola
Susanne K. Suter
A Survey of Compressed GPU-Based Direct Volume Rendering.
Eurographics (State of the Art Reports)
33rd Annual Conference of the European Association for Computer Graphics, Eurographics 2012 - State of the Art Reports, Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy, May 13-18, 2012
Eurographics (State of the Art Reports)
Massimiliano Corsini
Chaker Larabi
Guillaume Lavoué
Oldrich Petrík
Libor Vása
Kai Wang
Perceptual Metrics for Static and Dynamic Triangle Meshes.
Eurographics (State of the Art Reports)
Daniel Jönsson
Erik Sundén
Anders Ynnerman
Timo Ropinski
Interactive Volume Rendering with Volumetric Illumination.
Eurographics (State of the Art Reports)
Verónica Orvalho
Pedro Bastos
Frederic I. Parke
Bruno Oliveira
Xenxo Alvarez
A Facial Rigging Survey.
Eurographics (State of the Art Reports)
David Bommes
Bruno Lévy
Nico Pietroni
Enrico Puppo
Cláudio T. Silva
Marco Tarini
Denis Zorin
Quad Meshing.
Eurographics (State of the Art Reports)
Andrea Brambilla
Robert Carnecky
Ronald Peikert
Ivan Viola
Helwig Hauser
Illustrative Flow Visualization: State of the Art, Trends and Challenges.
Eurographics (State of the Art Reports)
Przemyslaw Musialski
Peter Wonka
Daniel G. Aliaga
Michael Wimmer
Luc Van Gool
Werner Purgathofer
A Survey of Urban Reconstruction.
Eurographics (State of the Art Reports)
Niloy J. Mitra
Mark Pauly
Michael Wand
Duygu Ceylan
Symmetry in 3D Geometry: Extraction and Applications.
Eurographics (State of the Art Reports)
Jan Bender
Kenny Erleben
Jeff Trinkle
Erwin Coumans
Interactive Simulation of Rigid Body Dynamics in Computer Graphics.
Eurographics (State of the Art Reports)
Daniel Scherzer
Lei Yang
Oliver Mattausch
Diego Nehab
Pedro V. Sander
Michael Wimmer
Elmar Eisemann
A Survey on Temporal Coherence Methods in Real-Time Rendering.
Eurographics (State of the Art Reports)
Yvonne Jung
Arjan Kuijper
Dieter W. Fellner
Michael Kipp
Jan Miksatko
Jonathan Gratch
Daniel Thalmann
Believable Virtual Characters in Human-Computer Dialogs.
Eurographics (State of the Art Reports)
32nd Annual Conference of the European Association for Computer Graphics, Eurographics 2011 - State of the Art Reports, Llandudno, UK, April 11-15, 2011
Eurographics (State of the Art Reports)
Gordon Wetzstein
Ivo Ihrke
Douglas Lanman
Wolfgang Heidrich
Computational Plenoptic Imaging.
Eurographics (State of the Art Reports)
Dan R. Lipsa
Robert S. Laramee
Simon J. Cox
Jonathan C. Roberts
Rick Walker
Visualization for the Physical Sciences.
Eurographics (State of the Art Reports)
Vedad Hulusic
Carlo Harvey
Nicolas Tsingos
Kurt Debattista
Steve Walker
David M. Howard
Alan Chalmers
Acoustic Rendering and Auditory-Visual Cross-Modal Perception and Interaction.
Eurographics (State of the Art Reports)
Rita Borgo
Min Chen
Ben Daubney
Edward Grundy
Gunther Heidemann
Benjamin Höferlin
Markus Höferlin
Heike Jänicke
Daniel Weiskopf
Xianghua Xie
A Survey on Video-based Graphics and Video Visualization.
Eurographics (State of the Art Reports)
Thomas Geijtenbeek
Nicolas Pronost
Arjan Egges
Mark H. Overmars
Interactive Character Animation using Simulated Physics.
Eurographics (State of the Art Reports)
Ares Lagae
Sylvain Lefebvre
Robert L. Cook
Tony DeRose
George Drettakis
David S. Ebert
John P. Lewis
Ken Perlin
Matthias Zwicker
State of the Art in Procedural Noise Functions.
Eurographics (State of the Art Reports)
Kenneth Weiss
Leila De Floriani
Simplex and Diamond Hierarchies: Models and Applications.
Eurographics (State of the Art Reports)
31st Annual Conference of the European Association for Computer Graphics, Eurographics 2010 - State of the Art Reports, Norrköping, Sweden, May 3-7, 2010
Eurographics (State of the Art Reports)
Tatiana von Landesberger
Arjan Kuijper
Tobias Schreck
Jörn Kohlhammer
Jarke J. van Wijk
Jean-Daniel Fekete
Dieter W. Fellner
Visual Analysis of Large Graphs.
Eurographics (State of the Art Reports)
Armin Pobitzer
Ronald Peikert
Raphael Fuchs
Benjamin Schindler
Alexander Kuhn
Holger Theisel
Kresimir Matkovic
Helwig Hauser
On the Way Towards Topology-Based Visualization of Unsteady Flow.
Eurographics (State of the Art Reports)
Daniel Scherzer
Michael Wimmer
Werner Purgathofer
A Survey of Real-Time Hard Shadow Mapping Methods.
Eurographics (State of the Art Reports)
Oliver van Kaick
Hao Zhang
Ghassan Hamarneh
Daniel Cohen-Or
A Survey on Shape Correspondence.
Eurographics (State of the Art Reports)
Tania Pouli
Douglas W. Cunningham
Erik Reinhard
Image Statistics and their Applications in Computer Graphics.
Eurographics (State of the Art Reports)