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BioNLP (Shared Task)
Estelle Chaix
Bertrand Dubreucq
Abdelhak Fatihi
Dialekti Valsamou
Robert Bossy
Mouhamadou Ba
Louise Deléger
Pierre Zweigenbaum
Philippe Bessières
Loïc Lepiniec
Claire Nedellec
Overview of the Regulatory Network of Plant Seed Development (SeeDev) Task at the BioNLP Shared Task 2016.
BioNLP (Shared Task)
Honglei Li
Jianhai Zhang
Jian Wang
Hongfei Lin
Zhihao Yang
DUTIR in BioNLP-ST 2016: Utilizing Convolutional Network and Distributed Representation to Extract Complicate Relations.
BioNLP (Shared Task)
Chen Li
Zhiqiang Rao
Xiangrong Zhang
LitWay, Discriminative Extraction for Different Bio-Events.
BioNLP (Shared Task)
Cyril Grouin
Identification of Mentions and Relations between Bacteria and Biotope from PubMed Abstracts.
BioNLP (Shared Task)
Proceedings of the 4th BioNLP Shared Task Workshop, BioNLP 2016, Berlin, Germany, August 13, 2016
BioNLP (Shared Task)
Nagesh Panyam Chandrasekarasastry
Gitansh Khirbat
Karin Verspoor
Trevor Cohn
Kotagiri Ramamohanarao
SeeDev Binary Event Extraction using SVMs and a Rich Feature Set.
BioNLP (Shared Task)
Jin-Dong Kim
Yue Wang
Nicola Colic
Seung Han Beak
Yong Hwan Kim
Min Song
Refactoring the Genia Event Extraction Shared Task Toward a General Framework for IE-Driven KB Development.
BioNLP (Shared Task)
Jake Lever
Steven J. Jones
VERSE: Event and Relation Extraction in the BioNLP 2016 Shared Task.
BioNLP (Shared Task)
Helen Cook
Evangelos Pafilis
Lars Juhl Jensen
A dictionary- and rule-based system for identification of bacteria and habitats in text.
BioNLP (Shared Task)
Louise Deléger
Robert Bossy
Estelle Chaix
Mouhamadou Ba
Arnaud Ferré
Philippe Bessières
Claire Nedellec
Overview of the Bacteria Biotope Task at BioNLP Shared Task 2016.
BioNLP (Shared Task)
Xinyu He
Lishuang Li
Jieqiong Zheng
Meiyue Qin
Extracting Biomedical Event Using Feature Selection and Word Representation.
BioNLP (Shared Task)
Farrokh Mehryary
Jari Björne
Sampo Pyysalo
Tapio Salakoski
Filip Ginter
Deep Learning with Minimal Training Data: TurkuNLP Entry in the BioNLP Shared Task 2016.
BioNLP (Shared Task)
Mert Tiftikci
Hakan Sahin
Berfu Büyüköz
Alper Yayikçi
Arzucan Özgür
Ontology-Based Categorization of Bacteria and Habitat Entities using Information Retrieval Techniques.
BioNLP (Shared Task)
Andre Lamurias
Miguel J. Rodrigues
Luka A. Clarke
Francisco M. Couto
Extraction of Regulatory Events using Kernel-based Classifiers and Distant Supervision.
BioNLP (Shared Task)